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Shadow of Cucks!
>Shadow of Mordor sequel
Did anyone actually want this?
probably not, but the first game sold a good ammount, so there has to be some market out there.
>The listing also mentions a $100 USD Gold Edition, which includes two Nemesis expansions, two story expansions, and a "Gold War Chest." The Nemesis expansions will include a new Orc tribe, enemies, missions, and more, while the story expansions will introduce a new campaign and playable character.
fucking hell
the first one is literally the best RPG of 2015
>all that shit in day one DLC
Fuck yes.
The first one was great because of the nemesis system, Hope they expand on it
Sweet. Another adult version of Zelda. These grown up alternatives are fantastic.
Great, another nice game on the "to pirate" list.
Threadly reminder that the March 8th announcement will still be about a new Batman game developed by WB Montreal
>Same boring character
>Not a playable orc instead
Damn shame
Meh, first one was pretty mediocre. If I spent more than 10 bucks then I probably would've refunded it.
Gonna wait a year or two and pick this up GOTY for the same price.
Gold edition means standard edition with season pass tho
Never EVER!
Would be cool to have a Batman game with the nemisis system where enemies turn into super villains.
Monkey pawed into having every enemy turn into the Joker like the poison in Arkham Knight
You're in luck: the next Batman game will have the Nemesis system.
Also, there will be a new Batman. His name is Damian Wayne
>tfw Monolith will be stuck making shitty Middle Earth games until they sell bad enough for WB to shut them down
Even the title by itself sounds boring as fuck, I can't fathom how far off we've come at being creative naming video games
it's either Shadow of Legends: War Battle Crusades or DOKI DOKI HOKEY POKEY GIRLS!!!: Hyper Future Extend BURST Remix 2nd Drive or an indie title with a made up word that has one single syllable you're going to forget
What would be better names?
Any title longer than 2 words is shit
It was pretty good for the $20 I spent on it. Not worth the full price though.
I did, although from what we know already it looks like it is going to be infested with DLC. SoM wasn't a bad game, in fact I enjoyed it. The only problem was the nemesis system didn't always get a chance to work because the game was piss easy so you rarely got an actual orc that inspired enough hatred to go after.
All of those are wrong
Can't wait for more easy mode combat topped off with a useless nemesis system
I bet it'll be a unique and unforgettable experience! I sure can't wait to pre order
>Did anyone actually want this?
I'd dig a more fleshed out nemesis system
awful cover and title, but i thought the had enough interesting concept that could be further developed to warrant a sequel, namely the Nemesis system. Hopefully they actually make the combat half-decent this time.
Please ruin the lore as much as possible.
>muh lore
Shadow of Mordor bored me to death after around 5 hours. It was just an empty world and the only thig you do is fight Orcs, but the combat is kind of a shittier Arkham combat so the orc-fighting part isn't as good as it should be. The Nemesis system was cool but it's not enough to carry a game.
>Shadow of War
>not Fires of Mordor
As much as I like Terry Ill be okay with them making Damian the successor as long as they merge the personalities like those leaks said they would.
gold editions are nothing new, have you been in a coma?
>WB Batman games:
>Batman Arkham _______
>WB Lord of the Rings Games:
>Middle Earth: Shadow of ________
I had an idea for a sequel to Shadow of Mordor where it took place in Orc occupied Osgiliath and you start on the farthest side of the western city outskirts and slowly liberate across the river to the eastern side.
it's like legend of zelda games which have nothing to do with a legend about zelda, get it now?
is this the game that copied shitty assassins with the same shit combat system? no thanks
Batman games will drop the Arkham title now.
The new bamham game is closer to GTA and the Witcher than it is to the Arkham games if the leaks are to be true.
Yes. The original was a fun Orc slayer.
I liked the first one, a sequel could be nice.
gib leaks
I mean i do, i don't think it'll be GOTY or anything but shadow of mordor was pretty fun
Check the archives around the date when the WB teaser date image was first published there was an user claiming to be an insider who posted a huge multipost list of features and story points before any of the teaser shit had even gone up.
>Made by WB Montreal
>Imagine Batman Beyond but with Damian Wayne. That's what this is. Terry McGinnis was originally considered but they figured it'd be easier to sell Batman's son instead of a new character to games.
>If you are looking for the first Batman game without The Joker... you will have to wait a bit longer. The Joker is in the game, but not in the way that you think. It's a sequel to the most recent title "Arkham Knight", so The Joker is definitely dead. If you have ever seen the film "Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker", you may have an idea of where they are going with this.
>The Batbike is the new Batmobile in this game. There is actually a power-wench on it like in "Arkham Knight" to do puzzles! I can already hear some fans moaning in agony, but fear not: the Batbike is mainly used to get places quickly as the map is HUGE.
>The rogue list is massive, and really reaches into characters that we haven't seen before like White Rabbit and "Kite Man"...whoever that is.
>The City is in ruin, and competing powers like GothCorp (Mister Freeze) have seized control of Gotham financially. Therein, Wayne Enterprises has somewhat ceased in influence.
>Bruce Wayne is quite old, but not exceedingly old like you may think. In fact, only a few years before the events of the game did Bruce Wayne give up the mantle of the Bat-thing we saw at the end of Arkham Knight. This is not a straight up "Batman Beyond" game.
>Bruce lives in the Batcave full-time. Damian tracked him down and is new to the Batsuit. Alfred has passed away. Bruce serves in that mentor role. Bruce also has a harness on his leg and uses a walking stick.
>Characters like Oracle and Nightwing return. Nightwing plays a big role in this one, but he's aged since Knight quite a bit.
>There is no "main" villain to this game. It takes place over many days and nights, but only one mission (that I know of) takes place during the day. The Penguin and Mister Freeze have major political pull.
>Other villains: The Judge (Harvey Dent), Black Mask (blonde woman), Poison Ivy (new body), The Riddler, Azrael, Flamingo, Harley Quinn
>Most think Bruce Wayne is still Batman. Some of the villains even say things like "Hello Brucie" and "Mr. Wayne, come to die." Of course, it's not Bruce.
>Jason Todd is in the game. He feels bad over the events of Arkham Knight but still goes around killing criminals.
>Gameplay has substantial revisions in this one. The gameplay mechanics are rehashed to fit around Damian's strengths, which are generally more agile and equipment-based than that of Bruce Wayne. It doesn't seem you quite hit as hard, but you move faster and are more agile than in the other titles. Still, it will feel largely like playing as Batman from what I've been told.
>Damian Wayne is not really recognizable to how he is as a kid. He's not particularly bratty or anything, and in many ways acts more like his dad than anything else.
>The game spends a lot of time in Wayne Manor, the Batcave, etc. Cutscenes flash back to Damian's time with Ra's Al Ghul and Talia, the story is truly a personal one. The way the narrative is told resembles "Grand Theft Auto", much more so than the previous Batman titles.
>On the contrary to what other sources have been claiming, this title has a targeted October 2017 release date. It is in the vein of what Warner Brothers Games has always aimed to do with having a Batman game every other year. Arkham Knight was a different beast in it of itself, but Asylum was in '09, City '11, and now this game will come 2 years after Arkham Knight. That's what WB wants to do for the future as well probably.
>This game features guest heroes from other corners of the DC Universe! I know this as an absolute fact - Green Arrow is in the game. His cameo is brief, but other side missions featuring non-Batman heroes and villains appear with frequency.
Doesn't make sense, Thalia Al Ghul died, why would Damian exist?
>The location is Gotham City. It's not abandoned or evacuated (well, some areas are...where the villains reside mostly). There are plenty of civilians in Gotham, as well as a crime system in which Damian is alerted of nearby crimes in progress, like muggings, car-jackings, robberies, murders, serial killers, thieves, etc.
>You can't go on most roads, as cars will hit you.
>The city has different regions, and actually has rural/suburban outskirts that Batman can travel to on the bike. As I said, in more ways than a few - this game's ambition reflects that of a Grant Theft Auto title than an "Arkham" one.
>Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system is in this game and it's great! It ties into these crimes. If the criminals get away or kill you, they continue to commit crimes and become noticed by the various gangs and villains. They receive equipment from them and can even be recruited by them. They commit bigger and bigger crimes and will start to lead squads of bad guys if Batman keeps failing. Eventually, they can adopt a criminal persona (we have a ton of them and which one they adopt depends on which villains support them). Even if Batman stops them, villains can break them out if they were a "high-level" criminal. You have to keep sending them back to jail and thwarting their plans to stop them for good. It's pretty awesome.
>The Batmobile isn't in the game except for one of the final missions
>At some point, I am told Damian Wayne needs to be rescued. The exact circumstances of this scene I am unsure. Nonetheless, BRUCE WAYNE once again re-embodies the mantle of Batman, and rescues his only son. This is a major scene that takes place towards the end of the game, and the player is actually controlling Bruce Wayne as Batman.
These rumors were gathered from various websites so take everything with a grain of salt
Talia's body vanished from the morgue in Arkham Knight. And she and Bruce already fugged before Asylum.
Didn't Freeze die in an Arkham Knight DLC? Or was that just Nora?
>>Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system is in this game and it's great! It ties into these crimes. If the criminals get away or kill you, they continue to commit crimes and become noticed by the various gangs and villains. They receive equipment from them and can even be recruited by them. They commit bigger and bigger crimes and will start to lead squads of bad guys if Batman keeps failing. Eventually, they can adopt a criminal persona (we have a ton of them and which one they adopt depends on which villains support them). Even if Batman stops them, villains can break them out if they were a "high-level" criminal. You have to keep sending them back to jail and thwarting their plans to stop them for good. It's pretty awesome.
I want to be able to make them my undercover agents too though, like Shadow of Mordor. oh well
she dies, he lives
And of course the leaked screen had to have a female and a nigger sidekick in it, because thats just what everyone wants from a middle-earth game.
2 gud 2 b tru
doesn't sound that good imo
Batman Origins 2 """""""""leak""""""""
>It’s been in development since 2014 and takes place three years after events in Batman Arkham Origins.
>Playable characters will include Batman and Robin, with Dick Grayson once again playing the part of Robin.
>It will introduce a new location in Gotham, a coastal area that he claims will be “the same size as the three islands from Arkham Knight.”
>Players can fast travel to the Batcave and Wayne Manor.
>The Batmobile mechanics have been tweaked and controls have been modified. Battle mode has been ditched, and they’ll be a larger focus on chase sequences and the weaponry of the Batmobile.
>Combat has been improved, and made more in-depth. “It's still rhythm based where you have to time all the correct button presses exactly, but it's more complicated than the attack/counter basis of the previous games.” They’ll also be boss battles!
>Villains will include: Maxie Zeus, Dollmaker, Killer Moth, Anarky, Two-Face, Blockbuster, Ventriloquist, Cornelius Stirk, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Dusan al Ghul, Mad Monk, Dala, Riddler and Joker.
>Owlman is the main villain in the game, alongside the Court of Owls, and Talons will be elite enemies.
Yeah, that was confirmed to be fake. Damian Wayne game at least was confirmed by (((Kotaku)))