We wuz Lords n shiet

Is this the first black in LotR universe? Where did he come from?

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An immigrant from the southern lands probably. It isn't too unreasonable depending on when it takes place.


really makes you think

Oh here we go again so just to clear this up before the thread gets started:

>I'm not racist but CAN NIGGERS FUCK OFF MY GAMES?!!!!

and that's the thread folks

really gets the cogs jogging


>this is deemed racist today
HeroofTime861 was right about everything.


>>I'm not racist but CAN NIGGERS FUCK OFF MY GAMES?!!!!

I don't recall anyone claiming they aren't racist. You don't have to pretend here. Nothing wrong with racism anyway.

Except that is simply wrong. Inhabitants of Umbar and Harad are described as dark skinned. There are no major or positive black characters in the world of Middle Earth, but people of color do exist, even if they are largely portrayed as barbarians serving the dark lord.

This does look a bit tokeish, but lore-wise it's not completely out there. Mordor has enlisted the help of warriors from Umbar and Harad, it actually KINDA make sense one of them could allegiance and joined the Mordor watch somehow. Can't say I'm happy about it, because tokenismis never a good thing, but at least it's not entirely fucking out of place.

Not really racist, just factually wrong.

Those are all valid points, yes.

As you faggots have been told. If SJW was open to logic and reason when they first started their shit, people would retaliate like this.

How about we make a movie about nigger history
I know right, niggers have no culture or civilization of their own and cast only white people.

Talk about shitting on the source material.

It's like these fuckers have no respect for Tolkein at all.

>nothing wrong with racism anyway
I hate crackers and cracker skinned people with a delight. The fuckingvsub-human rape a lot autistic race impaired bastards that steal everything like civilization itself was owned by the black men and women because they were the first men.
It's ok to be racist lol so smartM8s don't act like these threads are gonna be different from the last 4-5

>>>niggers have no culture or civilization

Fuck you, I would love a movie about Mansa Musa kicking ass in Africa.

Take this (You) and fuck right off, you faggots ruin every thread

>Inhabitants of Umbar and Harad

they are same skin colour as Arabs not Africans

>The fuckingvsub-human rape a lot autistic race impaired bastards that steal everything like civilization itself was owned by the black men and women because they were the first men.

They were more like arabs, why are arabs not included then? Because the arabs don't whine like fucking black people.

But there were black people in middle earth


Physical Description
Gender Male
Silmarillion? Anywhere in the book it says he's black?


That is actually only true of Near Haradrim, who are described to have brown skin (black eyes and hair) without any further specifications. Far Haradrim (which are sometimes presumably symbolically) refered to as half-trolls had black skin.
Outside of that, not much further detail is given. They don't usually use iron, mostly only wear bronze weapons and armor, carry spiked shields and bright clothes, including red scarfs. The association with more Arabian influences is actually post hoc and fairly arbitrary.

Sup Forums always tries to discredit blacks and give all the credit to Muslims all the time.
With everything

>be Sup Forums
>get triggered
Every time.

Bor is leader of the faithful among the easterlings, who were the swarthy men that came to Beleriand.

Anyway it's retarded to complain about their absence in defence of Gondor - they simply did not live in the area. They are among the aggressors because the area was historically under Dark Lord's influence and so he drafted his forces from there.

I'm more curious how the blue wizards fared, whether they turned evil or led their own wars against evil.

What are you talking about?, that's clearly a sun tanned elf.

You mean like Numidia and Carthage?
And what about the Movie Gods of Egypt? Or the movie "the Egyptian" with Cleopatra?
Nobody made an outcry unlike Sup Forums does

Nice rebuttal faggot. Face it. Negros in USA are descendants of people that got caught in a fucking net in Africa. And African negroes are either living in houses built and abandoned by white man or they are living in hut made of shit.


I don't know why, but he really reminds me of this guy even though they barely look alike. I think it's the hair, the same wavy bushy texture.



Sup Forums needs to go back.

If you knew the series you wouldn't be upset.

also the good blacks were apparently all wiped out during fights with morgoth.

Ah well, presumably there was more where they came from.

You mean those empires fucked over by Romans?


m8 plz

I guess growing up with no fathers, committing massive amounts of violent crimes, and living on welfare is technically a sort of culture.

I didn't say it's the worst, the first game had some glaring flaws that they can improve on but we haven't seen any gameplay yet so there's nothing to discuss. I was just pointing out how their token black character added solely for the diversity checklist contradicted the source material. Wasn't Tolkien accused of racism, anyway? tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Racism_in_Tolkien's_Works

>If you knew the series you wouldn't be upset.
I've read Hobbit when I was a kid and LotR when I was a teen. Silmarillion I've never read but it's like an expanded universe, kinda canon but only hardcore fans give a shit.

>African Negros live in houses abandoned by white men
Lol this is like whites saying they were kings of Egypt


And nobody denies we were slaves on a ship but, to denie our culture is fucking bullshit.

I suppose, race(well, human race) just isn't a big issue in the main books, and that's one of the reasons why they're so good. Anyone who argues racism via omission need to grow a braincell.

>Where did he come from?
from the bowels of hell (i.e. the straight out the butthole of the kike that made the decision to put him in)

>Lol I'm so retarded to not know that Nubia existed and there were actual Negro kings and armies in Egypt so I'm just gonna say "lol Egypt black?"

>African Negros live in houses abandoned by white men
>Lol this is like whites saying they were kings of Egypt
Do you not understand what colonialism was? Whites came in, finally built something there, and were chased out. Now Africans are living in the ruins.
>to denie our culture is fucking bullshit
Your culture is never inventing the wheel. Your culture is never inventing agriculture. Your culture is throwing a shitfit after whites gave you some civilization and calling them murderers.

I guess growing up getting bullied, beaten by your abusive father, and shooting up buildings with minority men held in there is a stable childhood huh?!

What are you talking about OP? Orcs have been in the LotR universe since the first book.

American Black culture is just southern culture.

The Nubians did not build Egypt. They came in at the end of its life and drove it into the ground.

>shooting up buildings
Should I post gun violence stats between races, you dumb nigger? You're talking about one dumb faggot, Dylan Roof, while I'm talking about the vast majority of blacks.

This is sauron. Say something nice to him.

You racist asshole, black culture is more than that! You'd still be eating unseasoned food if it wasn't for black people.

Wasn't there some shonen-ai artist that drew him and the ultimate LotR universe baddie (forgot his name) together? Those were cute, I guess.

They should make a games console specially for niggers which just makes yo momma jokes and complains about white privilege

>The Nubians did not build Egypt. They came in at the end of its life and drove it into the ground.
Actually, neither is true.
That said, you are falling for about as fucking obvious bait as it ever gets. How about you don't fucking feed the shitposters?

>never inventing the wheel
You mean making a donut out of stone? Black men have existed for 7,000 years whites came in 1,000 years later.
Blacks invented almost everything primitive but, I bet that the American world history book our reading out of would never tell you that.
Why am I arguing with this dumbass.

Here's your last (You) I'm gone.

>Now Africans are living in the ruins.
Not him but that's just blatantly false. Admittedly there's still a lot of european, american and chinese construction workers there but there's no need to be dishonest here.

>whites gave you some civilization and calling them murderers.
there was a lot of atrocities involved in colonization, and a lot of corruption that state officials far away from any accountability and with high expectations could get away with.

>Black men have existed for 7,000 years whites came in 1,000 years later.
And blacks still haven't created a god damn thing. They got a head start and still can't fucking compare to what whites did a thousand years ago.

>Your culture is never inventing the wheel. Your culture is never inventing agriculture. Your culture is throwing a shitfit after whites gave you some civilization and calling them murderers.

>Americans unironically believe "white people" invented the wheel, agriculture, and civilization

literally just as bad as we wuz kangs

>Blacks lived longer than whites yet they couldn't even figure how to make stone donuts
I didn't even know, blacks must be retarded.

>Americans unironically believe "white people" invented the wheel, agriculture, and civilization
When did I even mention that whites did those things? The point is that blacks didn't. Every other civilization has managed those things, and African still can't fucking farm.

Carthage was not a black civilization for fucks sake.
>the egypt kangz meme


Fuck this nigger shit I can stand Donut Steel the character beating Melkor and shit but a nigger in my Lotrverse that's crossing the line.

How can Numenoreans even compete?

and if you had read the other works you'd know that blacks ARE a thing

Is this supposed to be implying that white food is worse or nigger food? Because both look terrible.

He really was the hero of time.

>Dylan Roof
>Eric Harress
>school Shooters
>Eliot Roger
>Ted Bundy
>John Wayne Gacy
>Jehfrey Dahmer
>Adam Lanza
>Edward Allaway
>Ove Anderson

Holy shit I would be here forever if I named everyone. I'm just gonna say Ect.

And cracker am I gonna have to pull out the South African Crime statistics? And the U.K. crime statistics, and The Russia
Crime statistics bitch?

whats your point? even disregarding the racists, it still makes no sense for a black person in a lotr game thats set in middle-earth.

both look like shit, american culinary is absolute trash.


Blacks like to make le epic facebook memes about how white food is bland because they douse their food in shitloads of spice so they can taste it through the eternal taste of cigarettes in their mouth.

>names a bunch of serial killers
>meanwhile there's a shooting every god damn night in my neighborhood because niggers have no self control
>meanwhile 7% of the population commits 50% of violent crime in America
Yeah, whip out those South African crime statistics. That'd be pretty funny. You know, since that's the country where the few whites have to live in gated communities with armed guards to avoid getting fucking murdered.

Romans weren't white, although their empires were destroyed by Germanic barbarians who were white.

>Romans weren't white
The Romans and the barbarians were both white, you dumb nigger.

>Shadow of Mordor rapes the lore with elf wraiths not under Sauron and a OC immortal ranger
>its just a game, turn off your brain XD

>one black Gondorian soldier


This is the one and only post this thread needs. Factually correct on all accounts as well as reasonable.

this desu

I agree.

Didn't the Blue Wizards enter Harad and kept the full force of Harad from joining Sauron by creating pocket resistance to Sauron in their homeland?

It is liberal propaganda though

Saying Romans were white is like saying Jews are white, something only an extremely ignorant person would say.

Some women's womb I assume......

I don't think they're really mentioned anywhere in LotR aside from in passing. Haven't played the game though.

I suppose it's a possibility. Another speculation is that they are two of the ringwraiths but that doesn't seem right to me.

I'm really getting tired of this shit.

how can someone fuck up chicken thighs?

just sprinkle salt and put it in the fucking oven for christ's sake.

they predicted the future !!

The complaining or the diversity directives?

>this is now racist
>"Europe is multicultural and also the home to plenty of black people"


I'm glad we're catching up on nazis. This guy may have slipped through the cracks back then, but his post is still there. I hope he gets fired for his racism

It's not. It's tokenism, not propaganda.

idk you tell me white boi

>MFW most recent AAA games try to push some kind of shitty agenda down your throat and when games are not about gameplay and fun anymore

>I hate crackers and cracker skinned people with a delight. The fuckingvsub-human rape a lot autistic race impaired bastards that steal everything like civilization itself was owned by the black men and women because they were the first men.



Why the fuck do they push this so hard?

Discrediting Phoenicians and Bedouins. Go fuck yourself. North Africa got raped as it is, no need to add niggers to list of culprits.

LOTR belongs to the whites like how rap belongs to the blacks okay?

>black men and women because they were the first men
Brown people were the first people user. Black people came to be when the non-migrating homids of Africa got sunburned.