ITT: We talk about the best Final Fantasy and why it's XII. I'll start:

ITT: We talk about the best Final Fantasy and why it's XII. I'll start:

>First coherent and not-shit story.
>Streamlined gameplay eliminates mindless X-mashing.
>Streamlined gameplay also eliminates random encounters.
>Beautiful open environments to explore.
>Fucking perfect voice work across the board.
>Characters act like real fucking people and not anime caricatures.
>The writing.
>My god, the writing.

Why is this game so fucking comfy?

XV isn't nearly as good but comes pretty close in comfy status

Good music and character animations contribute to a very smooth combat and looting system.This despite the crafting and absurd rarity of some items being ridiculous in some cases.

Did I mention Fran?

It plays itself. It's shit.

Bot scripting simulator. Make a good script and press forward while the game plays itself. Alternatively make a script, set controller down, go do other stuff or play other games while your characters auto-grind until everyone is 99.

>Implying you can't turn off gambits.

You set the gambits.

You're right. I'd much rather buy a turbo controller, tape the X-button down and rubber band the analog stick to grind to level 99. A much preferable method.

Please won'e anybody think of the (Fran)s?

I mean, that's basically the same thing as playing FF12.

Then it would be tedious, the game was designed around playing itself, and therefore even as it plays itself, a boss will take a while to beat, if you had to actually input a command every time, it would take forever.

And every other FF game before it. Only now the devs were smart enough to include an actual in-game method that eases the strain of an already bloated and clunky combat system.

If you have an issue with 12's system, then you have an issue with turn-based combat in general.

Imagine a game programmer at EVO, telling everyone to play against his AI he made while he does nothing. You think anyone would be ok with that.

>to grind to level 99

Why would you ever need to do that.

Was there anything in the original post that implied turn based combat was good?
Enjoy your extended mideval star wars movie.

Surprising lack of Fran in this thread.

The only final fantasy games I really like are this, X-2, and Lightning Returns. I especially liked Lightning Returns. The other ones feel way to restrictive. Well, I suppose the SNES ones are alright too. Especially V.

No but there was the implication that FFXII is the best in the series for making turn-based bearable.

>First coherent and not-shit story.

so you have not played any other ff game except 12

good to know


No, that's you inventing words where they don't exist. All that is implied is that it's a bot scripting simulator that plays itself. Which is true. Nothing more and nothing less.

Name one FF game where this isn't the plot.

>Bad guys vs. good guys.
>Oh no, good guys actually kinda bad.
>And bad guys were good?
>Good guys vs. bad guys.

Do you think my small hume penis could satisfy that caramel booty?

This game is already GOAT imagine how much better it would be if they had kept the original director.

>Fucking perfect voice work across the board.
Except for the godawful audio compression that makes everyone sound like they have a cold. But yeah other than that minor flaw it's perfect.
>The writing.
It's literally star wars.
>Streamlined gameplay
Apparently not streamlined enough, because they had to streamline it even more by including a dedicated double speed button just to cut out all the mindless walking that replaced the mindless x mashing in in the international version.

XII is awful. Really bad combat and story. World is nice but wasted on the terrible gameplay.

Anyone excited for Zodiac Age?

Why would I be, when it doesn't even get rid of Vaan's spraypainted abs and IZJS works on PCSX2 just fine?

I stopped playing FF12 in the middle when Zodiac Age was announced so yes. I've been more excited for that than I was for XV

Yes. Sup Forums seem to love and hate this game a lot though.

The sign of a really interesting games.

At this point, I look forward to ZA more than FF7 remake.

I've had zero interest in the 7 remake ever since it was revealed it'd be an action RPG

>action RPG
it still looks turn based to me

I would say it's more than minor. They really should have chosen another area to cut corners (and memory).

>The writing.
I meant more specifically the dialogue. They absolutely nailed character speech and delivery.


>>The writing.
>>My god, the writing.
>>T. Never read a book in my life and only ever watched shounen Anime.

I'm excited for the PC port. Ever since the superior PC port of X was released and following the announcement that XV would be getting a PC release, I feel it's a safe bet to wait for that version.

With native resolution buffed up to x10000? So beautiful.

For me, it was the episodic nature that killed it. I wouldn't mind an FF7 remake the mimicked Crisis Core's combat, which is what it looks like it's turning out to be. My issue is this insistence on making the graphics super high-end.

I greatly enjoyed the FF4 remake. It wasn't some huge budget release but was still a significant improvement. Something proportional to that would be enough for me.

He definitely wasn't a heretic.

>I'm gonna let humans decide their own fate by helping this guy kill a bunch of people. Hue.

>>First coherent and not-shit story.
It's Star Wars from the perspective of Luke and only Luke. All manner of shit happens offscreen and told to you by NPCs
>>Streamlined gameplay eliminates mindless X-mashing.
Now it just plays itself which is even more mindless. Turning Gambits off makes the game just tedious.
>>Streamlined gameplay also eliminates random encounters.
Which removes all tension and magic/item management when you can just run away all the time.
>>Beautiful open environments to explore.
Horribly over sized, maze like and same looking environments that dont reward you for exploring besides Knot of Rust
>>Fucking perfect voice work across the board.
Audio compression & shallow frilly delivery to cover basic script
>>Characters act like real fucking people and not anime caricatures.
They're all anime characters with a fake Shakespearean flare to cover up the basic writing.
>>The writing.
See above.
>>My god, the writing.
Again see above.
Forgotten after her arc was complete.

Seriously - there is a reason why this game is seldom talked about. It's just not as good as people think it is. It's generic stock anime cake covered with false Shakespearean frosting to appear better than it actually is.

Yet everything you just said applies to most FF games since FF7.

This has some really great art, seriously beautiful game

how is this a relevant analogy at all, xii is a single player game where you fight the ai anyways

Every single thing you said is a lie, OP.

Is your name Ondore?

So you're saying that FF12 is better than every FF game before it since it presses the X button for you while doing nothing to improve upon any other Final Fantasy game in any meaningful way.

It's the Twilight Princess of the Final Fantasy series. They tried something new and different. Tried to mature it and change up the formula. All the japanese and western man children where pissed off they changed their game. As a result you got FFXIII with lightning and waifus.

This is why japan has not made a good game in years from a major publisher. Even in anime it's all waifus, magical girls or panchinko machines.

name one FF game where that WAS the plot

FF13 didn't require any skill or brain power to play and it was a slow turned based game with some of the flashiest basic attacks to espers ever.

that's a frantasstic pic you got there. any more?

Pseudo-olde English =/= Shakespeare, bruh.

>twilight princess
>new and different
>change up the formula

Not Fran, but still sexy caramel booty.

Twilight Princess actually mimicked the traditional formula more than any other recent entry. What you smoking, man?

Are you high? SS and TP both are barely Zelda games.

The new focus on story and characters was new and different for the series.

Twilight Princess is even more of a rip-off of LttP than OoT was.

Full frontal bunny.

Yeah LttP has tons of cinematic bullshit, a drawn out prologue, furfaggotry, an annoying companion, and was blatantly unfinished.

Totally identical. Especially the part of the game being challenging and open to explore basically from the start.

Way too much like an offline MMO. This was the first final fantasy I just stopped playing in the middle of and never picked up again, can't even remember why.
13 I stopped playing as soon as I saw Shiva turn I to a fucking motorcycle.
15 I played all the way through and absolute regret it, 15 is nearly a pretty Facebook game it's so bad.

I've been playing FF since the nes, it died after X.

Does it matter what job you select for each character for the Zodiac version? Any specifically OP jobs?

It's definitely my favorite Star Wars RPG.

>Streamlined gameplay eliminates mindless X-mashing.

It also eliminates pressing any buttons of any kind.

>Characters act like real fucking people and not anime caricatures.

Yeah about that...

It does indeed, especially since you can't change jobs after choosing. No classes are especially OP, and as long as you don't double on jobs, any combination should be sufficient for beating the game. Some of the optional post game stuff and trial mode may be a hassle, and there's definitely more efficient builds than others. Still, it's pretty lenient and every class has its strengths.

Vaan actually acts like you'd expect a 17 year old that grew up with no parents to act - bratty and immature. And he actually experiences character growth and grows up by the end.

He's a much more believable teenager than any of the other sagely high schoolers Square spews out.

I also love that everyone compares this to Star Wars. Every story is like Star Wars because Star Wars is a generic story. Everyone thinks they're some genius for drawing parallels that are shared in any high fantasy plot that involves royalty. Real fucking smart, bro.

Has there been a better FF antagonist?

fran was a shitty character though


>Enjoy your extended mideval star wars movie.
Don't mind if I do

Vayne, Cid and Venat are all better.

>Vaan buys all the shit for the entire party when rest of them chills in city somewhere
>doesn't allow Ashe to go nuclear and grows up a lot during the course of the story
Started to respect this guy a little.

>The Hulk, a comic book villain, and an Elder God
>better than a real human bean

In what way was it an offline mmorpg?

I want to play Zodiac Age edition when it comes out but I'm scared of the gambit system since i'm basically fucking low I.Q. retarded. Can I play the game with just basic stuff like "cure me when i'm low health" or do you have to get deep into it to not get destroyed.

You can, but you need to be willing to do a fuckload of grindan

>everything takes ten fucking hours because the gameplay is modeled on a failed MMO walking simulator

I really, really wanted to like FF12 but it was too drawn out. Hit meat wall, grind/reconfigure gambits to pass, walk fifteen minutes to the next meat wall, rinse/repeat. I lost the fucking story because I had to stop and play number increasing simulator for hours in between.

the best final fantasys are the spin offs
tactics advance
even crisis core

>even crisis core
almost had me agreeing with you there

Your party not being teleported into some strange other-realm to fight enemies = MMORPG apparently.

Ahriman fight was my favorite in game. Fucking dying to his break attack over and over until i barely scrapped by was amazing.

>even crisis core

Why did you have to ruin an otherwise solid list with that overhyped piece of shit?

It's not that complicated. Gambits are just a series of "If..., then..." statements for certain actions. At the start you can get by with just attacking and curing gambits, but as you learn the system you can start incorporating weakness targeting and ailment healing and other more efficient strats.

Play smarter, not harder. You can beat the game at level 1 if you bother to actually think. You're the kinda guy that just had "Any > Attack" gambits the whole game.

>your problems would be solved if you were perfect at the game!

Even the speedrun is 12 damn hours

It's about six? Now I know you're just bullshitting.

Troubleshooting your own gambit errors is extremely easy. Every time you think "the npc should be doing something different", change it to that.

The gameplay was fun and the hunts were awesome, but the story and some of the characters were the weakest part. Larsa and Ashe weren't as endearing as I think the writers thought they would be, and Vaan and Penelo were outright turrrrible.

On the plus side, Fran and the Viera's were cool, Balthier was entertaining, and we got the hottest husbando yet >

That afrikaaner accent, the face, the tortured soul

I"ve played a lot of FF games and I'm finally going back and doing 9 for the first time


is 12 better?

Also why isn't 12 on steam but 13 and its versions are?

I don't think I've ever seen a single thread on Sup Forums about 12. Is this something people talk about commonly or is this game dead as shit?

No, that user is correct. They style it (and war of the lions) try to emulate is Elizabethan English, aka Shakespeare.

Mind you, Elizabethan English is still modern English, which is why we understand it.

Old English looks like this - ne ġelǣd þū ūs on costnunge, ac ālȳs ūs of yfele

>the only FF figurine I have is Gabranth

XII was bretty gud.


She's so underrated, and let's all continue to ignore that this game has five Vaders.

It's the Game of Thrones of Final Fantasy. Probably some of the best dialogue in the series, if you're into fantasy politics, power struggles and court intrigue. Be reminded that Ashe is no virgin, this fact alone filters out half the autist from the fanbase.

She was one of the worst characters in XII and even in FF in general. At least Vaan has some semblance of utility while Fran is just there because of her butt. I agree with the rest though.

Is this the one from Play Arts -Kai-? They make good figures.

Add X-2 and LR and you're golden.

Yep that's Play Arts Kai.

implying it wouldnt be just as interesting to watch programmers out-program each other's games?

>mfw no Fran in my party to berserk with the Dawn Shard into fucking my brains out.

She can master any weapon quicker than the other characters. Her viera accent is extremely cute. Superior rabbit genes enable her to fight in heels utterly impractical for any human. Fran is perf.
