The sound of Tolkien turning in his grave

>the sound of Tolkien turning in his grave

Isnt that the same guy as the first game? The one with Troy Baker failing to act?

Didnt he die?

Sup Forums

this is not The Hobbit movie

>dude let's make the ranger guy have a ring of power too so he's on the same power level as sauron
This conflicts the lore on every fucking level imagenable
>literally no mention of the black guy yet
>go back to Sup Forums to discuss videogames xD
Fuck off

Fuck you, I liked Shadow of Mordor. Just treat it as an AU game.

>token black guy


>being this triggered by the largest board on Sup Forums
Just remember that we own this site and there's nothing you can do about it ;)

Also Trump will be president for 8 years and all you can do is cry ;)

It's spelt Tolkien

He's the Tolkien black guy.

Can the lore rape even be stopped at this point?

I'm cautiously hype for this. The original was just an average action game that didn't fully take advantage of the Nemesis system. The fact it was just an okay game made the lore rape 100x worse.

Although I am most definitely hype for the Nazgul and Minas Morgul.


i can't believe they're making a second game, i guess the first game somehow sold well despite being complete and utter garbage


>OP starts a thread to complain about how ridiculous that trailer looked
>reddit gets prematurely triggered

Looks cool. I like the first one. I'll bite

Why can't the fantasy genre outgrow Tolkien?

If you want to tell a story inconsistent with Tolkien's setting, why not create a new setting?


>new ring for some reason
>a fucking Balrog in Sauron army
>important black dude even if Tolkien never mentionned them
>that whole fucking nonsense

The nemesis system and the combat system better be updated or else this thing is nothing but pure fucking garbage

because fantasy died in the 80s

people are too fucking lazy to make something new in fantasy outside science fiction


>The one with Troy Baker failing to act?
Shadow of Mordor had its share of flaws but Troy Baker wasn't one of them.

Nah, it'll just get worse over time. Tolkien's family still owns the rights and typically has to give the OK for anything using the brand, so it's literally all the Tolkien JRs who are giving the green light to tarnish their ancestor's legacy. This will only get worse with each new generation since they'll all want to cash in on J.R.R.'s works without putting anywhere close to his amount of love into it.

Best lotr game coming thru

>there are people on this board who actually liked shadow of mordor
what the fuck has happened to Sup Forums
that game was legitimately complete fucking garbage, even the nemesis system was half-done shit

>tfw trying to get my friends interested enough to play this
I completed it 3 times alone. I want to know what it's like to play it multiplayer.



It had potential but it was mostly wasted.

Christopher Tolkien has outright said no one will ever get the rights to adapt The Silmarillion. Shame, but at least that will remain pure.

>a movie that's literally about gay niggers wins oscar for best picture
>Middle-Earth gets a nigger hero

What a day and what a time to be alive.

And of course his white gf happens to be a strong independent soldier too, even though Tolkien went out of his way to show that women weren't soldiers. Gotta love how "progressive" the US media is.

Lack of creativity

Yeah, poor guy.

Does anyone know when this is set? Before the war, or just after it?
I'm assuming it's set somewhere after SoM but before the war.

>a human and an elf's ghost are able to create a ring powerful enough to rival Sauron's
Fuck reading the books, they didn't even bother to read one fucking page of the wiki.

best lotr game is return of the king and battle for middle earth 1 ,2 &3

It was a decent 7/10 game. Granted I haven't burned myself by bamham and asscreed games past the second and am not a Tolkien fanboy.

>a movie that's literally about gay niggers wins oscar for best picture

The elf was Celebrimbor, one of the elves behind the initial ring of power. Daft, yes, but w/e


>Christopher Tolkien has outright said no one will ever get the rights to adapt The Silmarillion.
Chris is 92 now. I don't trust his descendants to carry his and his father's wishes regarding preservation of the lore.

After The Hobbit and before The Fellowship of the Ring. It takes place right after the ending of Shadow of Mordor.

>best game is this movie tie-in shovelware
Says a lot about LOTR.

It was Ubisoft open world collecthaton #1548930752839574139857190357130985619
Yes, it definitely had potential, and it totally was anything but shovelware-tier 5/10, just like all WB games.
Kill yourselves, Redditors.

Is the first one worth 20 bucks?

I got to play the PS3 version which was pure shit so I never bothered with the PS4 one

agreed, hope we can get it on gog, i lost my discs

shit i meant the expansion not bfme 3


>Tolkien's family still owns the rights and typically has to give the OK for anything using the brand, so it's literally all the Tolkien JRs who are giving the green light to tarnish their ancestor's legacy
I wouldn't care about ''tarnishing'' my ancestors legacy when all his legacy is a mediocre fantasy universe that follows every single cliche in the book.

between the casualized bamham combat, the ass creed towers + world filled with meaningless filler, the boring as shit nemesis system that didn't actually make enemies stronger and only made fighting them more of a chore (because of the awful combat system), awful story and the terrible boss fights, there was legitimately nothing fucking good to say about shadow of mordor
and don't even give me that 'potential' garbage, this game is going to be the same AAA garbage so there's no way it will innovate or change to not be casual trash

probably means rotwk

The mp was the only reason to play it

He kind of sucked ass because it was the most boring, excessively breathy deep voice imaginable the entire time

LOTR invented the cliches, idiot.

i got lucky and found the anthology for $20 at walmart

he literally WROTE every single cliche in the book. kill yourself, idiot

He's an idiot. Return of the King was a mindless and basic as fuck game. BfME2 is actually good though, especially with the Witch King expansion.

No. The GOTY edition is worth 11 or 13 dollars. It's fun, but if you are going to play it for the story you can beat it in a matter of hours.

Wait I thought one of the big plot holes of the first one is that it took place in the Second Age, and it being way too soon for Gollum to be a part of the story.

I don't recall paying any more than that for my copy. But I doubt it'll be money well spent if you've already played it.

It deserves to be raped beyond recognition, then.
LOTR is a cancer, that has also given birth to other kinds of cancer like Game of Thrones.
The last thing that turd deserves is respect.

It was the progenitor of at least 95% of those cliches. Educate yourself, please.

>follows every single cliche in the book.
You're a fucking retard.

return of the king was really fun in coop thats why i mention it. but yeah you're right it is basic

LOTR were terrible books and movies, why would I educate myself on that hack?

You could have just said you wanted (You)'s and saved yourself the embarrassment.

I never finished it because the combat sucked, but the nemesis system was fun

They just needed to make the orcs an actual threat once you learned the piss easy fighting because if you wanted a challenge you had to throw the fights constantly so they'd get new abilities (which were less of a challenge and more tedium like CANT BE DAMAGED BY ARROWS or IMMUNE TO FIRE)

you seem to be suffering from a case of shit taste. i'm sorry, but the only cure is suicide.

Ah yes, le epic reply is now le (You).
Probably the most epic reddit meme of 2016.

Because the Middle Earth setting is cool as fuck and I want more LotR vidya.

Brand name. Your president there can tell you one thing or two about it.

Mouthbreathers will buy shit with Middle Earth in the name because it is a big brand.


>that follows every single cliche in the book
You do realise who first introduced those tropes before they became cliches ?

So, Lord of the Redditors, or Game of Tumblr, which generic and personality-less fluff do you pretend to like?

This isn't quite correct. Saul Zaentz Company/Middle-Earth Enterprises owns the film and merchandising rights to LotR and Hobbit and have since they bought them from UA in 1976. They aren't run by Tolkien's descendants and in fact there is a messy and still pending lawsuit about this very situation. In essence, the Tolkien Estate (his family) sued Middle-Earth Enterprises and Warner Bros (the rights holders) because they claim that the original sale of rights to UA didn't include digital media (such as games), on account of it was made in 1968. So their claim is that Warner Bros have been screwing the estate out of a shit ton of money and defamed the Tolkien name by churning out The Battle for the Shadow of the Witch-king of Mordor: Online: Part IV: Elven Boogaloo every year since 1988.

all these SJW claiming that however say that there isn't any black man in the middle-earth universe should read the book and consider that the black man is probably a good southron guy

Southrons = swarthy skinned men, something like a mix between arabic and indian folks
Easterling = sallow skinned men, influanced by ottomans culture who also had Dwarves and half trolls among their ranks.

People who worry about that shit are so cute. It's like they haven't heard of public domain. Tick, tock.

I'm actually okay with this. Tolkien's works have been held as something sacred and untouchable for so long that it's actually quite refreshing to see someone do something new with it.

whichever you hate the most


Didn't they specifically explain in the books that making a new Ring was impossible and a horrible idea at that, and explain why it was those things? I seem to remember that. I know, I know, they don't care but boy howdy it gets me.

Alright, I'm gonna try to find a secondhand copy

I didn't play long, the PS3 version is really ass

>a fucking Balrog in Sauron army

This isn't exactly as bad as everything else. Most were destroyed but quite a few escaped. I can forgive them for wanting to throw in such an iconic beast from the books/series in there.


>a round on me boys!
You found a way to pirate beer?

Assassin's Creed with orcs is not refreshing, and the story is nonsensical.

>it's actually quite refreshing to see someone do something new with it.

>Le new ring of power xD, but it has a blue aura instead of a orange/red one
>le black ranger men because we wuz numenorean descendants n' shit
>all the cool and dark things kids loved in the lotr trilogy such as nazguls and balrog :OOOOO

Could be, bro, could be

It's an okay game. I never played any of the DLC so I don't know if anything at all was improved but the world is pretty empty (But Mordor, I guess) and they really had something with the nemesis system but they didn't quite nail it.


>and they really had something with the nemesis system
they really didn't
just because it kind of sounds like an interesting concept doesn't mean it will ever translate to good game mechanics, especially when its stuck to garbage AAA games

Fuck off nigger

I don't give a fuck about American political shit but probably the darker skinned races in middle earth were probably more like middle eastern which were based off the moors.

Easterlings didn't have dwarves or half trolls, some of the exotic (human) peoples peoples that fought for Sauron at the Pelennor are likened to dwarves or half-trolls.

Moreover "southrons" and "easterlings" aren't racial groups, they're just generic terms. They mean "people who live to the south (of Gondor)" and "people who live to the east (of Gondor)". Both are generally described as swarthy, but it's very clear that they are not homogeneous groups. Numerous separate groups of southrons and easterlings are described, such as the Balchoth, Wain-riders, Variags, the people of Umbar, etc. And black men, yes.

I thought that's what it was.
Doesn't Tolkien state up and down that Mordor is a desolate, barren land, even around the Sea of Nurnen, where it was only SLIGHTLY less shitty because of the volcanic ash enriching the soil?

Shit ain't supposed to be green. I thought that was like, the big red flag for it being an AU game.

It just might be even worse

No, not really. That's a movie only thing if I remember correctly.

How would Sup Forums react if they put a white man in a video game adaptation of black media?

>Most were destroyed but quite a few escaped.
Didn't the ones who escaped hide away and become completely mindless or something like that though?

>mfw Tolkien is not alive to see this
Lucky fella.

What black media would be worth adapting into a video game?

This has to be a Sup Forumstard pretending to be someone that hates Sup Forums. He copy pasted this post in the other thread before any discussions about black characters.

He does say southern Mordor is reasonably fertile volcanic soil; it's where Sauron grew the food for his armies. The north is mostly the plains of Gorgoroth and Lithlad and the valley of Udun which are relative wastelands devastated by eruption and industry. There's no reason there couldn't be greenery somewhere in Mordor, not that the developers cared.
