This design is so close to being perfect

This design is so close to being perfect.

Why the fuck doesn't it have a pupil? It would look perfect if it had a pupil.

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I like how Doom's singleplayer tried to be Doom but had Quake-like elements like it's trying to be Quake 5 while it's MP tried to be Quake but ended up has a morph between Unreal and Halo

This game has a huge case of identity crisis

I really don't mind it if D44M was supposed to be "id: The Shooter". It's a nice success story if anything.

It would be a little offputting for something like that to have a pupil.

It's a demon bred specifically to suck off other demons

It doesn't even need eyes

You're a cool guy

This thread was never going anywhere anyway

But I think you're a cool guy too user

Easier to render without a pupil.
Pupils are more disturbing. They don't want it to be similar to animal life in any way. It would evoke uncanny valley.

>don't want demons to be disturbing

Of course.

when are you fucking faggots realize all you want is an hd doom, and if they were making an hd doom you'd say there's not enough new shit in it. kill yourselves.

>Hell in old Doom: here's walls of screaming souls and a floor of guts because fuck you
>Hell in new Doom: we didn't wanted to offend religious folks, so here's a yellow dimension of floating rocks

This is like removing swastikas from Wolfenstein or Lovecraft inspired settings from Quake

I dunno, it felt pretty close to brutal doom and that's all I care about

The pupil is what makes the Cacodemon intense

Who asked for a new game when the older ones have a modding community that is still alive to this day?

Yeah a pupil on the new one would just take away from its omniscient qualities though.

It just kind of floats and kills. With a pupil it looks more vulnerable.

Like this?
It certainly looks cuter this way.

It also doesn't help when interviews had them claiming they would bring back what Doom is all about and didn't even put Doomguy's face in the HUD

What if it's a vertical line like a cat's eye or something?

because they're eyesight is hoenstly pretty shit and they rely on their psychic ability to detect prey. They've probably got intense cataracts or something.

OG Caco > D4 Caco > 64 Caco >>>>>>>>> D3 Caco

Quake elements like jumping and...3D?

Cacodemon is cute! CUTE!


what if it was like this?

This game was pretty fun desu


Motherfucker, I haven't seen that in years.

Quad damage, 1 ort 2 colors at the time, bullet sponge enemies, the possessed soldiers looking like Strogg , the unwilling looking like the zombies from Q1, RPG elements (even though Quake isn't RPG, it was going to be at one point) and Haste

>Lovecraft inspired settings from Quake

Have never read Lovecraft. What elements of Quake are lovecraftian?

Looks like something from duke nukem

Shub Niggaruth or whatever was lifted directly. Wasn't the elder world too?


>(Dimensional) Shambler
>Shub-Niggurath itself is the final boss
The general theme of the game is very clearly based on Lovecraft.

Still too cute, try a white pupil.

>there is no life in the void

It wasn't fully Lovecraft inspired but it did took some ideas like the dark settings and the final boss being Shub Niggurath, maybe if Quake 2 was a different series, we could have seen a real Q2 with Cthulhu or something.

Because of this guy


Dont worry I gotchu senpai.

The nudoom cacodemon doesn't have a furrowed brow to accent the pupil like this one does.


Shamblers are closer to shoggoths or something, not the actual dimensional shamblers, but the visual design itself is pretty undeniably based off Lovecraft stuff, along with the Vore, wizard, etc.

Fucking KEK

>Humorous horns start playing

Why are you d44mfags so easily triggered?

They did remove the lovecraftian elements and Quake 2 was better

I like it

>and Quake 2 was better
Explain your reasoning, because I am interested in how someone can be so fucking wrong and still capable of coherent thought.

What if their eyes were holes with teeth in them or black holes?



Of all the pupils you could had picked, you picked fucking Chaika.
Kill yourself.

That one user was right. He needs the angry eye to make this look good. Otherwise its very very close.


>bullet sponge enemies
I didn't play the game: The post.

Most of the gun will fuck up the demon in a few shot. Hell christ, if you're not retarded and aim for the weak spot (e.g. Pinky tails), you can probably kill them in less shot than their Doom I et II counter part. Shotguns, Chainguns, whatever, there's no pea shooter. Hell, railgun alt fire will saw anything in half in one shot.

From Imp to Mancubus, I don't think there's a monster that is more bulletsponge than in Doom I and II.

>mfw no cacodemon gf


Feel free to comment.

Give them fucking Sonic eyes

Is that your original character, blacodemon?

Better weapons, MP, music, and I prefer the level design where you have to complete objectives in enemy territory.


Unique choice

This is the only half decent one. The others look too bug-like.

Regardless, demons should always have blank, glowy eyes, especially if they're green.

Tries way too hard; I can't take it seriously at all.

Those tits are probably super warm and pulsating with energy


All its missing is holding a newspaper with its hands

Maybe less like a crosshair, more like a goat? That could be some creep shit.

Took the eye from a snek so more like...
Likes: bicep curls, eating ใŠๆกใ‚Š (hamburgers), spitting fire balls
Hates: chainguns, fast dudes


This, even the best pupil designs aren't better than the original.

Vertical pupil: predator
Horizontal pupil: herbivore pussy

Not giving him a horizontal one, sorry. This is how the original eye looked like.

Shes a demon from hell. Hugging her would be like hugging a big pillow fresh from the dryer.

Who is this semen demon?

A semen demon.

What needs to be fixed?

glowing eyes to make it menacing

Nothing, he's really sexy

The clam shells on his shoulders are the only thing that bother me.

dooms character and hell level design was some skyrim shit tier.

The colour is pretty important as well, apart from the pupil, is green the optimal one for this design since it's the original one, or would a different one be better?


There, I fixed it. It's more mysterious this way.

is doom multiplayer alive?

What's your preferred OC?

I really like AGATHODEMON


>when you realize it is just a beholder ripoff.

>no heart pupil yet

add a monsterous cock flopping around

I remember some kamizake zombieman and some robot looking boss with grenades, rockets and bullets

A better ass to make justice to Adrian Carmack

this desu
Why is sexual imagery forbidden in modern games?


Enough to strike fear in the heart of his enemies.

...Did you even play the game?

Put a yarmulke on top of his head

Good thread