So are you going to play this piece of shit when it comes out later this year? Also the creator is a tranny.
>disabled comments
So are you going to play this piece of shit when it comes out later this year? Also the creator is a tranny.
>disabled comments
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Go on
fucking garbage
Wasted potential
Remove the third word and it sounds like a great game.
>fucking garbage
no longer 2006 kiddo, back to SA with you, shoo shoo
So its understale
>Melody is a kindhearted trans fox
They even managed to screw up the lesbian part.
I remember a drawfag drew porn of Melody that got sent to the creator and she had a mental breakdown because of it.
Get your garbage furry shit out of here
God no. It literally started out as super lesbian horse rpg, and then once the guy realized he could make a ton of money took out ponies and made these hideous tranny ocs.
>the paladin is a back of the party healer
It's trash
>2/3 members are trans
>disabled comments
doesn't stop PMs :)
A transwoman who likes women is a lesbian
>Men are the main characters in a lesbian RPG
>recently became a paladin
When Cecil overcame all his obstacles and finally became what he truly felt like inside, I cried in joy for this monumental, ground-breaking achievement for the trans community.
transwomen aren't women
>Women aren't women
I should replay that again...
If a transwoman is in a relationship with a normal woman does that make them straight?
Literally the south park episode with mr garyson and the lesbian bar.
A man who likes women is not a lesbian.
If being gay is biological then yes.
>trans for the sake of putting a buzzword in the description
>not one but two characters of this description
>the original game had them all female
The insanity is real.
Transwomen are recognized by law as women
It makes them a faggot until their mental illness is cleared up.
I want to make a game called super no homo RPG about a group of Completely heterosexual men & complain about how nobody bought it because they were Straight White Man-a-phobic. I would make millions off the backlash advertising alone.
Let me check their tumblr which is
Why do people come up with these retarded titles?
No they aren't in most places, and even if they are, reality isn't dictated by manmade laws.
Here waiting.
Better idea.
Make Super Homo RPG but all the characters are trans, look completely female, and being trans is never brought up.
Are transcows recognized by law?
women are women. transwomen are insane men.
Now you a like.
spoiler text
I'm a tranny but not furry. Maybe I should make Super Lesbian Shemale RPG.
Too bad I can't make video games.
That smells like a rotten piece of masterpiece.
physical reality cares not for the laws of man.
>making a shitty game where the primary draw is the disgusting mentally damaged trannies
>not making a good game where there are transexual characters like undertale
this poo is doomed to fail from the start.
I prefer girls and I consider myself gay for having that sexual preference.
I thought trans hated that word.
I would rather back up Super Futa RPG
>sees title
>sees image
Isn't this based on an MLP game?
irl evil cackling
A fan game, based on MLP, yeah. The Fan game was actually kinda good.
>2/3 are tranny animals
Only the shitty ones do. It's best if you guys learn to not lump all of us in with the psychotic ones that want to censor everything.
I'm a liberal who voted for Bernie and Stein.
Sexuality is about the sex you're attracted to, not gender.
Even if a transwoman ia of the female gender, they aren't of the female sex.
So a transwoman with a cis woman is a heterosexual relationship.
At least according to sane people.
thanks for the link user I now have inoperable pancreatic cancer
That's pretty much what I would make if I could. The characters would be attractive too because that's the kind of shit I'm into.
>MFW I designed a boss for the original version of this game when it was a Pony fangame. I'm no longer a brony though and I don't associate with this dumbass
This 100% so I'll pass unfortunately.
If OP's post is any indication of the sprite-work it might end up looking okay.
>Super Futa RPG
>All of the main characters are trans women that look exactly like men
>This is never brought up in game
>One line about it in the manual
>You have to download the manual
Please convince me developing a game called "Super Futa 64" would be a bad idea.
Technically, as technically as you can get with something like this, a tranny is a transsexual sex worker. Either porn or prostitution.
>Make the two feminine characters trans
>Make the cis female a tomboy
There's subverting gender roles and then there's this
Yes, except I genuinely think it looks like a fun game.
At the very least, the pixelart shows an incredible amount of artistic talent. Its genuinely one of the most beautiful RPGMaker games I've seen, and I've played OneShot. Music is pretty gud too.
I think the title of the game is somewhat dumb and misleading though, as I think a lot of people are coming off of it thinking that the game is ABOUT being gay or trans, when it seems like that's only character traits and that the real game involves training to be part of a guild. Its misleading and will probably hurt the game somewhat, despite fitting the game tone-wise.
>We are putting a travel ban on all furries, mentally ill persons, & otherkin, entering our country
>These are some BAD dudes
That doesn't sound anymore sane and kind of defeats the point Should be all or nothing.
we talking balls or no balls
Being the tranny who called myself a tranny, I just view it as another word for trans personally. In ways I think it can sound cute but I guess I'm weird and unusual even by tranny standards.
Transwoman in a relationship with a woman is a lesbian relationship. If a woman is attracted to a woman it's lesbian. Genitals aren't really important to the equation.
This is what the creator looks like IRL.
>last proper western-lesbian RPG came out 7 years ago
Where did everything go wrong?
But one woman is of the male sex.
So she's a man.
>not even yiffable characters
>The art is better than 95% of pixelshit out there nowadays
>Trans cow
What a waste of talent.
im sure it'll be better than this piece of shit of a animal game
Why do you care if the character is trans or not? Honestly, what difference does it make to the game's appeal?
im down with that
also I hate the colors in this game. reminds me of egoraptor's palette
At best you could stretch it that the sex is heterosexual because it's penis in vagina (assuming the transwoman is no-op, which is personally the path I'm taking) but otherwise it's totally lesbian. Personally I don't think the genitals are enough to sway even the sex part since lesbians do use dildos, strap-ons, and other toys, but you're free to look at it that way if you want.
The rest of it is just a woman being attracted to another woman. You don't see genitals until the person has their clothes off and usually that's only before/during sex.
Do you really have to ask that question? Even most tumblrites know the answer(s).
correct, they aren't important. only your sex chromosomes matter.
they could at the fucking least be subtle about their carpet muncher furry game
Sex chromosomes are a social construct.
Actually those don't matter either. Look up androgen insensitivity syndrome.
These are all women born with vaginas but they're XY.
damn who are the girls on the left?
I was just using "trans cow" as an example because it's a funny phrase in isolation. Obviously what I meant was that the game is going to be shit because it's literally made with the intention of pandering to certain identities rather than just trying to be a good game. I mean hell, the fact that "lesbian" is in the title should be proof enough of that.
those are men.
No they're not.
If it has a Y chromosome in any combination it is a man, scientifically speaking. AIS also causes blanket infertility.
You're wrong.
yes they are.
It seems strange to me, like those people who get upset whenever the main character of a game is female. I don't really care who I'm playing as as long as its well written and they don't look retarded, and this game at least seems to be faring well in the art department
I don't really think the game is trying to do that. I think the title exists just to come off as silly and non-serious.
The dialogue in the trailer doesn't show anything relating to the characters' genders or sexual interests; it just shows some silly dialogue, a sign that some of the characters are really close, and that they have a goal to join a guild as adventurers, which can't really translate to being about being trans or gay.
>Lesbian animal RPG
>Only one lesbian in the party
Why even make this thread
nice rebuttal retard
Those character designs are shit.
Also I'm willing to bet this will be "inspired" by Earthbound.
Sorry but science disagrees with you.
It looked good until I saw the combat, I've always hated that first person view shit for some reason.
>I want to make a game called super no homo RPG about a group of Completely heterosexual men
Square enix already beat you to the punch
Science can kiss my black ass.
Stay in denial forever there, but don't try to use mental gymnastics in an argument about topics you don't understand.
just sent to him again
they're men and there's nothing you can do about it :)
The combat mechanics seem Earthbound-like, so probably
>They appear to be normal girls and are generally considered so.
Quote from >