Leaked Assassin's Creed Empire screen
maybe this one will not bored you out of you r fucking mind ?
no but for real, why is there a white egipcian? I mean they where brown at best
He's not white. And judging by the shield, that guy is Greek.
That's a pic of the Conan game
Actually, no
That dude's brown, you retard
I like how I could bait Sup Forums into having like a 400 post thread using this image and calling it AC2017, but when a real leak happens it's empty
He looks white enough to me.
Radical Larry ready to fucking throw down.
Egyptians are relatively fair, but the geography basically gives them a tan 24/7 if they work outside
There's also his brother to right, Dangerous Dan
>tfw played & 100% every AC game
>tfw platinumed for AC2, Brotherhood, Black flag, Unity & Syndicate
>tfw AC was only good when Patrice Désilets was on board
>tfw I still downloaded AC3 on PC when Ubisoft was giving it away even though it's the worst game in the series
>tfw AC4 wasn't even an "assassin's creed" game
>tfw I told peers to go see AC movie even though I thought it was shit
Well I'm glad I'm getting my Assassin's Creed fix this year
>probably gonna want to play this
>not gonna play through the 27 previous AC games just to understand what I'm playing
What do?
I guess it just proves the games squeak by purely on momentum and advertising. Was skipping a year their biggest mistake yet?
>Tfw game director Ashraf Ismail is going to make Assassin's Creed great again
Inshallah, brother
>tfw you're literally me
You haven't really needed to know the previous games history since like 3 or 4. The overarching story basically ended with 3 and we've been waiting for a continuation or something ever since
still giving fuck about AssCreed Nr 9099991
What a mad lad
I'm pretty sure that you won't need to know anything, just jump straight in.
str fags blow the fuck out. Dex builds the best.
god syndicate was so fucking retarded
I stopped being hopeful after Unity
Better to have a pessimistic outlook cause only good things can come from it
That's why Sydicate felt really good when I was expecting dog shit
>Same guy that did AC4
At least we know it'll be a good game
man fighting
>punches to face and gut
>enemy knocked out
>recovery the following week
>lesson learned
woman fighting
>break limbs
>rip tendons
>enemy in pain, not knocked out
>life ruined forever
Women confirmed psychopaths