>level crafting class
>grind until hit 50
>"finally I can make some expensive stuff"
>master recipe and shits
>more post 50 grinding bullshit

Should I bother going for lv60?

2.0 crafting was fun and useful and doable as one person

3.0 solo crafting is only viable if you no life it. only do it if you find it fun, or if you have hope for a revamp in 4.0

are potions and foods good for steady income?

Just started leveling tanks for the sweet sweet queue times and I thought I'd make the gear for myself.

How many millions do I need?

cordials are, people buy those up like crazy

Yes, because more people are raiding than ever.

How exactly do I use SMN's Egi? Am I supposed to just leave it on guard or do I need to put it on obey and micromanage it?

Server Down?

Do your tank a favor and put him on obey. That knockback is literally whm tier bullshit.

Otherwise unless you don't mind the pet dying to mechanics and resummoning it every once in a while just keep it on heel.

Just macro some of the pet skills to rouse and you're gucci.

Obey. The only thing you really need to micro is contagion.

Someone give me a code for a month or something im to horny to go buy one

You want it on Obey so you can command Garuda-Egi to use Contagion after using Tri-Disaster in Dreadwyrm Trance.

no. I don't even see the reason for crafting unless you enjoy it.

>Use contagion after tri-disaster

I dont craft and Ive made 47,000,000 gil so far.

Alright, I'll try not to be retarded. Thanks anons.

>tfw have 4 battle retainers
>can name 0 reasons to have 4 battle retainers
Uh, maybe you can help me? Im not sure if any retainer is even worth anything...

I just leveled 50-60 through GC turn ins...not sure why i leveled them in the first place.

This is literally what every single opener does.

And why wouldn't you? Extending your DoTs while they're boosted by trance's 10% potency boost is literally the best use for it.

Are you a dumb

Is XIV fun? Been wanting to play a new MMO for a while.

>tfw 160 hours in the past two weeks
>tired af right now
>can't go to sleep because I'd wake up right at the beginning of the maintenance

I hate myself for being unemployed.


You really like brain dead content, huh?

That's gonna take at least two hours to appraise. Have fun.

I love making money and leveling classes so yea.

there is a free trial, start is very slow but its a nice final fantasy

Can I have a pegasus whistle, user?

Its a good mmo. Worth doing the trial if you have nothing else to play.

T. Ex mythic raiding wow fag

Really? That sucks. I'm almost at 50 with everything as was looking forward to whatever comes next.

What's hardcore raiding in WoW like?

Herding cats

>want to complete Filibuster tank and healer set
>tank shits dropped when I went in as healer
>healer shits dropped when I went in as tank
>lost all the rolls.
Meanwhile I got all the dps shits without even aiming for it.
Fucking suffering.

Just use dungeon drops and tome stuffs.

consumables are a lot of work for not much return

furniture is a surprisingly untapped market

had two stacks of 99 but wanted to kill myself after getting rid of one

>implying it's hard to herd cats

Done it all my life. My cats used to follow me to school every day, and wait by the road until we walked back home together.

Or if you like being able to overrepair your gear at any given time, even in combat.

that shit alone is worth it

crafting is useless unless it's the first 2 weeks of a major patch

>furniture is a surprisingly untapped market
Probably because:

1. "overpriced" furniture
2. most house owners craft their own furniture
3. not enough house owners and apartments are too limited for some things in size and slots
4. retainer ventures

5. furniture are literally useless save for like 5%

Herding wild cats

How do i get past floor 100 no one actually wants to party..

>Just sold potted dragon tree, tonberry rug and tier 4 aquarium for 4.5mil today alone
>all of them are piss easy to make

Never underestimate the power of instant gratification

Solo it.

try again on the weekend, it's 9am on a work/school day right now.

I found a party yesterday on PF and we played for 8 hours straight and wiped on 190 something.

It's really not worth it unless you are doing 30-40 floors at a time with a static. At least I got my whistle.

Such is life on Mateus.

Are they patching right now???

Guys, is doing beast tribe quests worth it if you're not a crafter? I started doing HW ones and they're so boring I want to avoid them if possible.

>tfw don't even know what tribes are and why i should do them


Server's still up, it goes into maintenance tonight.


hah, I can't get in. weird.

wanna fish some fish

free materia iv

>Decide to level both CUL and BSM
>So far it's been nothing but a money pit
How the fuck do I make dosh

I gave up on crafting when it became obvious that crafted equipment will never be viable for anything but glamours.

Popular leve quest items.

>Mhach City
>Get to Forgall
>Tanks don't pick up adds
>Nobody stands in circles
>Okay whatever
>Go for a second try
>Exact same thing happens again
>5 people in A leave
>Someone vote abandons
>Goes through

There wasn't even a bonus, what the fuck?

In all my 3 years of playing I have never seen people vote abandon 24 man raids.

Is it NA/EU thing?

I was in a group that wiped four times to the first boss of Copperbell HM before voting to disband.

finish the rest of them


It was the first time I've ever seen it happen, but it was actually warranted considering how fucking retarded literally every person there was.

>In Mhach
>Get to the Atomos Phase skip
>He's invincible
>Look over at the other team
>They're all dead

Didn't know it was possible.

I usually only experience it if I try to 24man on the weekends and I'm literally the only person doing more than 2k DPS.

I've 5 Foobars during that Shadowcourt Handmaiden miniboss in Dun Scaith before

I've seen it happen a couple of times it happens, though I'm more curious about what would happen if everyone did respectable dps rather than shit like 600, does the boss just evaporate?

>does the boss just evaporate?

Tank wasn't moving the boss out of the fire and the bombs kept going off. I couldn't heal fast enough to save us.

>want the Onion Knight set
>only seen one single piece drop in 10 runs of LotA

at least I got it I guess

Yeah, I've had a few runs where the things get obliterated since people actually hit the monster

I swear Mhach somehow manages to take longer and be more painful than Dun Scaith

>Farming the LotA tank gear
>Chest piece drops once
>Roll a 1 need
>Lose to a 19 need
>Give up
>Go in again to farm NIN stuff later
>Tank chest drops
>Roll a 99 greed
>Lose to a 12 need

tfw best girl is coming to the FF TCG next month

>rolling anything lower than 99 on alliance loot
i swear there's always one faggot that gets a 99 need on those fucking cards

Mhach is the hardest out of the three. Dun Scaith doesn't have much going on for retards to die on apart from Diabolos Hollow.

Do you guys think we get anyone even half as charismatic as Haurchefant in Stormblood?

>that nose hugging
hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng that shit gets me everytime
The scene is overall ute as fuck as is, but the nose shit completes it

Guess tank didn't take the bird add. Does some heavy damage. Tanks love tp ignore it to burn down Atomos.

T-That wasn't the picture I wanted to post, what the fuck.

Of course, Raubahn is confirmed to be there.

It's literally the only hentai I know of where the source material is inferior. Seriously, all they do in the VN is pissing on each other, like, all the fucking time.

so i have a bit of a dilemma
i have a few friends who play MNK and all are getting stupid high DPS
problem is said stupid high DPS is apparently something like 2.8k or whatever while being around my ilvl, which i'm nowhere near. how the hell do they even get that much?
i'm pressing buttons to the best of my ability but according to SSS the best i can muster out is 2.3k
if it means anything, my gear is zurvan fists, augmented shire gloves/boots/pants, shire ring and prototype everything else no melds

It's okay user, you can be honest with us.

If you're a min-maxing fag you can bother to manage your pet

I don't and I do a shitton of damage, its really only useful in that one small instance where you could use a contagion

meld shit you faggot

once i get more matter, spent it making sure my healer can even hit anything

>become ALC 60
>now I can craft neat things and potions and shit
>nope, level all crafts to 60
>begrudgingly do so
>now I can craft neat things
>get some fucking gear and master tomes
>fuck ok
>now I can craft neat things
>don't actually know any rotations or how to craft any of the difficult stuff because I levelled all crafts with moogles
And here I stand, with all my lore,
Poor fool, no wiser than before.

They probably have better gear + melds and optimized the fights for max uptime.

whoever the fuck designed the crafting system needs to be shot

who the fuck thought needing all classes at 60 was a good idea

post macros


You forgot Scat's floor shadow that that slows and can end up fucking them up because of other AoEs they can't avoid thanks to it. The Atomos AoEs on the second fight can also be misleading about how they work at first but every other thing is easy to understand after you saw it once.

The SAM Roe.

>playing MMO's
>expecting anything but a grind for everything

>using macros

wowfugee plz

>The Atomos AoEs on the second fight can also be misleading about how they work
>ball goes into Atomos of one color
>goes out of the other Atomos with the same color
The only thing "misleading" in that fight is people thinking that the elemental debuff is a buff.

>doomgaze dies with only like 2 squares lit up
>both void crystal pairs killed before they activate
>ferdiad dead around his 2nd debilitator cast
>scathach dead during 2nd connla spawn, people dont even bother killing the add
>diabolos melts in seconds the moment he double edge debuffs himself

are you fucking telling me that you mass-craft clicking your skill one step at a time?

because if you do, you are retarded

>Scat's floor shadow
>specifically warn everyone to not move for that
>see people still move
>some didn't move at all until the floor turned red
>know exactly who moved because the hands of shame mark them
I've started threatening people with assigning them homework of writing me a half-page essay as to Why They Moved When the Floor Turned Red, and sometimes emote over their corpses when I see them dying to the DoT or a follow-up aoe. It only helps a little.

I can't help but giggle a little when I see people run away from the hands, though.