>game crashes
That's Bethesda for you.
>alt tab
>window reformat, game is now stuck in 640x480 even if you set it to fullscreen or change the resolution manually
Fuck you too Crusader Kings.
what anime is this
>playing c&c generals
>launch particle cannon
>game crashes the second it hits
Hero Academia. Aka Cute Witch Girls the anime
>quit game by selecting the in game option to quit
>game.exe has stopped working
stop spoonfeeding
thank you
>:' ) mad?
The Daily Lives of High School Witches (mahou Koukousei no Nichijou )
>alt tab
>game changes to windowed mode
I have yet to understand why anyone would do this
Boku no Pico Macademia
>save game
>game crashes
>your last save was hours ago
fuck you Sims 3
Fucking Morrowind
is this good? got a cute artstyle.
Half Life 2, its episodes and TF2.
>Save Game
>Quit Game
>Do you want to save?
now this is anime I can get behind
No, it's terrible. They used all their budget on the animation and never hired a competent director.
little witch academia
>Spend 7 hours refreshing Sup Forums before remembering I was playing a game
> ~ open console
>no crashing
>being a pc-cuck
>game crashes if you click while its loading
ice dale?
>It's an akko is a special needs child episode.
Let this stupid bitch do basic magic already ffs.
Don't call Akko a bitch you fag
>Dirty gook
>Pleb non witch bloodline
>Can't into basic magic
A friend of mine won a LAN game of Red Alert 2 by spamming conscripts until the game crashed for everyone else. Me included. Fuck you and your 512MB RAM.
It's funny though because he was wrong anyway
>set game to highest resolution
>edges go past the end of screen
Amanda is best gril
Why does this happen? Why can't a game tolerate losing focus?
yeah its an anime
Oh FUCK son new LWA episode today
Fuck off were taking about anime here
Jesus Christ it's the same one as OP try to keep up. This isn't even some weird obscure anime either. I barely even watch anime anymore and know it
gotta love the source engine
>alt tab
>game doesn't crash but something fucks up
>maybe it's the audio or a slight stutter, hard to tell
>have to manually close it yourself and restart
Where can I watch this autism simulator online?
Im looking at you E.Y.E
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>games volume increases
When did Suzy get her own anime?
I know.. e-celeb shit.
>doing my bait
You cheeky cunt m8
Upvoted for Little Witches, I didn't even read your post
>nothing happens
I've seen this girl before, but I can't place my finger on it...
Ghost Recon beta.
why did this make me laugh
>no borderless fullscreen
>or borderless fullscreen doesn't work
>notification overlay pops up over your game
>save game
>quit to desktop
>game makes an exitsave
is there anything about fo4 that isnt pic related
>just get a black screen with the taskbar
>install game
>doesnt launch
>try everything
>nothing helps
>finally deinstall my antivirus
>game suddenly works
fucking hell
>Save prompt says that you'll lose data if you quit before saving
>"Would you like to save?"
Fucking MH
>Play game
>Skype call
>Game auto minimizes
more like... the little bitch! HA gottem!
Sleeping Dogs does this too and it's fucking irritating
>Install Mods
>Mods Work Great
>Close game
>Come Back in an Hour
>Restart Game
>Game Crashes
>graphics options
>none of them are your native reslution
>change a setting in the game
>it crashes
>reopen it
>the setting is still changed to what you changed it to
>it crashes whenever you try to open it
>close game through normal procedure
>it crashes
>friend starts sucking my dick
What the fr*ck?!?
the adventures of Diana Cavendish
>press the volume buttons
>doesn't do anything
>have to alt+tab to change the master volume
>alt+tab barely works
>click "exit game"
>nothing happend
>Open game
>Blaring music at the title screen which basically destroys my ears
>This happens
>Get a message on steam "Wow you really like that game, huh?"
>exit to desktop
>game freezes
>forced to alt-f4 everytime to quit
Thanks Civ6
Smallish magetress school.
Rirurutaru wichuchansama akudesumemeia-senpaisamachan
Die you degenerate Barneyfag