Dark Souls 2 got BTFO
Dark Souls 2 got BTFO
What is it with Japs and their love of retarded big weapons?
buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore thanks to faggots like you: btfo
Dark Souls 3 has the massive greatsword as well though.
Everyone does.
Whites don't.
Or you know, actually post the same weapon for each game instead of posting a completely different weapon in DaS3 just because you hate the best game in the series.
If I had a collage of all the WW2 soldiers posing with dick cannons I'd post it right now.
you dont know even 50 whites or what they like so shut the fuck up
Looks like someone got triggered eh Jamal?
Savage, op is a fucking idiot
What's that sword on the DS3 screenshot? Bastard sword?
Astora Greatsword
>best game in the series
nigga DaS3 it's not even a fucking rpg, stats work like shit, armors are for MUH "fashion souls" and every patch changed the gameplay for MUH PVP
OP is a faggot? Yes.
DaS3 best game? Fuck no.
DS2 is good tho
Look at this pleb lmao
Welcome to the new age, to the new age~
Not an argument.
> i can't read
Shut the fuck up
If you don't like DS1, you can't handle 30 FPS
If you don't like DS2, you can't handle mobs
If you don't like DS3, you have a preference for more open ended map design
All three are good, and anyone that disagrees with me can suck every inch of my black cock.
butthurt detected.
>All three are good
It is correct
>Nigger can't comprehend the myriad of nuances that make DaS2 the worst game in the series
Dark Souls had the best greatsword. They shouldnt have changed it.
I know, I have no arguments. I just said that new age games are like that.
We can do anything but eating shit thanks to the childfags, who buy every shit game and make those companies richer and richer.
>its type is actually an Ultra-greatsword
>when Greatsword type weapons also exist
Defend this fags
*Enters the thread*
Eh, it's pretty comfy here, guys. Have fun with your dark souls games!
*tips hunter's hat*
*teleports away to the hunter's dream*
I want my girl DBS back :(
I think he was implying that DS2 is the best game in the series, which is something I completely agree with.
*judges you in weebanese*
Go on and post your long list of issues with DS2
>muh soul memory
>muh ADP
>muh not interconnected map
>muh mobs
And whatever else you have. No one said DS2 was perfect, but it gets too much shit around here. Also telling as fuck that DS2 is the only one you singled out in my post.
>muh [valid criticism]
>ha i put "muh" in front of it that means it's not actually a problem
>Also telling that you singled out the thing you disagreed with
not an argument
The post I responded to only had one thing to disagree with in the entire post, nimrod.
The Greatsword has been a sub-par UGS in all three Souls games. In DS1, it was overshadowed by the Demon Great Machete.
In DS2, it was overshadowed by the Fume Ultra Greatsword.
In DS3, it's overshadowed by the Black Knight Ultra Greatsword and Profaned Greatsword.
It's a shit weapon only retarded weebs use, because of "muh Berserk reference".
>The post I responded to only had one thing to disagree with in the entire post, nimrod
Yes, I only disagreed with you on that aspect, what's your point? Are you retarded?
>minmaxing in Dark Souls
You're that guy who used Havel's chest with no legs and ninja flips, arent you?
If you truly wanted to minmax you'd wear +5 Giant Armor.
They should have just removed invasions from Dark Souls 3 desu.
Invading people in DS3 is an absolutely unique experience that everyone should experience. It provides an insight just horrible the majority of the Souls playerbase is. The majority of players literally run around the areas with 1-2 goldenboys just to help them clear regular mobs, it's fucking humiliating. I've had shitloads of instances where I've invaded into a game where 2 gold phantoms have already been summoned by the player before I even invaded.
DS3 invasions are more likely to pair you with hosts that have summoned people to help you walnut.
Isn't that the point of summons? They don't get anytimg for killing imvaders.
>that first week when the came out and pretty much everyone had two phantoms constantly summoned
Not to mention that 99% of the players used the exact same build with straight sword + shield.
dark souls itself is literally one giant berserk reference
Its funny how the "hardcore" community that is always making fun of casuals needed to constantly summon phantoms to play the game for them.
It's because of their small penises. Just like with people who drive a hummer.