Jace Hall announces he's making a new FEAR game

>Jace Hall announces he's making a new FEAR game

What do you want to see in it?

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A reboot since the story is fucking retarded.

Maybe they can try writing one without a magical bullshit protagonist.

I'd rather see him announce the Blood source release.


They already fucked everything up with 2 and especially 3. There's like an under 1% chance of a new FEAR game being any good. Getting Blood's source code would basically kickstart an entire community of modders and source ports.

>Maybe they can try writing one without a magical bullshit protagonist.
How do you want them to justify the lead character being able to move and think at superhuman speeds?

>Story is fucking retarded
>Magical bullshit protagonist
Nigga what? Bullet time powers is pretty goddamn tame compared to the shit his mom could do

Nax Layne did.

>What do you want to see in it?

I want the video games industry to crash, so that garbage games who never needed sequels get buried forever.

Add the Benelli M4 as a new weapon, improve upon the gunplay

video game crash was a meme that only affected a few shit consoles in america

Fewer health kits.
Seriously. I was tripping over the fucking things and having to leave half the health kits in a given map behind because I was already full was seriously triggering my autism.

i would definitely like to see more getting raped by a hot blue psychic ghost girl in first person

The guns themselves in FEAR could have been done better. The assault rifle shouldn't be stuck in burst mode but should have multiple firing modes. I think the SMG was also locked to burst mode in FEAR which is stupid. Improve enemy animations when being shot, maybe similar to MGSV which had great animations in that regard. Enemies in FEAR just flinched when shot and on death just went full ragdoll. Have more variety in level design and appearance.

Reminder that Syndicate did pretty much everything FEAR did, but arguably better.

A magic claw

Good gunplay, good AI, story not fucking retarded.

Too bad FEA5 probably wouldn't have any of those, if it ever happened.

Add more movement based gameplay mechanics that you can intergrate with different moves seamlessly.

>able to do a dive, slide from sprint and wallkick
>you can do anything to combine the three like jump into a wall, kick off of it into a dive
>you retain control of shooting, aiming and movement when doing any of these movements
>diving onto office pushcarts
>more bicycle kicks and drop kicking into slides

Basically a mix of Max Payne and Vanquish in FPS mode.

I liked it and the dubstep too.

I find it hard to compare them. I almost liked Syndicate more, but I just don't enjoy regenerating health systems all that much. Regen works in Call of Duty, but Call of Duty is a very specific FPS and I wouldn't want every FPS to be balanced like it.

Syndicate had some great guns, though. That Kusanagi heavy rifle in single-shot mode was pure sex.

Medkit drop rate really should depend on difficulty.

RE7 was basically just FEAR with rednecks and goo monsters

I really should get around to ordering a copy of Syndicate.

I wish it was on Steam. I heard the co-op mod is actually fantastic (and hard as balls), but I really don't want to install Origin and force my friends to install it.

The FEAR unit was supposed to take care of paranormal shit, maybe we could get a game with another threat that is not Alma

>No time slow
>No shield

Being an invulnerable super soldier really ruined any sense of fear or vulnerability.

>FEAR and RE7 have the same gameplay

If you haven't played FEAR, why post in this thread?

>the co-op mod
Should be "mode", not "mod" (because it isn't).

They shouldn't drop it entirely but they should have a mode that turns them off. Playing with slowmo is pretty fun even if it kills the difficulty.

imagine fear type of gameplay beeing seemless as RE7

I remember playing a good bit of multiplayer when fear combat came out - it was part-halo/cod tier but on the other hand it felt addictive in a same way soldier of fortune was years back

That's an incredibly stupid post, user.

Have you tried playing FEAR without slo-mo on Extreme? Because I did, and it's not actuallyvery hard, but is actually pretty boring. The famous AI is very exploitable as they aren't actually very sophisticated - they will relocate in combat a lot, not necessary in a way that benefits them. Just
lean out of cover and shoot them as they run from one anchor to another.

With slow-mo you're encouraged to do silly shit like jumping in squads and fucking them up in close combat, shooting your own grenades for airburst explosions, jump-kicking clones in the face. Good stuff.

They need to stay away from the super-natural bullshit from the 2nd and 3rd game.

The bullet time was explained by the point man being related to Alma as an experiment, which is fine.

>military unit that is made up of 10 or less people to handle an entire area (the paranormal)
>have no weapons to fight the paranormal
>operates solely in american cities

I want to fug Alma.

You can beat the entire first game with the starter pistol

You could have it so you get attacked by paranormal shit in slow mo; LotR style. Like you're abusing your powers and it has some cost, where you see demons or something.

>like the pistol in FEAR
>hate how you akimbo it everytime you pick up ammo and drop half your ammo if you want to go back to using one gun

FEAR 2 gave me a ghost fetish

Anyone else notice that Evie is basically a complete rip off of Alma, but with BIOTECHNOLOGY instead of paranormal?

are you me?
that ghost rape at the end of the game tho

>First shot on the fat guy lands a little to the right of the chest
Huh, I like how they didn't make him perfectly accurate all the time. I'm not sure why the third shot is in the chest again, though, instead of the head. I never noticed any of that before.

Optional mode that changes slowdown into superfast mode almost like Viewtiful Joe

>I'm not sure why the third shot is in the chest again, though, instead of the head.

The movie cuts to Jamie Foxx and the cop trying to get out to the club then cuts back to Vincent shooting the target guy in the head.

Ah, okay. It's been too long since I last watched it. I guess the extra shot in the chest is just to be extra sure? I can see him aiming for the head immediately after the third shot as well, so maybe he just shot him once, reloaded, then started the sequence again.

I know, what a way to end the game

Fat guys have more HP.

Ah, of course. Fucking bullet sponges.

>tfw you'll never be held down against your will as Alma has her way with you

>ywn have a sexy ghost force you to cum inside her

fuck dont remind me, I even played FEAR 3 because I wanted to see more Alma, and i only got a fucking sitcom about a guy and his ghost brother




anything just make the story not fucking retarded again. 2 was already meh but 3 was just fucking trash. After 1 it just all goes downhill.

> hey uh, remember that guy you fucked up real good? yeah, he's your brother btw

> lol that spooky-ass ghost thing? that's your mum!


Found the FOV and controls to be absolutely shit, how is this getting any praise?

>>hey uh, remember that guy you fucked up real good? yeah, he's your brother btw

>>lol that spooky-ass ghost thing? that's your mum!
Those are all the plot points from the original game...

Good ~gunplay~

I don't know which is worse, FEAR 2 over-consolized gameplay with shit shotgun or FEAR 3 with that co-op bullshit and regenerating health

At least 3 wasn't made by the same developers as 1

>all these nerds caring about the story of the game instead of how it actually played

I know, but 1 handled it differently. 3 feels like some sitcom with Fettel calling you brother and commenting on shit.

I wanna play an actual FEAR team, ie chasing monsters, investigate paranormal stuff, etc.
Not killing generic soldier through corridors.
Btw FEAR was always shit. Same for the graphics
>Dude dynamic shadows LMAO.

Ah yes, Syndicate


I don't remember his bullet time being canon in the sense of a magic power or anything, just heightened reflexes. Am I wrong?

The pickups for increasing bullet time were called Reflex boosters, so I'm assuming I'm correct.

They could just get rid of bullet time entirely, but I think it was used really well, at least in 1. Being able to shoot grenades, all the different melee attacks... A lot of the webms that get posted of 1 feature slowmo being used for stylish kills along these lines.

If you're trying to say that it's a bad idea to make a protag so powerful in a game that's meant to be scary, that's a valid point, but on the other hand, that's part of what makes Alma scary. She's just a spoopy ghost girl, but Point Man can't do a thing against her even though he's a fucking ninja. That aside I still think you're probably right and it would be good to depower the protag a bit more.

f3ar was shit, but at least Fettel was hilarious. The disembodied companion is an old trope, but it seems to get done well more often than not.

Because anything else would not fit the narrative: breeding with Alma again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and...

>spiritual successor

I already had a ghost fetish so 10/10 game.
10/10 ending.

One of the few games that strains my eyes horribly.
Fairly edgy and pretty fun.

after playing all the way through FEAR, the dedicated fanbase absolutely baffles me. The game is mediocre and basic as fuck in every sense.

I'd tell him to instead make another Shogo as practice before retconning F3AR

I like FEAR 2 and Bloodshot as batshit sequels

You see Beckett for 15 seconds tops before he gets blown-up in a box in FEAR 3, Harlan also came back as an evil ghost giant and it's your duty to stop him from bullying your mommy


For me F3AR is not canon in any way and game just ended on 2nd one.
I prefer Sierra's universe anyway.

My Raify

It's because the things it does well are done really well. A few well-executed core mechanics are enough to make a game great. Mirror's edge, Stalker, etc.

Moreover, when those mechanics come together to make dynamic things happen, that's a surefire recipe for a cult following. This is why people talk about the AI so much, for example. The AI's behaviour in 1 leads to unexpected occurrences that allow the player to react in more novel ways than the average FPS. Actually getting strategically flanked doesn't happen all that much in the average FPS, for example.

Yeah the environs are bland, yeah the story is pretty stupid, yeah bullet time is unoriginal, yeah the game's not that scary on balance, yeah the enemies are repetitive. But the actual core gameplay of killing bad dudes is pretty fun, and that's often all that matters.

>tfw you will NEVER play blood at a decent resolution or framerate and Death Wish is the last gasp of community effort

After spending most of her life suspended in liquid, followed by going through a horny psychic puberty with you being a huge cunttease after several failed rape attempts, Alma was probably wet as F U C K, Beckett probably would've totally became her slave/bodyguard even without mind-control for pussy game like that

Somebody actually made a mod to fix that recently, IIRC.

But Stalker's mechanics are a half-baked mess, it's the atmosphere where it excels.

>What do you want to see in it?

QTEs, there's a reason why they came and won gamers, I don't want to shoot 50 bullets to kill a guy.

Story cutscenes, if I wanted to be always running and gunning and not getting immersed in the story, i'd play quake. A good break from the controller and being entertained with story is always good.

Weapon skins definitively, wouldn't mind paying a bit more for cool ones.

Shorter game time wise, I have more to do with my life than spending 4 hours to finish a game.

>"""Snake Fist"""


Stopped reading right there

>suicide icon

kek 10/10 for efford user

Nothing that's good about FEAR is actually tied to the IP.

The story, spooks etc were all pretty throwaway. I don't need a new FEAR, I just want a shooter that plays like FEAR 1.

His mom is pretty goddamn insane in any setting, power wise, she edges dangerously close to eldritch levels of power
All in a teny tiny adorable little package. That is fucking insane and has gone completely feral.

I want to see Blood in its title.

>Remember I've yet to finish FEAR 2.
>Boot it up.
>Instantly remember why I haven't finished FEAR 2.

How could they fuck it up so bad? Like I feel blaming consoles here doesn't even 100% excuse it. Even stuff like weapon sound effects and other stuff that isnt hamstrung by shitty hardware is worse. Even the graphics have aged worse than FEAR 1 on Xbox 360. FEAR 1's minimalistic presentation still holds up super well.

FEAR 2 just feels worse in almost every possible way.

I want a FEAR with decent AI, and making sure to go in the opposite direction from the direction it's been going in (Mechs and shit - seriously, why!?). I'd love to see a supernatural version of Rainbow Six; Tactical gameplay against ghosts and shit mixed in with crazed cultists (from F3AR), Government forces tring to cover shit up (Fear 2), and Fettel's Replicants (FEAR 1), wtih a good campaign that isn't bullshit and decent multiplayer, where you can be a monster (Like a hide and seek gamemode) or just fight against eachother rainbow six style but with random supernatural encounters. Like, get some decent enemy variation, good tactical gameplay, and genuinely spooky moments, all with bullet time.

But this game isn't going to exist, just like P.R.E.S.S.U.R.E.

>How could they fuck it up so bad?

Developers not understanding what made their first game so good.

>he thinks there was an original team


You're welcome. Former Starbreeze guy claimed EA forced the bloom into the game because execs claimed the future needed to be blue.

That's literally one of the dart 6 abilities, user. You can make enemies commit suicide, make their guns explode their faces, or make them fight their own allies. You also press Q to slow down time.

It's a pretty massive improvement. But I think it might have some issues on AMD GPUs, at least if random anons are to be believed. It's pretty crazy how Syndicate is full of dynamic lighting, but Wolfenstein: TNO has none.

how do you know that he played RE7 either?
think before you post.

No one playing games and they just coming to Sup Forums for shitposting?

Fear was the first ever PC game that made me buy a new graphics card, Geforce 6600. Good times.

And it's still runs on medium?


A retcon of the shitshow that was 2 and 3.

Beat me to it.

I'd pay good money for what effectively chalks up to an PFS version of X-Files.

Is syndicate actually good?

Yes. It's basically proto-Wolfenstein The New Order. Tight combat and shooting people in the face with their own pistol stuff. Only problem, really, is the rushed pace and excessive overall linearity. Its level design is kinda like FEAR in that there's only one way to go.

Kung Fu pro