It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

Other urls found in this thread:'s time to discuss the best RPG ever/filename/aaa/½-—-SystemPack-(ENG-DEU)ür-Gothic-2-(alpha)-13

Steck die scheiß Waffe weg!

Gothic 2 is a pile of shit for retards and children. Oblivion is a more refined experience.
If you just want to get e-cred for playing old videogames play Baldur's Gate instead.


Let's talk about it then



Thanks for repeatedly shitting all over gothic 2's legacy and thus spawning retarded children like this one I think the only thing we're missing is the autist with his collection of shitty webms

Gothic 2 was lame.
Oblivion was better.
Time to move on.

Gothic 2 is pretty much the worst game ever made.

>Thanks for repeatedly shitting all over gothic 2's legacy
This. Now all discussion of Gothic on Sup Forums is dead and buried, just like you wanted

I literally downloaded this cause of all the constant threads.

How in the holy fuck is this the best RPG ever? Mechanics are all fucked up.

You die just by falling a bit, loot system is tedious as hell, managing items even more so, the way you swing your weapon is retarded as hell, sometimes it registers a hit, sometimes it doesn't.
Even tho fire arrow is assigned to number 4 I can still sometimes use it even when I press 3, but then sometimes it fucks up and I use Light instead which is locked to a number fucking 6 and I never even pressed it.

This is within the hour of the game, I'm sure there's more dumb retarded shit.

And before you fucking idiots jump to conclusions, no I'm not saying any Elder Scrolls game is better cause I never played any. Played Morrowind for 2 hours years ago and gave up cause it was a clusterfuck to play.

We will have the same thread,

With the exact same reply, specifically propping up Oblivion, tomorrow.

>loot system is tedious as hell
it's easier and more enjoyable than in TES

>the way you swing your weapon is retarded as hell
you just need to git gud, and you're probably just a rookie

git gud

It's time to stop making these threads every day


>And before you fucking idiots jump to conclusions, no I'm not saying any Elder Scrolls game is better
>it's easier and more enjoyable than in TES
Like clockwork

Gothic 2 > Morrowind > Gothic > Gothic 3 = Oblivion

3 is for last used magic
spells are assindes to consequent numbers unless you choose otherwise

Since we're being autistic about RPGs I might as well remind everyone ITT that even though there's less game in Dragon Age Awakening than Origins, what is there is significantly better.

>Significantly more visually appealing
>Way less garbage fights
>The Children are objectively the scariest Darkspawn
>Significantly reduced recycled assets
>Architect vs The Mother significantly more compelling than the Archdemon and the choice to spare him or not is successfully morally grey
>God tier companion banter
>Much better approval system where your companions have conversations with you out in the world instead of infodumping at camp, also not enough gifts to push a companion to +100 approval, so you can't just be a megacasual about it
>Gameplay changes are all incredible, new specializations are all neat and lack the balance issues of Origins, new class and weapon style talent lines are all very fun
>NO ROMANCES to fuck up the characters with an autistic fanbase making demands (Leliana's continued use in the series despite her possible death, Morrigan going back on her promise to never see The Warden again, both at the cost of artistic integrity)
>Smaller package meant pretty much all side quests were actually meaningful, be it direct results in-game or in the epilogue
>Much more successful hard choices in whether you want to save Vigils Keep or Amaranthine Unless you looked it up online and knew whether or not you were kosher with the upgrades the first playthrough
>Significantly better epilogues, both for companions/main quest outcomes and for side quest content
>Gave the Deep Roads, the shittiest place in Origins, a new lease on life and it's one of the coolest areas in Awakening

most americans will never be able to appreciate this game.

It's the only one and true RPG experience where you feel like a fucking peasant at level 1 and a fucking badass at high levels.

Nowadays you have these fucking people tell me horizon zero dawn looks great, a fucking game where everything outside a 5ft radius is foggy as shit.

People have no idea what makes games good. Casuals rule the earth, the cancer has infected us all.

wake me up inside

Oblivion is the game us Ultima fans wanted after the cluster fuck that ultima X was. Gothic 2 is fine but oblivion really is the best Ultima game.

Any good mods? German preferably.

Is the returning good? From what I've seen in videos it all seems a little out of place

>people comparing Gothic 2 to Oblivion

Lol you little fags. Oblivion isn't even in the same league as Gothic 2

Oblivion is a shit game, let alone comparing it to legendary Gothic 2

Pretty sure people do it to trigger the spammer. I hope so at least


>trigger the spammer
>Some guy who just wants to discuss a fun game with anons is a spammer
Fucking christ this board is beyond shit tier at this point. Just purge this website with fire by selling it to facebook or Gawker media at this point gookmoot

Oblivion is the greatest RPG ever created, by extension it shits all over Gothic 2, which is a gimmicky pile of trash only liked by manchildren and people who can't innovate.

Oblivion had a much more interesting setting and story than Gothic 2. It's not even a contest.

>Making the same thread right after the other one was archived with the same fucking OP
>Invading other RPG threads
>Oh my god this board is so bad and full of plebs
Go be a nigger somewhere else

I'm not Gothicfag, but I have literally never seen Gothicfag bring it up in any thread but these/General RPG discussions.

You are the autist for caring this much that somebody likes a video game user

>more interesting settings

top kek.
generic woods and hills

>I have literally never seen Gothicfag bring it up in any thread but these/General RPG discussions.
Lurk more then, because you literally can't have a Morrowind thread without this faggot showing up with his webms ruining it

>You are the autist
Yeah man, making 2 angry posts is on the same level as posting the exact same thread literally all day for an entire month. I'm totally the autist here, no doubt

And mountains, coasts, forests, swamps, highlands, foothills and grasslands. Gothic 2 consists entirely of hills and trees.

I'll admit I don't really play Morrowind or the elder scrolls so I wouldn't have noticed

Somehow though I have a very hard time believing that TES faggots didn't start this autist feud.

>I don't know shit about the subject but let me give you my opinion anyway's time to discuss the best RPG ever/filename/aaa/

As I said, go be a nigger somewhere else

>Austistic within his own thread

>He's a spammer
>lol nuke this board what a bunch of faggots can't discuss anything
>Here's the proof
>It's okay because he makes his own threads anyway, except when he doesn't :)
Good job runing Gothic on Sup Forums

gothic 2 has all of that, plus ancient ruins, tropical jungle, ice land, desert

Link me a torrent faggots I lost my ggn account from inactivity

He's spamming vidya discussion though? Who gives a shit the worst that can happen if left to his own devices is nobody participates in his thread.

>Hey this guys autistic
>Lets direct his autismal ire towards a game series we like, surely nothing bad could come of this

>Claim X is the best game in the genre
>People tell you they think Y is better
>Throw a tantrum on an anonymous image board because you can't handle actual discussion

so every single thread on Sup Forums?

Under key 3 you have last used spell. And if you can't avoid fall damage, then maybe git gud.

Last time I checked the autistic tantrum didn't last an entire month

>Taking personal offense to somebodies personal best game ever
>Coming into the thread to "ACTUALLY" the shit out of it instead of just having your own comfy Morrowind thread

yeah but dragon age origins combat is just WoW with pause.

I mentioned Morrowind exactly once and I couldn't care less if he thinks it's shit, but derailing videogame discussion is low no matter how you try to spin it.
>Taking personal offense
Nice projecting you have going on there.


This isn't true until 2 and Inq though you double nigger.

On harder difficulties using abilities to stun, weaken and disable enemies and buff yourself and the team is way more important than rotating the damaging abilities. Plus the combat is only a portion of the game, all the interactions with the characters and choices are just as important, WoW has fuck all of that.

>Admitting to coming into the thread to start some shit.
>Seriously autistic enough to not realize "Lets talk about the best game ever" and similar is used to start vidya threads all the fucking time
And I came into the thread to try and learn more about Gothic 2 because I've been looking at picking it up. How would I be taking personal offense.

Disgusting. It's Fake Factory all over again.

what mod is this?

>Admitting to coming into the thread to start some shit
>This is starting shit
You sperged out and I corrected you, that's all. OP is a huge faggot and I'm sad for Gothic because he literally ruined any discussion that was left of it with his autism, that's all

>And I came into the thread to try and learn more about Gothic 2
Did you find anything? No? That's because he literally makes these threads to shitpost.

I really enjoyed Rune: Gold
Not many threads about it desu

Okay, what kind of mods are you using though? I've never seen anything like that on the nexus, must have dug pretty deep in modhistory, huh? I'm following the pastebin myself, so far so good!


>1 year ago we had peaceful gothic threads
>now this


>makes these threads to shitpost.

i'm pretty sure he wants to popularize this hidden gem, just like VtmB got popular on Sup Forums because of a few people spamming it every day

You literally can't make a thread for a game that isn't FOTM without retards flaming it at this point.

There were cunts trying to start shit in that kirby air ride thread yesterday.

alright op lets talk about it

But OP, that's not Skyrim.

He should have realized it doesn't work on the 10th try or so, about 2 weeks ago

imo it's a lot more popular now than it was before, where there was one thread about it per 6 months


more like an hour after this one gets archived at around 100 replies.


Maybe if you fucking faggots would stop replying to this autistic slav spammer maybe things would change.
But noooo, let's feed the retard.

>Taken out of the coffin for Oblivion and Skyrim fans to shit on
Not a good fate

but it's ok to reply to other daily threads?

and this one is actually about a good unappreciated game, unlike daily WHAT WENT WRONG WITCHERBROS thread



Counter bumb
That shit doesn't even work anymore you gigantic goof

>Announcing reports is against the rules too.

DX11 + L'hiver

Finally a Gothic thread!
So I heard good things about Gothic and Gothic 2 from Sup Forums. I picked up the gold edition on steam. I absolutely LOVED Gothic. It, hands down, became one of my favorite games. I'm still undecided as to whether or not it's better than Morrowind when it comes to open world RPG's. Morrowind has a lot more areas and dungeons, but I enjoyed how the Main Story of Gothic was a little more essential to the experience of the game.

Now, I found parts of Gothic somewhat difficult, considering it was my first playthrough. However, the only time I found myself "stuck" and had to go around killing monsters for level ups was the Minecrawler Nest.

Gothic 2 NoTR, on the other hand, is frustratingly difficult. I've heard that NoTR ramped up the difficulty and is not generally recommended for one's first experience, but I don't think it's possible to remove NoTR and try to play the base game, at least not with the steam version.

After several character restarts, I still can't get a hang on how I'm supposed to distribute my skill points. What's more important as a paladin wielding 2h weapons, strength or weapon skill? When should I start drinking my strength pots, when it costs 4 LP per point, or do I have to wait for 5 LP per point? The character I got furthest with, I got strength to 46 to use that two handed weapon you can buy from the water mage in the expansion, and then dumped my LP in 2h weapon skill until I hit 61%. By that point though, I was in chapter 4 and my weapon swings aren't hitting for shit anymore.

tl;dr How do I make a character that's capable of actually harming monsters. Most places on the internet say to kick everyone's ass for the extra experience and apples, but frankly that feels a little bit like cheating and I would rather not abuse mechanics without beating the game, first.

I was disgusted the first time I tried it because of the awkward control scheme and uninstalled. But after giving it another go I really enjoyed it, you'd have to start from Gothic 1, the game is quite old and outdated but its atmosphere really pulls you in.

I tried getting into this after hearing it was kewl, it's not a bad game but grossly overrated and outdated today.

Congratulations, you fell for one of the many Sup Forums meme games that sold like shit for a good reason. Next on the list you can try trash like EYE or VTMB only to realise you wasted multiple hours trying to get "into" them.


you should have at least 100 STR in Act 4

start doing other STR bonuses when u hit 90 STR, you can start a little earlier like 80 if you're impatient

and did you finish NoTR?

>finally a gothic thread
thought this was bait, luckily not the case
>Water mage
Fire mage is the best thing, at first it is difficult but later you just crush everything with fire rain

So, how do I get rid of these ugly things in the top of the image?

he's right though.

install systempack and Dx11

You can't get to chapter 4 without finishing NoTR, so yes.

So I'm assuming I should mainly be focusing on strength at the start, and forego weapon skill? I started over again when I hit the wall, with that in mind. My plan was to get to 45 strength to use the 75 damage staff, get to "fighter" level in 2h, and then go back to dumping into strength again until I hit 120 to use the Paladin sword.
The problem is this is the 4th time I've started a new game. The first time I hit a wall, the second time I hit the Lares bug (he wouldn't help me get to the stone circle in the forest, and I still couldn't kill a warg) and the third I've explained already. I had to put the game away for awhile because there's only so many times you can do chapters 1-3, and the NoTR expansion, within a month before getting bored.
Obviously I'm aware to save strength and weapon skill items for when their respective skills hit the higher lp costs.

old pasta for anyone with issues

>getting Gothic 1 to run (better) on modern systems
- fresh install game
- install patch 1.08k (gothic_patch_108k.exe)
- install playerkit (gothic1_playerkit-1.08k.exe)
- install systempack (g1classic-systempack-1.1.exe)½-—-SystemPack-(ENG-DEU)
- unplug second monitor if you have one. It fucks with the game being displayed. The systempack works for some people as a workaround, for others not.

>getting Gothic 2 to run (better) on modern systems
- fresh install game
- install fix (gothic2_fix- (FOR G2 + ADDON)
ALT.: install fix (gothic2_fix- (FOR VANILLA)
- install player kit (gothic2_playerkit-2.6f.exe)
- install system pack (g2notr-systempack-1.1.exe)½-—-SystemPack-(ENG-DEU)
- unplug second monitor if you have one. It fucks with the game being displayed. The systempack works for some people as a workaround, for others not.

>DX11 mod for Gothic 2ür-Gothic-2-(alpha)-13

>DX11 mod for Gothic 1 (if you know how to install it)

Yes, also, you should never come close to meme games on Sup Forums like Deus Ex, System Shock 2 and Blood. These piece of trash didn't sell for a reason: they're all crap.

Just stick to your greatest game ever made, OoT, with better writing, combat and complexity than any other game.

Nobody cares.

Thanks, it will help me in the future.

Did you actually play the game 3 times with doing all the side quests and killing all the mobs?

45 STR in Act 4 is really low

I usually get to 60 STR in Act II

But yea the best thing would be to get to Fighter rank and then focus on STR.

Also make sure you get all the belts and rings that add STR

FINE user

I see you're really desperate, so go ahead have your (You), i'm feeling generous today

Deus Ex actually sold relatively well. All of the three games you mentioned excelled at many things and very highly influential for good reasons.

VTMB, Gothic and EYE are completely unremarkable in that sense.

Don't know why you brought up OoT, I haven't played it but it looks like ass.

Gothic was ONLY advertised in Germany, where it sold amazing, the rest of the world didn't even know about this game

If it was advertised in the U.S and other countries, it would have been a success there too

Alright, so I just got to the sleeper's temple in chapter 5 (Gothic 1). There's a switch puzzle here that triggers a demon to spawn when I do it wrong.

How exploitable is this? Does it just spawn infinite demons, so I can level my self up to something silly like lvl 70 and just storm through the rest of the game?