Is Zelda doomed?

Is Zelda doomed?

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>muh graphics
opinion discarded.



He says the gameplay sucks too.


Is this the same biased asshole who he and his fellow cucks gave FFXV the GOTY of 2016 award to?

>"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda. You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle. Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to chop off their head and punt it into a river, like a goalkeeper trying to make a clearance."


Stop making this thread please Giuseppe, nobody cares.


Is zelda doomed because of some reviewer decided to completely neglect talking about anything other than graphics and works for a site that is named after Sony's console controllers?


Also turns off that Dual Shockers don't even have the game or console. All of their preview footage is from other websites.

Has anyone tried setting the resolution to 720p for TV mode to see if it changes the performance?

Is that a printscreen of the image posted on other thread? Couldn't you just save the image?

oh shit now that the highly respected authority on video games, giuseppe nelva, has weighed in I guess that's the final word. I mean I certainly consult giuseppe's opinion before any video games purchase I make and I'm pretty sure that all my fellow video game consumers do the same

Then why is he praising Horizon? We saw the whole game streamed. It's literally a TPS poor man's Far Cry with arrow sponges.

I guess

Ok I can ignore the zootopia at first because I know it's because furries. I don't agree but I can understand why someone would put that at 1st. But Bolt at 9th? Bolt?

The guy is literally a mod for dualshockers.

Seems just as biased as those dumb pro-Zelda reviews that glorifies raiding a basic camp as "making your own story in Zelda"


Here is another review of him

>literally his only argument is muh graphics
>using Horizon as an example

Just retarded sonyggers working overtime in damage control now that the release is getting closer

Dumb mobileposter.

>after playing Horizon Zero....
opinion discarded, next please.

What kinda shit for brains puts treasure planet and atlantis so low? Always a shame they never got more love, really great movies.


>guy who praised The Order 1886
How do you think I know his opinion is worthless?

Who can actually take this guy seriously?



mobile kys

I hate the style they went for with the new Zelda but damn is this guy an idiot. There's no realism in the new Zelda game so comparing their graphics to one another makes you look like an enormous fool. Zelda is supposed to look like that, a chosen art style/direction doesn't equal bad graphics. I bet he fucking loves games like Super Meat Boy but would never complain about how it's 2D and antiquated among the 3D era which started about 15 years ago


lol about as credible as a snake oil salesman

Not just a mod, he's the owner

>This very same reviewer loves the order

>arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle
looking at the horizon footage this was something that really bothered me. they just b line it out from the bow and leave the most disgusting inorganic "streak" with the little plus shape right in your face to show how little effort they put into making the bows look and feel like a bow


>That guy
>stated ff15 runs at perfectly at 60fps in light mode month before they patched it in.
yep reliable

>Brother Bear was bad

As far as I know, two official reviews have been released for BotW

Edge magazine gave it a perfect score, one of only 19 given in the magazine's 20+ year history

The other was the most prominent German gaming magazine, which gave it the second highest score it has ever given, a 94, one point off the top score it has ever given (95 for GTAIV)

It is going to be getting perfect scores/as close to perfect as a publication will give across the board except for a few contrarian faggots

>other people desperate for Zelda to be a bad game

Why? Does it really affect anything? Moving Zelda back on a track to quality enhances everyones gaming experience.

It's almost as if he's biased and hasn't played the game at all.


Then why do you like BOTW? You haven't played it either

>greentext anonymous shit

fuck off

People with meager video gaming experience being paid by publishers. Pic related.

>After playing Horiz
Opinion discarded

Why is Nintendo focusing so hard on the mobile aspect of the device?

>the 3D era which started about 15 years ago
You're a good 5 years off, champ.


*deep breath*

And he loved The Order

>D U A L S H O C K E R S
is that some kind of masturbation trick?

Watching that shitpile get fucking crushed will be historically glorious.

Whether I like BOTW or not isn't the issue, it's that I'm not pretending I've played it extensively to have an informed opinion. I am, for the record, cautiously optimistic, but this same person has also said things like and so I am thinking he's probably just talking out of his ass.

>since you dont dislike it you must like it

I don't care about shitty graphics as long as its not a shitty art style. Like Fallout 4, thats bad. Probably the ugliest game to come out of this gen imo.

Very different games that get compared to each other for some reason?

>little mermaid that high

I understand the significance of the movie to Disney's direction but there's no way that movie is 4th best

>forgettable prince
>main character has no voice for the majority of the MUSICAL
>only characters left are a fat drag queen and Jamaican lobster

Is this guy seriously saying Zootopia is better then *Beauty and the Beast?*

Go back to Watch Dogs

>literally who developers who have never made a good game vs. proven industry giants
>appeal solely to SJWs vs. appeal to literally everyone
>middling reviews vs. firm GOTY declarations
>unmemorable, annoying and haphazardly designed cast vs. characters everyone will know by heart and make tumblr fics of for years to come
>ugly, visually cluttered environments and UI vs. immaculate visual design and aesthetics
>edgy tryhard lore vs. a fully realized world
>can't get a single thread on Sup Forums that isn't shitposted to death vs. has generals out the ass filled with lively discussion
>is being released mere days before the game that people are REALLY waiting for and will completely and utterly eclipse in critical and commercial reception

Any more I'm forgetting?

Is this an official review website? Because damn if there's people like this the metascore of Zelda is gonna be lower than we expected just because of sonyers butthurt.

I'm always confused when people say they were hyped for NMS. I only remember confusion before it came out. And anyone could have seen Sean was lying through everything like a child, it was painfully obvious. So how so many people fell for it, I will never know.

My point was that Battleborn was compared to Overwatch despite them being fairly different games, with "Cartoony FPS" being their main point of connection.


Every game in your picture is bad.

It would be harder to list things that are different about them, Randy

Not gonna lie, someone shitting on zelda while shilling horizon seems suspicious as fuck.

Might be a paid marketer.

See Yes, he is an "official" reviewer, yes he loved No Man Sky and liked Watch Dogs 1 (even over 2)

OK anybody who actually liked No Man Sky after actually playing it is suspect.

Literally who is this?

Because they painted it up to be a game that can do almost everything. I see the same shit happening with Zelda. You can do all this stuff in the open world, but what's the point? To dick around for a half hour every few days?

Imagine a fucking live action Atlantis or Treasure Planet? Or a game set in those universes?

See He's a DualShockers reviewer

Yeah but at least you know aside from that, there's an actual game. You can have reasonable expectations because the past games unlike NMS. But yeah I'm with you on that.

Shame Disney Infinity was shot down before it could fly. An Atlantis world on that would be awesome. Is there anything based on Atlantis or Treasure Planet in Kingdom Hearts?

Some random guy who's going to get his website a loooot of clicks by giving BoTW a bad review.

Well, the game will presumably give you a long term goal.

Like, your goal is to beat Ganon, the best way to do that is to beat the (likely) four major dungeons. But getting there isn't easy, so you visit shrines to get more abilities and upgrades so you can reach the dungeons. As you search for the shrines you'll run into monsters, some of which will give minor rewards like new weapons

Might have something to do with randy running his mouth at blizzard and taunting them. He became meek after his game shit the bed, but before that he was pretty gung-ho about killing blizzards inferior game.

Never even heard of dual shockers, Horizon is s neat game for sure, I'll probably try it in the future when it goes on sale but with both Zelda and Nier within 4 days of each other I've got to manage my play time better

People just love to criticize popular things these days

>needing reviews to tell you an awful casualised piece of trash is in fact trash

Huh I didn't know the creator of Battleborn tried to place it against Overwatch, that does kind of explain why people compared the two.

>50 mio install base and probably not even 10% will buy it vs. highly attended system seller

>Horizon is s neat game for sure
Horizonbro streamed the whole game for us, it doesn't look good.

Well then you run into the Wind Waker triforce hunt problem where people get bored of going around the map just so they can advance the story.

Someone said something about this in the other thread, but it was deleted before I could get a response; what's the beef between Dualshockers and NeoFAG?

[squidward]but its fun [/squidward]


I've only seen a trailer, seems neat to me.

What don't you like about it?

While I cant say the same for Zootopia, I am more than pleased with Aladdin's spot


The gameplay

Oh my sweet summer child...

if he likes all of those games and hates zelda then i reckon i will fucking love zelda

>Is a video game franchise with quite possibly one of the strongest recognition doomed?
Zelda is damn near, if not in the too big to fall category.

>Fantasia that low

There was a thread no longer than two nights ago where someone did the opposite, calling zero dawn simple in comparison to zelda and you guys treated it as absolute truth.

I don't mind what seems to be offered, is there a demo available though? That's what would probably give me a final say.

How the fuck is people like that allowed to make official reviews and how the fuck is a website called like the rival company brand allowed to affect Nintendo's games scores? It just doesn't make any goddamn sense whatsoever...

What? I don't like to have games spoiled for me before going in, makes the experience more fun most of the time, I'll watch a trailer or two and if it seems interesting I'll go for it. What's the problem here officer?

Really makes you think

Imagine if Nintendo Power reviewed Sonic poorly

I suppose this is standard in the Sony Era

>zootopia as 1
>herc that low

I didn't do that. I think both games are simple kiddy games. One of them is for adult children while the other seeks actual children. I'll leave it up to you to decide which category you prefer to fall under.

Thing is, though, that Sony has real obvious influencers everywhere who are reading off a script while bored out of their minds, while nintoddlers at least seem like actual humans expressing their thoughts. They are a little more excited.