Thoughts on Grimrock games?

thoughts on Grimrock games?

Loved them. I didn't care for the end of 2 tho.

Too slow. The constant micro-pauses between every single action is infuriating.

what pauses?


too bad Legend of Grimrock 2 didn't sell well, amazing game really

The devs said they wanted to take a break from Grimrock or so

First was fun. Too short and underwhelming ending though.

There is 3 different endings for grim 2.



Fuck I miss this game!

Literal trash. Fuck blobbers and fuck """""""""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""" who like them.

2 is great


2 was fucking brilliant, though I never finished it. Haven't played 1. Disappointed that 3 isn't coming.

There was a good mechanics talk given by one of the devs at some conference a while back. He seemed like a pretty serious, dedicated, no-nonsense guy. Really antithetical to a lot of "riding the pop-culture wave" devs I see around.

>Grimrock 1

Amazingly atmospheric and inspired game

>Grimrock 2

Shitty rehash

If they make a Grimrock 3, they better add NPCs for goodness sakes.


Literal (almost)perfection: the series

Play Ultima Underworld instead

>grimrock 2
kill yourself

>Grimrock 2
>Not a shitty and boring rehash

Prove me wrong

If you want horrible looking outdoor environments, you could play some of the LOG1 mods that do everything LOG2 did.

They were great but I doubt they drew in new audience for the genre instead of just making a much of people feel nostalgic

But Grimrock 2's outdoor environments were beautiful. Did you try adjusting the graphics settings?

Grimrock 1 was like being trapped inside the matrix and escaping

Grimrock 2 was like being outside the matrix only to find out it's another matrix you're inside

Grimrock 1 was great, but a little short.

Grimrock 2 was also great, but a little long.

Both solid games, hope they do a different crawler instead of just Grimrock 3.

I want them to do a space crawler.

starcrawlers exists

I definitely wouldn't mind a Grimrock 3 but I have a feeling that creating it would kill them.

their next game is not a grimrock game

Reminder that Grimrock 2 sold poorly because it was just a weak rehash with the exact same storytelling beats as Grimrock 1

why was it a rehash?

it improved on pretty much everything

it sold poorly because steam faggots are busy buying early access shovelware

A Grimrock game in the style of Might and Magic 6 would be nice to see

Not much, decent games but not especially amazing.
The sequel didnt improve much mechanics wise and there is no continuation in sight.

still wouldnt mind playing a third game, but i doubt it will happen anytime in next few years

good games
grimrock 2 blew the first out of the water in pretty much every single way it's only really worth going back to for the puzzles