Why is it so hard for you people to believe that someone actually, genuinely, likes a game, and wants to talk about why it's he finds it so good?

does anybody want to buy borderlands

Maybe it's just used to get a rise out of self-control lacking retards like you who feel a need to reply to every little shitpost

Because some games are so bad that nobody would actually want to play it without being paid to do so. PS4 "games" are a prime example of such media.

They type like redditors and redditors are by definition selling something.

because most modern games are so terrible that nobody who has a functioning brain would claim that they're good unless they're getting paid to do so

Because nobody actually, genuinely likes the latest Ubisoft reskin or a multiplat cinematic cover shooter.

You overestimate Sup Forums's taste, user.

so what shit game did you say you liked and are triggered about being told off?

let me guess, for honor

I know a guy who actually likes For Honor. Fucking normies are the worst.

Because there's no actual discussion to be had about games so all that's left is shitposting. Mods don't do shit and people get used to it.
Also catalog was a mistake.

When someone makes a thread about Horizon and is writing paragraphs upon paragraphs throughout the thread to defend a game they have never even played since its not out and unironically using the term "anti-shills". Its really hard to not think they are a marketer or a really dedicated console warrior, I really should have saved screenshots from one of the Horizon threads that got deleted earlier.

>shilling for shills
wow Sup Forums how far we have truly fallen.

Sup Forums has always been this way, the only thing that's changed is the words used.

Go spend 5 minutes on gaf where marketers openly market and the rabble consider themselves blessed by it.

>why do Sup Forums declare shill when a shill copypastes the exact same set of convo starters, phrases or image

Gee, I wonder why?

because Sup Forums doesnt like any video games

Let me guess OP, you also thought Legend of Korra was legitimately good.

It's always the same with these autists

"They're shills! they can't handle my CRITICISM!" which is blatant shitposting coming from a piece of human shit

I wonder how these retards act in real life

Ask me how I know you're from reddit.

i know you're new, but real shills actually still do come here

Yes, my fellow Sup Forums Anonymous 368727362, I too believe that these people who use the V board are incorrect in believing that those who very obviously do not use the site and are attempting to slide opinions about a game positively are "shills".