Just picked it up, wasn't heavily into Souls but finished 1, 3, and BB,
Big fan of Koei / Team Ninja's games including Ninja Gaiden.
Played the Alpha and had fun, but didn't play the betas, is it as amazing as I'm hearing?
Just picked it up, wasn't heavily into Souls but finished 1, 3, and BB
It's a solid 7/10. 8 if you're really into the genre.
Yes. It's better than every Souls in combat mechanics and it has an in depth Diablo loot system. The story is also pretty good if you bother reading everything, it also requires some foreknowledge of the period in Japan.
The only downside is the scenery/environments, which get very samey and are well below any Souls title.
It's not quite as good as Souls games, but it's different enough to be fun
Gameplay is way better than Souls.
Bestiary and environments are too repetitive.
Loot system is shit.
Combat is god tier but level design sucks and the enemy and weapon variety is abysmally small.
Hopefully the DLC will pull an Old Hunters and redress some of that a bit.
if you just bought it why would you come here to ask about it instead of playing it?
To know if it's good.
Because install times.
maybe you should blow your brains out instead
that'd be amazing
Oh like minded individual
160 hours in with a platinum and I STILL find myself playing it on and off.
No souls game ever did that for me, bloodborne came close but I got sick of the "Aesthetic" everyone raves so much about. Plus I apparently fucked up both times with builds.
But I built perfectly in Nioh somehow. I dunno. Just play it and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
I am loving this game right now. The variety in combat is great and bosses are fun too. It really depends on you as a player to see if your gonna like it.
>The story is also pretty good if you bother reading everything
Everytime someone revealed himself to be some famous person and everyone went NANI and MASAKA ingame I just sat there and went "...okay?".
It was the most with Tenkai. So I guess ye, you should know some stuff to fully appreciate all the little nods and stuff.
Especially named Dev Revenants.
It's repetitive and very, very long - with no real story to speak of, and not in the Souls sense where it's something you can find after digging and paying close attention. The gameplay is solid, but the level design is poor and the encounter variety is poorer. Overall it's a mediocre game.
legitimately enjoyed nioh more than ds 3. The only thing i think nioh could improve on is the enemy variety. The level design isnt too bad actually but i wish they didnt reuse assets for side missions. It seems in the coming months they will add pvp and a new hard mode for free which hopefully increases the longevity of the game. Also im excited for the 1st dlc .
I'm like 5 missions from the end and already getting bored, can't see myself going straight to NG+. The god-awful loot system and lack of enemy variety really undermine the game.
Incidentally I don't think level design is bad, it's a bit visually bland, but from about the half-way point it really picks up. Sekighara was amazing, the burning castle too, Edo was fun to play, etc.
Bosses are too easy, but that applies to the game in general - I only have 40 deaths so far, one shotted every boss except Uni-Bozu, the paralysis chick and Nue.
I've beaten BB three times in a row and still feel like replaying it, for comparison.
We're exact opposites boss.
One shotted every boss? You mean beat em first time or just hit them once? I'm guessing you're using an axe or something because doing that on any other build is complete cheese. My ffirst tour before NG+ was with Dual Katanas and I only just recently switched to spear after getting my platinum.
And I honestly feel I could run the entire game again with the spear. Maybe switch to single katana sometimes and try it out, even though two swords are always better than one. I don't know how you've gotten bored with this game so far when I just can't bring myself to pick up bloodborne again even though I just got ludwigs baller ass blade.
>one shotted
and just like that your opinion became irrelevant
Killed them first try.
I'm using 1kat and I'm too lazy to prepare Nijutsu/Omnyo, so I just sometimes use a fire talisman and that's about it.
Dunno, I just feel like the game is way too easy, definitely felt like BB was more challenging.
I don't think Nioh is a bad game, I've enjoyed my time with it and will finish it (only a few missions to go anyway), but it just doesn't have the same allure as the Souls games. I like the story though, it started weird but the Nip history lesson it turned to is actually pretty interesting. Kelley is a 0/10 villain though, way too cackling evil.
Why is that?
>wanting Sup Forumss opinion
>wanting the opinion of nintoddlers and PCkeks who will shitpost anything they can't have into oblivion.
funny. I got bored 5 missions after the beginning. not joking.
because, "one shot" implies a one hit kill. it always has and always will. don't know why people recently have been picking up the habit of saying it to mean "first try"
and if you weren't expecting an ARPG, then why did you buy an ARPG? the game isn't meant to be some kind of merit badge for you, it's a game. and it's easier than souls games because it plays so much better than one. you won't die to sluggish, limited controls and inputs like a souls game.
>Kelley is a 0/10 villain though, way too cackling evil.
Bullshit, the fact that Kelley acts more anime than the entire rest of the cast together is what makes him so good.
His facial animations are just amazingly fun to look at.
i just finished it last night an i really enjoyed it, im a fan of the souls/borne games an i thought nioh was also shithot... now.. what to play next!?