Mother Thread

Just bought a Wii U and started playing through Earthbound Beginnings
about 5 hours in and this is amazing
Mother Thread

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Before we go any further can we all just agree that that costume looks absolutely fucking gay as fuck?

Glad you enjoy yourself user. This game might have the clunkiest gameplay of the trilogy, but it has my favorite story, no matter how relatively simple it is.

Gay as fuck? Those there are too kind a word, user. I'd call it absolute fucking shit. But hey, it got my attention, so maybe that was OPs intention.

honestly I am an extreme fan of the series and Mother 1 is absolute dogshit. The story is just non existent, the difficulty curve and random encounter rate is horrid.

You can just tell they had never made an rpg before. Mother 2 does a lot to reboot the title but Mother 3 feels like the most complete and well designed of the three.

It's honestly a shame because I feel like a fourth title would have been even better yet, even if it didnt involve anything from the other 3. Itoi clearly has a good mind for story and concepts.

as someone whose favorite dragon quests are the first 3, i really appreciate simple stories, so it's way better for me than the overly produced super whacky antics in Mother 2 (even though i love that game too)

i think i like it more than the chinese clay doll that is the more official concept of Ninten
it's a more appealing depiction of him

to be fair that is a fan designed costume. I really dont like the weird chunky beret baseball hat thing, nor the neck piece with the franklin badge.

They should have taken cues from the old "cowboy kid" look that was big for a while if they wanted to keep the kerchief, instead of taking cues from some french bread mascot or some shit

What are you talking about, user? Mt. Itoi is a fair and balanced place.

If you glitch EVE into your party permanently, that is.



It's supposed to be Americana imagery circa the 1980s, not RPG Maker protag 5. The ad had it right.

Hell, if it was an entirely new character I wouldn't mind.

i always feel like this could come from an OST for a studio ghibli movie

it's slightly annoying because of the encounter rate but that place isn't so bad, there are much more convoluted maps in nes games

Well, I guess everything is relative. Coming to this after playing through Mother 3 (which has pretty straightforward dungeons, if you can even call em that) it looks like absolute hell.

Where did this French flag shit come from? Ninten is 100% American.


>The story is just non existent

I honestly preferred the story of Mother 1 over the other two, to be honest. It was melancholic enough without being too grim and had just the right amount of weirdness and mystery to it without it getting "quirky".

Duncan's Factory can go burn down in a fire for all I care. Mt. Itoi was bearable because of 4th-D Slip.

Watch this.


the route is mostly linear, with tangents being a single ladder that isn't far from the main progression path. there's only two bull shit dead ends that lead absolutely nowhere

Did you know 80% of the time, I'm right 100% of the time?

i never understood why Nintendo seemingly wants to sweep Mother 1 under the rug
like it may not be the best game in the series but they should at least own it and recognize that it was the origin of the series like they love to do for Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Kirby, and all their other franchises

beep boop

did you know for certain, though?

It might not be as marketable a game aside from "hey, this is the game before Earthbound".

The story is minimal and doesn't really have many signature scenes (aside from Magicant, Ellay and the Dance scene, I can't recall many things that stand out as much as all the stuff that happens in Earthbound).

The main character designs aren't really that distinctive, and the main man himself has the misfortune of being Proto Ness.

There is no excuse with the fucking music, though.

I didn't realize until you worded it like that but they really did just try to make every visual aspect of a very simple character into something more complex than necessary.

its like they went from the shoes to the top of the hat and one-by-one redesigned each part as if it were the special bit of flair to the character as a whole. one or two of the details would be fine. this many together is just too hard to look at.

honestly the entire game gets old quick with the invisible random encounters and the clunky mechanics/UI.
I feel like I'm just sounding like some sort of ragebait shitter but this is just the truth. I love this series to death but I always tell people to play mother 1 last if they still feel like doing it after the other two.

replaying mother 2 for the 12th time recently made me realize it is also a pretty bad hodgepodge of events and nearly every story element is left hanging or knotted up by the end. Honestly the only way I can like Earthbound from a standpoint other than muh aesthetic and humor is if I ignore the canon ending turn of events and create for myself an ending where (mother 3 spoilers)
Giygas is actually Porky inside the ultimately safe capsule, who had time traveled himself to the ends of human sanity, dissolving his shitty human body in the process, all in the name of seeing Ness again after the events of Mother 3. If you look at the fact that Giygas seems obsessed with Ness despite him supposedly being involved with Ninten ("ness ness ness ness I feel H A P P Y," "friend. Go back.") and that he starts off in a weird degraded looking spherical capsule that Porky has to open from the outside. I just can't help but feel like its a better ending.

Yeah I hate it because it's basically the opposite of how I imagine Ninten. His untucked shirt always made me imagine him as kind of a lazy slob. As opposed to Ness who came off as more of an energetic adventure kid.

I wish they would just release some official imagery that shows Ninten next to Ness with Ninten having just enough design differences to make people recognize him as a different character


the character interaction is hardly there. Ana loves you out of nowhere, we know almost nothing about most of the cast, Giegue basically needs extra reading to understand.

let me put it this way. If they took the exact story and made a modern RPG out of it, It would be GOTY. Like a fucked up ET mixed with Stand By Me and Stranger Things? If it only came out today as a modern title I would instantly be a humongous fan. I am a humongous fan of the series as a whole. Mother 1 is a victim of the era it was released.

We have quite a bit. Thats actually the problem, The weird shirt came from the official commercial. various official drawn art of him shows a kercheif, or variations on the striped shirt. The clay model just shows him with thinner yellow stripes than Ness. Its just a mess.

Wanna hear a joke?
Mother 4

could you imagine being a Japanese youth and hearing that the celebrity actor and musician Shigasato Itoi was actually making a game for the Nintendo Famicom?
this game was probably hyped as fuck on launch

>Ninten and Ana get to destroy the bigass robot with mental powers
>Loid just standing there staring cuz he can't do jack, just like in the game

Being Loid is suffering.

well i feel that now if only Nintendo took the opportunity to release some sort of official imagery to separate Ninten from Ness in design while still trying to stay kinda close to the original design it would easily rectify the confusion people could have about the characters

Ninten hasn't even got his own trophy in smash for fuck sake, that would be the perfect outlet for people to learn more about him

I can imagine all the kind of shit you could add to the game and I bet some of it could work, some would not.

>rolling HP meter
>timed hits or shit like that
>add super duper duper ultimates based on a meter
>add All Out Attacks
>add cooking
>add the condiment system from the sequel
>make one of your characters like cheese

did the youth actually give a shit about him? I cant imagine most kids caring about Itoi even in his heyday.

I'm sure it made a huge buzz for teens and adults though that this fucking japanese davinci was going for a videogame though. he WAS everywhere for a while in japan, and we really have no equivalent anywhere else right now.

loid is probably too busy concealing his boner over standing by a girl and watching a giant robot explode.

by japanese youth i meant more like teens and young adults who would have been into vidya in 1989

honestly I pushed pretty hard to see him in Smash4 as a playable character. His moveset could be entirely different, and some PSI moves were only around for his game.

alternatively, getting a masked man or one of the female leads would be cool. I really shouldn't be even pushing any luck though. I guess the series is resurging so maybe next time we will get a little bit more.

"independence virus"



Just gave me an excuse to post this again.

What is PK Beam anyways?

"infinite comrade"


"diamond dog"

fight shitposting!

I think most of the stuff you listed that was featured in one of the other games worked pretty well for the games, if you are suggesting they did not.

I assume rolling meters and condiments would be in since its so similar to mother 2.

Mother 64 seemed to have some sort of timed button attacks like in paper mario, or some weird gauge thing. Charged up attacks would definitely fit more than musical combos.

Also, I was just thinking from a story clarity standpoint. Doesnt the game tell you to investigate shit like right away? It was basically a reason to get you to leave the house but imagine going and collecting information about the attacking animals and hippies/farmers before coming to the conclusion that it was something supernatural?

What about some explanation to you suddenly getting PSI? maybe you actually have to study the journal to figure it out instead of it just happening.

ah ok, for some reason I assumed you meant the little ones who seem to play games now more than ever. Maybe I'm just getting too old

PK Beam is just "beta" PK Flash.
I think only Ana and some higher level enemies knew it. I think it was also reflected by the franklin badge, which only thunder is in later games.

I dunno, I actually liked musical combos, though I reckon they would fit the tone of Mother 3 and Mother 3 alone. But if you told me I get to add Paper Mario-like attacks into any RPG I like, I will always say yes. Could definitely make Loid pull his weight a bit more.

As for in story explanations... Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I can't recall any of the games really going out of their way to explain PSI. Like, Mother 2 and 3 say "I dunno, lol". Mother explains it a bit better, but not by much.

"Why do I have PSI?"
"Your grampa took it"


And it only reflected Gamma, which was the insta kill one. Which is the reason to get that second Franklin Badge.


Oh, I didn't mean the musical combos were bad, far from it. I just don't think it fit the tone of any other game from the trilogy, like you say.

Mother 2 I think has nothing, maybe Buzz buzz said something? I forget honestly. It's pretty random too.

Mother 3, however, has you meeting with the magypsies and then dunked underwater by one until your mind overclocks to unlock its inner potential. It's suggested that only magypsies (and aliens i guess lol) can unlock the power within people, and that not everyone has the potential.

Man, fuck that, honestly.


it would be cool as a charged horizontal beam shot in smash

Hi OP, I am glad that you're enjoying the game. I played through Earthbound before Beginnings and I have stopped for a bit on Beginnings but will go back to it now. I fell in love with Earthbound and I hadn't thought about it for a few weeks until today so it's cool you made this thread as I was listening to the soundtrack before.

Am looking forward to playing Mother 3. Watched this yesterday and thought it was cool too

sorry for blog, I just like to talk about this game and my friends don't care much for it

not op, I just want to blog about how I'm sad that all of these did you know and factoid videos will literally never have news to me anymore because i obsessively researched the game as a teen.

Sometimes I play them in the background while I work to just have a voice talking about a topic I like.