I want my money back

I want my money back.


I mean the cover was trying to warn you, but you still bought it

>shows the knights as if you're going to fight them on the cover
>you barely even see them
shit game

>tfw bought reversed cover version

BigGuy™ on the left is already telling you "what the fuck is this shit ?!".
Right started to pussy out with her boypucci hair.
Guy at the back is confused what is going on.
MC is just like "Stand back ! I just farted !".

Yeah but no you're wrong. This game was a masterpiece if you think otherwise you're either a faggot or just baiting.

I want my 10 seconds to read this threads and 30seconds to type this message back

Failed attempt at being funny

that's tough. i was smart and took advantage of a neighbor so we can share ps4 accounts. i get free plus, and he buys every fucking game that comes out like a fucking jackass HAHAH. he is so autistic and fucking STUPID. and i get free fucking games, and free plus bitch



please fucking kill yourself

i thought it was pretty funny :) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I know how you feel.

>devs say they're fixing it with patches

Now, now. Don't be hasty, user. Let us wait till the game is complete before judging it.

Bet you wish you bought World of Final Fantasy instead.

I even bought the deluxe version for an extra 20. Jesus Christ what was I fucking thinking. It was an impulse buy. Didn't even preorder it and GS had deluxes available to just give out. I guess I got it on brand loyalty alone only to immediately remember that FF hasn't been good in a long time but I was somewhat hoping it might be salvageable. Then I played it and wanted to vomit. Then I started seeing the plethora of patches streaming in along with the tidal wave of dlc and the developers game plans for the future. It was then I realized I actually bought an early access game for a special edition price and I wanted to slap myself. I just can never trust this brand anymore from now on.

>world deprived of enemy types due to cool enemies being hidden behind the garbage hunt mechanic
>decent combat is gone to due to ""balancing"" the game around infinite items, resulting in enemies with 100000000000000 hp taking forever to kill and retarded AI in an attempt to make the game challenging (it's still not, at all)
>supporting characters outside of Iris/Aranaea may as well not exist
>World is super homogeneous due to it being unfinished; no snow/desert area and all you get is greenery with some swamp and a rocky area for the rock of ratavosk or whatever it's called
>post game dungeons outside of pitioss were shit, which is a shame considering the main game dungeons were probably the best part of the game
>absolute horrid flying
>do I even need to mention the story?

I waited 10 years for this? I just started up Bearseria and will play P5/xeno2 when they come out, hopefully it'll wash the bad taste out of my mouth. The game clearly needed another year of development which SE wouldn't give Tabata due to Nomura dicking around so much

Do you stalk Sup Forums to find these threads and disagree with anyone that says it isn't shit? I know you are the same user, because you keep calling it a masterpiece.

Plain and simple it's not, even with an extra year of development it wouldn't have been a masterpiece. This is a failed experiment that set out with a very ambitious goal, to surpass FFVII. However from the very beginning they fucked up. Rather than coming up with a new and original story that tore away from crystals and evil empires like FFVII did, FFXV instead went back to it. Even worse is they took the same tired formula and somehow managed to make it more convoluted than it already was.

Tragically this game is not what we were promised. Given another year of patches it might turn into a MMO with dailys and everything, but as a single player experience it will always be lacking. The FF title that stood a chance of putting square back on the map died 3 years ago.

>remove no fly zones
>increase top speed
>hover mode
>land wherever you want
How difficult could it be?

>characters outside of the main four and Ardyn may as well not exist
Fixed that.

>no arenea
Fuck that

>tfw I bought the season pass edition

Fucking worst final fantasy since FF13. I cant believe I fell for the shilling on this board. The fact that the shills still defend this turd is astounding

>world deprived of enemy types due to cool enemies being hidden behind the garbage hunt mechanic
You're not running around the world unless you're doing those hunts/sidequests where they appear anyway. And there was plenty enough enemy variety for those you do run into without doing them.

>decent combat is gone to due to ""balancing"" the game around infinite items, resulting in enemies with 100000000000000 hp taking forever to kill and retarded AI in an attempt to make the game challenging (it's still not, at all)
You probably don't even use wait mode or scan enemies, or rescue your allies properly and use warp points. Item consumption is no worse than in any other FF game.

>supporting characters outside of Iris/Aranaea may as well not exist
There was nothing wrong with Cid, Cindy and Cor. Even Talcott was a pretty good character. The rest, like Dustin and Monica are hardly even supporting characters, they're just unimportant NPCs. Then you had the random quest givers like Dino and the neckbeard guy who were all pretty memorable.

>World is super homogeneous due to it being unfinished; no snow/desert area and all you get is greenery with some swamp and a rocky area for the rock of ratavosk or whatever it's called
We do go to those areas later, we just don't get to spend long in them or do much in them. It would have been better with them, but it hardly feels homogeneous without them. There's breathtaking scenery wherever you look.in the world. Everything is post-card worthy.

>post game dungeons outside of pitioss were shit, which is a shame considering the main game dungeons were probably the best part of the game
I haven't done them yet, but what's bad about them? Are they just single rooms with a bunch of enemies in them or something?

>do I even need to mention the story?
Story was totally fine.

>absolute horrid flying
Only valid point here. The flying is atrocious.

You knew what you were buying.

>I haven't done them yet, but what's bad about them? Are they just single rooms with a bunch of enemies in them or something?

precisely. You go down underground tunnels into a room filled with enemies, and keep going till you get to the boss. The worst part is the enemies have bloated health and a certain flan type is invulnerable to physical attacks so you have to put on the ring and hold square while their health slowly drains. They are all the same just with different enemies but play the exact same way

Were you level 99 when you did them? I'd assume it'd be balanced for that.

Honestly I stopped at the third one when I realized they were all the same, I was around level 90 but knowing how bloated the enemy HP is in this game I doubt it would make a noticeable difference

I don't, it's worth the full $60 I payed and more.

You should have put those $60 towards English lessons.

We all know you never touched it anti kun.

You should have used the full $60 to buy the game then play it and enjoy it like everyone else.

His English is perfect, what are you on about?

they had a comma splice, but that's a pretty autistic correction to make

This. I can't believe some anons are so blind they can't accept that the game has faults and there is vasts amounts of room for improvement.

Hell if they had just opened up the world after alticia it wouldn't have been so terrible. The first trainstop has a clearly open world that is completely inaccessible. Then you can't explore tenebrae further than a giant boulder, you should've been able to explore the kingdom.

user I played and beat the game, hell I'm still getting on for random dungeons and hunts waiting for zelda next week. It's lackluster, it didn't live up to the hype. The only challenging parts of the game were catching some superboss fish and the pitioss dungeon, which by the way, was a frustrating enjoyment. The clunky controls only made the maddening platforming even more challenging.

>the genji gloves are in the giant female statues navel
As a perv that likes belly buttons, this pleased me.

Comma is used to continue same train of thought. Full stop is used to change sentence.

don't respond to FFXV-kun please

Nice try anti kun, still furiously typing up copy pasta and samefagging again I see.

thanks, I know that, but it's still autistic to correct someone about that.

>get banned in the other thread
>ban evade here

Come on man... we all saw what this was going to be. You knew what this shit was going to be like.

If you bought it anyways that's your own fault.

Kys my man. Game is dog shit

Stop responding to yourself and samefagging anti kun. We all know you reset your IP so you can spam 10+ reports so anyone calling out your shitposting gets autoban.

>not even proof he played it
Kys anti kun you samefagging cunt.

>reset ip after getting called out for banevading

Nice try anti kun. Keep samefagging and resetting your IP so you can samefag and spam reports to get others autobanned.

>it's another 'lets shitpost so I can see my crush XV-kun ;)" episode

Post XV husbandos.


Stay BTFO anti kunt

The game was legitimately one of the best FFs though despite the flaws. You sound like you're false flagging or something tho.

You're right I'm sorry


>consistently resetting your IP to create multiple posts
Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

Is that Iggy without his glasses after the accident? Goddamn, they should've left him like this he looks ready to kick some ass.

And you keep going. Sad!

The only threads that have more cancer than this are the danganronpa generals.

Is there honestly no way to have a genuine discussion about this game and they way it can be improved on this board anymore?

Like anyone cares about your shit taste. Game was good, deal with it.

If all you're going to do is shitpost against the game that's not discussion. You bring this onto yourself.


Stay BTFO anti kunt

inb4 he says "hurr if you say anything against XV it's shitposting!?" or some bullshit to damage control his shit posting.

^ I brought up legitimate faults with the game and ways that square can improve it.Alright, I've had my fill. Fine, it's the greatest final fantasy ever made and has no faults whatsoever. In fact it's so great they should cancel all DLC episodes and any other future plans they have for this game. In fact I honestly hope they do quit this game all together and focus instead on KH or FFVII. That way your precious precious game can't get any better and you'll be stuck with what you deem a "masterpiece".

>Item consumption is no worse than in any other FF game.
It is. In the other games using an item took up a turn. In XV using items is a completely free action. You can do it whenever you want, as much as you want and every enemy will wait till you are finished.

What to discuss? Game has no story, you either post waifus or lore fanfics that had no evidence, like this Pitioss theory.

No one said it had no faults you faggot. Quit acting like any other FF is better.

You have 4-5 free instances at any time to input anything and you will never be hit when using a potion in older FFs, fuck off with this bullshit meme already, it's invalid.

Anti kun literally on suicide watch.

fuck off anti kun stop shitposting

>Anime game

Chose one weab faggot

The only interesting feature is that Noctis grows a beard... so i say no. There is no way to improve this game save to boycott the sales and show them this is not right.

If the game doesn't sell then they change it. All else is meaningless.

>I haven't done them yet, but what's bad about them? Are they just single rooms with a bunch of enemies in them or something?
Fifty square rooms. Completely empty except for a handful of monsters and stairs leading up and down. There are eight of these dungeons. It's the world's shittiest bloody palace.

I am so glad I only spent $20 on this incomplete mess. The game was so pathetically easy outside of 1-2 hard parts (but those were optional) due to being able to spam healing items whenever I could and the game just dumping them on you like candy.

I only saw the game over screen once and that was due to a poorly designed mechanic.

Might go back on NG+ once the season pass goes on sale.

>due to a poorly designed mechanic.
Flying the car?

>Flying the car?

yep. You have to find a longass landing strip in order to land and not tumble into a flaming fireball

How to improve the game:

>delete monkey-chan
>gave Luna more screen-time
>add hard mode

problem solved

>boycott and deprive them of sales
We already fucked up, they evened out day one. Everyday past that was pure profit, tragic.

I heard other anons had the same problem with the car, what a waste of a neat concept

>You have 4-5 free instances at any time to input anything
Yeah. Because you had that many characters. A character who used an item couldn't attack. A character who attacked, couldn't use an item. In XV you can do both whenever you feel like it without penalty.
>you will never be hit when using a potion in older FFs
Well, duh. Turn-based combat.

A game 10 years in the making needs a lot more than even it out. Every company have a sales goal. If the goal is not met things are thought over.

Is anti-kun actually real or just an imagination from XV-kun?

Why is the story about XV threads more interesting than the game itself?

Literally on suicide watch.

>fucked up on my first time
>can't leave the pitioss dungeon and can't save
Had to leave my damn PS4 on overnight just to beat that damn dungeon the next day.

>more luna screentime
Agreed, I felt nothing when she died
>hard mode
1000x this

Anti-kun is multiple people that XV-kun thinks is one person, they just can't accept that multiple people don't like the game.

because baiting xv-kun is always fun, there is no way he won't reply even to a shit baits.

You can't attack when using an item in XV either. You can't get hit using items in the older FFs either. You can only input item in XV when Noctis is able to input them just like in older FFs whenever you input a command.

>Is anti-kun actually real or just an imagination from XV-kun?

I think anti-kun is the label that XV-kun gives to anyone who disagrees with him

Also, here. Proof I played XV

>You can only input item in XV when Noctis is able to input them
which is anytime he is not attacking and there is no cooldown between item use.

Im glad im gonna play Nier soon and will forgot about this mess until they fix it(and i really doubt about it, because they need add too much cutscenes and it won't happen)

>platinum trophy


>which is anytime he is not attacking and there is no cooldown between item use
And time stands still while he does it.

>wasting time on making Iris playble in your party
>didn't make main heroine playble

Still irritates me, wrong priorities the game


>You can't attack when using an item in XV either.
True that.
>You can't get hit using items in the older FFs either.
Once again, well duh. Turn-based combat.
>You can only input item in XV when Noctis is able to input them just like in older FFs whenever you input a command.
True, but here is the thing. In older final fantasy games that is fine due to them being turn-based. You could either choose item or attack once for your character and then the other side gets a turn. XV however is an action rpg. There are no turns for the enemy. There is no limit for you and due to time stop no chance for an enemy to cut in. You are practically invincible till your curatives run out.

This. I beat the level 120 superboss at level 80 simply by waiting him out with potions. At the very least you shouldn't be able to pheonix down yourself. Sora could never save himself from death. They need to scrape the maximum HP and have one HP bar with elixers and potions doing a typical amount of healing.





The landing part is what completely fucking ruined this for me.

I got 70 hours from it, I'm satisfied

lier, buyer remorse fucking when?

>Mfw when I got the steel book version with the Amano art

Grats on your platinum Joshua. I'm still working on mine, game is fuck easy already beat it 30 hours into it.

combat is good and fun


I wonder why they did that. FF airships always vtol. Instead they made it like trying to land in the NES Top Gun game.