
>females in 2017
>ugly is the new hot

Other urls found in this thread:


I genuinely think she's cute

Why the fuck do you anti-shills need to make threads like this? Fucking cherry picking scenes just to make people think they won't like a game because you pointed out something that looks a little strange

What emotion are they even trying to convey on her face?


this gif makes my blood boil

>Those dead, soulless eyes
That's terrifying

You know you can redesign her right?

No, I'm the cook.

"Yes, hello, excuse me, can I borrow that?"

Instead of bitching why don't you do the opposite and post scenes depicting decent in-game interactions then?

Because the games not even out yet you fucking retard

What makes this scene such a masterpiece of garbage is not even horrible animation but rather her "facial expressions", i'm still shocked by their audacity to release something like this

That hasn't stopped the "cherry picking" though now has it? if they're capable of "cherry picking" bad scenes then you must be able to "cherry pick" good scenes right?


How do Bioware's animators stay employed? They are possibly the worst in the industry



she looks like Alex19 without a beard

It's not even cherry picking, this is a scene they showed us in a trailer to market their fucking game. Even the things that should be the best look like fucking garbage, why should I have any faith at all in this game?

people pay for their videogames

mass effect is a very successful series

no reason to fire them

hah, good one

Game looks good to me



Now show the stuff outside of combat. Plot details, character personalities, interactions with other people and aliens. We've seen the combat already.


I don't think there is exactly an over-saturation of animation talent, and most of their stuff is serviceable outside of the few instances of truly embarrassing shit like this

>all OP has to do is hit one key on his keyboard to type the most minuscule symbol and attach a .gif to cause a systematic shitstorm

One day I will learn to wield such power.

That would defeat the purpose of cherry picking

Watching Bob Ross paint isn't sufficient to alleviate my tendencies to rage when I see Cultural Marxist programming.

There are always people capable of more than this high school level bullshit. What Bioware is showing us is the policy of hiring by race and gender instead of competency. If they had people who had actually earned their positions instead of people who got there because they happen to have the right genitals then we would see something more than "serviceable".

Isn't Anti-shills good? Aren't you just admitting you're a shill?

>30 posts is now enough to be considered a shitstorm

Is this your first day buddy?

don't be mad your sjw game is shit, sonycuck

wew lad

check my 9

Why would he want to cherry pick good scenes? His aim is to make the game look bad. You are the drone, it's your job to cherry pick good scenes.

seems you were off by...one.

>What Bioware is showing us is the policy of hiring by race and gender instead of competency

no, what bioware is showing us is the policy of making videogames that are "just good enough" to turn in a profit

nearly no videogame company is interested in making a grand breakthrough just for the sake of making a grand breakthrough, except those guys that made crysis that i think are making another mindblowingly good looking game

most vidya companies only want money, and bioware is exceptionally good at this

I genuinely believe the Slavs are going to save humanity at this point.

I honestly never liked TW since Geralt is a massive gary stu IMO, but I can't deny Slavs make damn good games.

Kek, you have zero hope of ever getting a get

>except those guys that made crysis that i think are making another mindblowingly good looking game
You mean the company that can't even afford to pay it's employees?

Did you even read the reply chain or did you just feel the need to chip in a worthless comment? the user I'm responding to is the shill as he's bitching about OP posting a bad scene they used to sell the game. Only a shill would complain about that then describe it as "a little strange" instead of "fucking awful"

wI am not buying the game. Make me fagnon

that is exactly why no videogame company is willing to make groundbreaking games

Yeah, I definitely should have read it fully.

>gary stu


>white hair yet still young looking
>scarred face yet still handsome
>like 7 swords hanging from his back
>every female that looks at him instantly becomes wet
>can fuck all he wants since he's infertile

all he's lacking is two wings, one that's angelic and the other that's demonic, and heterochromia


Way more than half in-game characters react negatively to Geralt, and that includes women also.

*toilet flushes*

You have a 0.00007% chance of getting a get by replying to this post.

Ass Effect Andromeda should have been PS4 exclusive

Imagine how much harder the anti-ME shitposting would be

Why don't the Krogans standing behind her do anything when she points a gun at their boss
Why doesn't the merc leader just have this cunt shot on sight for acting like hot shit in her lair
Why do all the characters look so greasy

that's pretty good

the cringe.

>toilet flushes

I shouldn't have laughed

I wish more games have these kind of retard options. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Are humans stronger than Turians or does this one just have his gun connected to his hand with velcro?

Not very hard as it would still have presented all it has right now? systems don't come into it, it's the continual fuck up of a franchise Sup Forums has always been fond of.

This isn't anti shill tardball. Its people making FUN of it. You've heard of the word, i hope.

A little bit strong. Definitely stronger than a 5'4 greasy faced dyke.

You're just as bad as the plebbitors who say beautiful women dont belong in vidya, fuck off

big fucking potato face vaguely-ethnic 'femme' meat popsicle
fuckin' big old pumpkin head big old semitic schnoz
You know there's something to be said for shooting for mass appeal especially when you're doing a big big big budget AAA big swingin dick game like this but at the same time you can't be sitting in the drafting office thought box obsessing over the look of every single character as you're in the process of modeling them and trying to push the turd out. Or you end up with this.
you made an indian human resources lady with depressing tits and resting bitch face. everyone on the message boards want to 'intuitively' knock her fucking block off. good job broski i'll buy u a craft brew

confirmed for robo Shepard mk2.

Why they make this animation so fast? There is no lead in or hang for added effect. Bioware are fucking hacks they probably did this so they didn't have to animate much or people could see their blatant mediocrity.

Well, at least he's not brooding.

She looks like my aunt.

the correct term would have been special snowflake
you seriously can't deny geralt looks like he escaped some edgy 14yo's lotr fanfiction


I can't confirm it either because I haven't read any. He looks unkempt in Witcher 3. That I can tell with certainty.

>Sup Forums has overused the term shill to the point we now call people anti-shills

So, let me get this straight.

No one on this site is just a regular human being with an opinion. We are all employees of major corporations being paid to either promote specific content or post negative reactions about specific content.

No one can ACTUALLY dislike Mass Effect: Androgynous because that is just impossible.


So do you think they'll fix this absolute trash scene for the release or just leave it in because they have no shame whatsoever?

>mom said it's my turn to play

You should feel bad

If that would make you feel better about the whole exchange, I did, briefly.

How do Devs like Bethesda and Bioware still get by on such shitty animation? Surely there are more talented animators out there looking for work.

they're not ethnic enough for good goy points

Normies don't give a shit about quality.

He was ugly in the books, because that was part of the Witcher mutations. W1 Geralt is probably the best portrayal, he still gets mad pussy though.

there's a difference between beautiful men and women and characters that look like they escaped from a 14 year old girl's fanfic

Go back to stamping out forms Fred. EA just signed the E30, were going to reddit next.

>When you have to make a Kotaku journalist your MC just to get a good score




Dude you fuckin nailed it--that was my biggest gripe with the witcher III---male power fantasy, saving damsels in distress, being 6'7" tall, beating up guys who shit talk you, lame tutorial level with "cool little sis".


>generates nonstop threads about anything but the actual game

underages hs kids with too much free time

>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes

so basically the ending to ME3 where you get to pick the color of the cutscene

>"Mom said it's my turn!"

Serious talk, why do SJW types seem to reeee at any game that doesn't adhere ro heir ideals? Like somehow any of those things are inherently bad?

They've never been denied in their life


Take a look at your own post and you'll realize it has more to do with immature milenials than SJWs in particular

hahahahah wtf is this

Yea and youd rather play as an ugly man or woman, gee so sophisticated of you, very realistic in a fictional setting

no i wouldn't
i'd much rather play a beautiful man or woman who is flawed in some way

perfect characters make for boring characters, had you read a book in your life you would've realized this

They look nothing alike. Hernandez actually has decent taste anyway.

>Had you read a book
Reading? how sophisticated of you, surely my feeble mind couldn't comprehend such college level thinking

Is that supposed to be a sick burn because of typos?