So how many weeks till this is expected to be in stock again? I missed the boat on pre ordering
So how many weeks till this is expected to be in stock again? I missed the boat on pre ordering
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Next shipment is in April I believe
its 2017 and it takes that long to make electronic hardware? they should have made more for launch.
i live in in japan and missed the pre order so now im pretty much fucked.
So I'm either going to have to get really lucky or hold onto money for the first time in my life at age 30
Every Nintendo product is like this. If you knew you wanted one you should have preordered day of. We've been through this song and dance enough times for you to have known better
i never tried to get a nintendo console at launch actually, the switch is the only one i really been trying to get.
I had no issues getting a gamecube, wii, wii u, or DS at launch
Technically you don't need one at all but I want one ASAP so I can play botw
>People flip consoles as a way to make money
How pathetic are these people?
The concept is not the issue. The fact that this is the way you choose to make money is all around pathetic.
Still loads in stock here
Best Buy will have some units available for walk-in purchases if you want to camp for the midnight launch. My local Gamestops will have limited consoles when the stores open.
Who's blowing the dust off of their Wii U's here?
Don't forget to update your DNS.
Excuse me, but I want to play BotW, ARMS, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey this year. How am I supposed to do that without a Switch?
I sold my Wii u cause I never played it
This really
Surely nintendrones already own a wii U to play botw
until mario comes out at end of year there's just no reason to buy a switch beyond novelty value as is the case for most launch consoles.
I actually will probably buy a switch which will be my first nintendo console since the gamecube since i think it's got potential. But at the moment it'll just gather dust for 2-3 years or so by which time they'll probably announce a new fucking one for cheaper with better specs or design
You know you're making shit up.
>have $10k to invest
>decide to spend it on 40 nintendo switches and then have to send them out to 40 different people for slight chance of profit
when he could just invest in stock instead and potentially make a significant profit over 5 years. Quick bucks will always attract normies over long term investment.
Either you got extremely lucky or you're BSing. The Wii was a fucking nightmare. Had to camp out for 19 hours just to get a preorder
Everything since the Wii has been like this. Getting a Majora's Mask 3DS was much the same deal, gone in seconds
>I missed the boat on pre ordering
More like you dodged a bullet
i'm gonna wait til the holiday season. 2k18 should be out by then, plus whatever VC games are available, and hopefully mario won't be delayed. last console i purchased was the ps2.
Is Best Buy gonna have more walk-in stock than Gamestop?
Oh fuck off, man. Some of us have fucking lives.
>Full time job
>Full time school
>Still love fucking video games on weekends because bio major and constant studying makes me want to suck on a gun and pull the trigger with my toes
>Can't get a pre-order because the fucking NEET legion F5'ed every fucking website to death within minutes of pre-orders going live
>Hurrr fucking durrrr you didn't want it enough because 1.) Nintendo under-produces the fucking thing and 2.) No life neckbeards sucked up what all came out within literally minutes
There was a literal 48 hour window to pre-order the damn thing.
Job/school/whatever is not an excuse you massive lazy failure.
>Couldn't afford Pre-Order after the event
>Pre-Orders were sold out when my taxes came in
>Friend messaged me about the Best Buy preorders being back up while I was at work
>Ordered a Neon Switch with Zelda before they sold out
>Have both coming to my house this Friday
Sometimes you can just get lucky
and what a life it is.
what is rettbone?
Her lellit handle I think
All I said was you should have known better buddy. Didn't say it was a practice I supported
So much dust on that game pad like damn I only put it down for four months.
If my Switch gets here on Friday but BotW doesn't for whatever reason, I'll just go ahead and buy it digitally instead of waiting
I'm that desperate
Not him but my Wii story was pretty fucking cool.
>Dad was married at the time to a Deputy Sheriff
>Basically the IRL Judy Hopps, with all the lying and gaming the system
>Local Gamestop was a block or two away from our house
>Manager's son was constantly getting into all kinds of legal shit, most recently got caught growing weed in the basement
>Mom promises she'll look the other way for a winning raffle ticket to guarantee a Wii on launch
>We go to Gamestop on the midnight release, her in full uniform and we drive there in her squad car
>The crowd parts like the fucking red sea as my mom and I walk up to the counter, throw down my money, and walk out with a Wii
>Play Twilight Princess and Trauma Center all fucking weekend
Bull fucking shit dude, I even jumped on that shit the minute I got a notification it was available and the consoles were GONE. I literally did it the same fucking everyone was announcing pre-orders were up.
I got Zelda and Bomberman, the charging grip, the neon combo joycons because I plan on getting the neon console and I want a full set of red and blue like the autist I am, and a pro controller. Still shit out of luck on the console itself.
I don't know where i'll have a better chance at, Fry's, Walmart, or Target so i'm going to try both. Figure Best Buy and Gamestop are going to be crapshoots so i'll just bypass them altogether.
>same fucking morning
Missed a word, whoops
I have two gamestops, target, walmart, and best buy all circled around my Uni. I'm going to do the cycle and hope for the best.
Best Buy depending on where you live.
Hell, 72 hours after preorders for BotW opened I managed to nab a Special Edition from Best Buy.
They also still had the 2nd set of Switch pre-orders a full 4 days after those came in.
But I also live in Charlotte, so maybe the stock here was in greater supply than in rural backwoods fuckville nowhere.
I probably work more hours than you do and still managed to pre order a switch on amazon as soon as it went up, while working a full on night shift. Fucken noob.
>he didn't preorder in store
Most gamestops hadn't even sold out their preorders by the end of the day. It's true there was a pretty big window.
Same. I'm gonna miss playing Splatoon, but atleast the new one comes out this summer
>My gamestops don't open until 10
>Work from 8-5
>School from 5:30-11
>Gamestop closes at 11
There was no chance
artificial scarcity is disgusting.
I preordered two of these and I'm giving one to my coworker and probably going to refund the other one. If you're in northern Arizona I'll give you my other preorder but chances are you probably aren't.
any toronto or GTAbros know of any stores that are doing midnight releases
>no one mentioning the chain i plan on going to where the electronics guy told me they were getting 60 on friday
i may have a chance
Don't blame the companies, blame the consumers who make it a viable business strategy
^Golden rule. Besides, Nintendo is infamous for artificial scarcity. Also why the fuck would you even want one before Winter?
Walmart had them open for over a week.
>Also why the fuck would you even want one before Winter?
So I can play Zelda. I'm not going to go and buy a Wii U for nearly the same price just to play one game when I could just get the new console instead
>He doesn't own a Wii-U
You can't wait until winter? Between Titanfall, Rocket League, Persona 5, Mass Effect, and Injustice 2 I'm set for months.
two thirds of the games you listed are shit
WEW LAD, dat stockholm syndrome.
gamestop, fred meyer, and bestbuy are all going to have extras that can't be preordered shipped to every store for walk ins
You do realize preorders went up online like a half hour after the direct and were in-stock on and off for like a good number of days right?
If you even cared in the least bit like you claim you would have easily gotten one.
Face it, chump, you had a level playing field like everyone else and now your out of luck like the gigantic lazy slowpoke you are. Prepare to pay for your faggotry or wait for a restock.
Oh dude, I guarantee that the profit-to-effort ratio here is all fucked up on this, too. They are applying so much strain to the purchasing process for a pittance's worth of shekels.
Nintendo used to be a toy company. And in the 80s when Nintendo made the NES, Beanie Babies were in huge demand, partly because companies used artificially low supply to create huge demand.
>You can't wait until winter?
I could. But I don't want to. Why wait several months to play Zelda, one of the game's I've been looking forward to the most for years, when I could play it on Friday?So there -might- be a bundle down the line with a game I -might- one to buy? Doesn't seem worth it really
A quick flip of a couple consoles can net you around 200 dollars per hour of work. The real money is in underproduced collectors editions though, but that's more of a long term investment with zero effort.
>Western games
Who here /buyingaWiiUoncetheSwitchcomesout/?
Can't wait to replay Tropical Freeze and W101 (beat them at a friend's house), and pirate BotW and Bayonetta 2.
i actually do want a wii u but the console is still too expensive. the games are probably at their cheapest though
Your opinion is shit, and nobody loves you. The loneliness you feel will never, ever go away. Also, the reason you can't shake the feeling you're a disappointment to your parents? It's because you are; they expected so much more from you.
The fuck are you even on about, autist?
>You do realize preorders went up online like a half hour after the direct and were in-stock on and off for like a good number of days right?
Artificial scarcity. Do not encourage this. If you have a preorder, cancel it. Nintendo deserves to fail.
I'm positive you can walk into Walmart the night of release and walk out with one five minutes later. Preordering is cancer.
Where are you going to invest 10k and make significant profit in 5 years?
The last scenario is the most worrisome.
Called my local Best Buy, Target, and Toys R Us. All of them said they'd have some in stock on the 3rd. Best Buy is actually having a midnight release. You should be able to get one on launch day.
Any place I can still pre-order a pro controller?
>Nintendo under-produces the fucking thing
2 million is normal.
Eh, I wasn't sure I was getting this anyway. I guess I'll pass.
Look at this turbomad faggot.
I hope so user
I fucking hate midnight releases, is that the only way i'm going to get my hands on one of these?
I often wonder what it's like to look at the world with such anger.
Maybe you should kill yourself?
>Looking forward to Zelda
You know there's a fairly good chance it's going to be shit, right?
>Having absolute shit taste and getting triggered in seconds
Not the only way.
You can always wait.
>Best Buy is actually having a midnight release
This is what I'm doing I just hope their isn't a huge line.
I have one waiting at BestBuy and one coming from Amazon
originally grabbed both in case one of them fucked up the order, debating if I want to cancel one or deal with the hassle of selling the other
might just sell it at cost to a friend
Are you retarded, or just american?
We have tons of Switch units arriving into the UK, and seeing as pre-orders have been abysmal here and nobody seems to give shit about it because most of us are PC master Race, or Sonnygger casual FIFA folk, we got plenty to go around.
If you are still too stupid to see the point there, allow me to make it clear to you... do you want a Switch?
If so, follow these three easy steps to get one within the next week.
1. Go to amazon, and if they are out of Switch in your zone, then just SWITCH to Amazon UK.
2. Order it from there.
3. Wait for it to arrive.
Super easy.
If you are too mentally challenged to work a computer or cell phone like an adult, you can also just go to Gamestop at their midnight releases, as they have just been given extra stock to hold for people who missed pre-orders.
Don't wanna support Gamestop and are aslo too much of a fool to just order online?
Well, no need to worry, as Walmart, Target, and Amazon are receiving a huge additional shipment come the middle of April, in order to keep up with demand for Mario Kart 8 and stuff, so you could also just wait until then.
>two thirds of the games you listed are shit
>more than half of them aren't even out yet
Alright. Let's hear it. Which ones am I allowed to like?
>implying there's anything wrong with western games
I hope you like playing games on your phone user, because soon that's the only platform that GLORIOUS NIPPON will develop for.
Yeah in a week when Nintendo is desperate for sales because it's dead on arrival in every market accept for US and Japan, where it's getting by on novelty factor alone.
Seriously, be an adult and wait a bit, I guarantee there's a price drop before Christmas.
>If you are too mentally challenged to work a computer or cell phone like an adult, you can also just go to Gamestop at their midnight releases, as they have just been given extra stock to hold for people who missed pre-orders.
Is this true? The stoner at gamespot said I was fucked.
whine, whine, whine, is that all you Nintendrones do?
If you really want a Switch during the first week of launch just go an order one from Amazon.
In the UK, nobody wants it, so if your version of Amazon is sold out, then just go to the UK version of the site.
Yeah, it might take a couple extra days to get there, but you will get the same exact region unlocked Switch that everyone in the US is scalping each other over, all without having to pay the scalper's fees in the process!
>be an adult
I'm pretty sure adults make their own decisions, bucko.
but don't brits have some sort of weird power outlet?
amazon uk won't ship to the US so he is gonna have to take a trip over to the UK to pick it up
Not even slightly.
Nah just go to Target or Toys R Us when they openon the morning of the 3rd. They've said they'll have them in stock.
Darknet pharmaceuticals
Why would you get a Switch at launch and not this holiday season when
>Zelda is on Wii U
>There's 5 retail games at launch besides it
>The PS4 is seeing the best year for exclusives it's had since launch
>The price will go down in a few months
>Splatoon 2 is out during the summer and Mario Odyssey might be out before Christmas
>>Zelda is on Wii U
Don't have a wii u
>>There's 5 retail games at launch besides it
I'm looking at picking up 2 of them
>>The PS4 is seeing the best year for exclusives it's had since launch
Still doesn't have 4 games I want to play
>>The price will go down in a few months
It may get a bundle, maybe.
>>Splatoon 2 is out during the summer and Mario Odyssey might be out before Christmas
Great, I'll be busy between spring break and finals week anyway.
>Zelda is on Wii U
Don't have a Wii U
>There's 5 retail games at launch besides it
Most of which I want to play
>The PS4 is seeing the best year for exclusives it's had since launch
Ialready have a PS4Pro
>The price will go down in a few months
Doubt it, not until christmas at least
>Splatoon 2 is out during the summer and Mario Odyssey might be out before Christmas
And I'd like to play them when they come out, especially Splatoon 2 while the community is still strong