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Further proving that Sterling is a cuckold.

I wish Hitler had won. These people would not exist. Everything would be better.

How does this prove that he likes watching other people fuck his significant other?

>le cuck cuck cuck maymay xDDD

>that SJW review

There is proof though

What was his TW3 score?

>Blandly satisfactory

I think Jim's a faggot but there's no need to lie
That shit blurb is taken from the A.V. review

>game was bland but it had women so 100/100

Sup Forums WILL defend this

and no, i dont like zelda either.

He and his wife are in an open relationship.

He is a cuckold in the literal sense, not just as a meme.

>he's gonna give Zelda a 0 because of his personal vendetta
>even fucking says in the blurb that he got bored of Horizon and still gave it a 100
Thank God he's dying.

Jim will shill literal shit yet he hates the superior game franchises from Nintendo and Sonic Team? Yeah, don't listen to Jim, he would stick a Randy Pitchford pickle in his ass if it meant he could get more money.

he is a literal cuckold though

Why would you edit it to make him look better?

How new are you? The post of his wife saying has been around forever

Is this satire

this review sounds like its being sarcastic but i really cant tell

fuck me that's not real is it?

Why do you care? The man is literally the Milo Yiannopolous of the left. He just likes to troll people, and you fell for it.

This must be satire.


Its real...

There's a reason this shit caught on.

Sure he can - we has a right to voice his opinion freely and without restriction by his government.

You can call him a tard for doing so.

But his opinion is shit anyway. Whatever 'woke' means, it just sounds like an excuse for sexism. He seems to hate men just because he hates men, or he's using historic examples to justify his current hatred. Whatever his reason, he's still a tard.

Thank fuck its not Jim.
He is /ourguy/.

Sup Forums logic basically

You can't just believe in racial equality because you feel it's the right and moral thing. Because Sup Forumstards can't have everything not be Black and White, so if they disagree with you that means you're the Black so you're eeeviillll.

Since they obviously can't do it because they feel it's advancing a moral good (see also, accusations of "Virtue signaling") they must have some sick gain.

So obviously they support racial equality because they want black men to have sex with white women! And of course this is because they get sexual pleasure from seeing this, so naturally they want their wife/girlfriend to have sex with black men while they watch. Thus they are cuckold fetishists.

Stupid? Yes. But nobody accused Sup Forumstards of being smart.

>It's okay to pirate Nintendo games and shoplift from their store because they claimed copyright on my video! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-are those crisps? Lovely.

Milo isn't a "video game critic" you shallow simpleton.

Sadly no.
Jim thinks being edgy and having a conflicting yet clearly sheep like opinion on a game makes him a better person than most people.
Purposely giving good games bad scores and shit game good scores because it gets people to notice him.
He thinks he is some sort of renegade and not a complete moron.

>piracy is a serious and heinous crime

now thats a damaged individual

>blandly satisfactory

Somehow, I don't think those two words mean what he thinks it means.

If you're going to give a literal meme review, it shouldn't hold any weight for Metacritic.

"The game is shit, but it's shows how sexist and problematic disgusting while males are. Blissfully, the matriarchy reigns supreme in this utopic future" is not a real review.


Oh god you're one of those people from 2012 who thinks they're an oldfag aren't you?

Uh, what's wrong with it?

"Bland" means unexciting, normal, plain. "satisfactory" means that it manages to meet standards.

So he's saying it's not a super amazing game but that it meets the requirements not to be bad.

>10/10, it's ok

>they claimed copyright on my video!
>Missing the point entirely

metacritic is a meme website for idiots who believe literal groupthink is the best indication of media's quality, so it fits right in

wait a second can i save cute sad boys in this game
cuz that's hot

I watched the video. He mentioned multiple things but kept coming back to "but ads!"


>game is bland

>people with vaginas are "women" and "mothers"
>people with penises are "boys"
this guy has a problem

Nice argument there

Could he be more of a cuck?

this has been the case for over a decade for these people, man.


>100 when perfect is not possible
>using the term woke
No more videos of Jimmy the hack for me.

this can't be real. No one could unironically put that out and not realize what a tool they are.

Just don't bother replying to the SJW idiots.


it's not, jesus you fucking gullible idiots

Yeah I guess trying to argue with reality is a bad idea.

>Game is average but because feminism I give it a perfect score


It is real dipshit

This isn't real, buncha gullible faggots.

no he USED to be a troll/provacateur. now he believes his own bullshit. I fucking stopped after Fallout 4 tirade about how monogamy is SO last current year and his crying about not getting splatoon amiibo when they came out despite still collecting Funko Pops that are notorious for limited releases.

I like how mothers are fertile warrior goddesses. That sounds nice.
The stuff about the men doesn't sound nice tho. Can the men be hardworking bronzed adonnises as well instead?

That way we'd get powerful sexy mothers and powerful sexy fathers raising powerful sexy children.

This guy is just such a fag, what kind of people actually give him views?
At the rate he's going we might have to replace "yfw you aren't Anthony Burch" threads with "yfw you aren't Jim Sterling" threads.

Holy shit. You actually have a problem, user. Your mother and I are very concerned.


Stop that, we're trying to shitpost

>sexy children.
I found the pedo.

It is real, but from the AV Club. The fact they're firmly up their asses should surprise no one.

He knows that it won't popular, that's why he likes it.
He did the same with DmC:DMC

I mean the premise behind the game was interesting but the more they showed the actual game the less interested I became
If you would be born in that world, you would be a bitch there too


he is literally BUT NINTENDO and MUH AD PENNIES the whole time even though he has a fucking patreon. If any of the other companies pulled this (and they have no reason not to) and he no sold it then he would be a hypocrite.

>most woke

This has to be fake. I doubt people actually say phrases like these.

>still using the world oldfag


I genuinely don't understand why people hold up this fat fuck like he's the fucking Roger Ebert of video games

No Jim is literally a cuckold. He lets his wife sleep with other men. Take your pop psychology crap some where else.

>using "woke" unironically

And time to block that site for life.

it's true, it just isn't Jim's review

Doesn't make him sound any less shit though.
It would make the perfect text for a trailer/ad if he would've used the words "an ancient evil awakens"

Holy fuck what a faggot review

So apparently the game is bland and boring but hits the special sweet spot of casual that normies like.

that's not jim's review you gullible retarded kids


What the fuck does this term mean?

Niggers do.

>he's not woke

it's a nigger term that niggers use when they mistakenly think they're redpilled

he used to be /ourguy/ then goobergayte happened and he joined the wrong side of history, got laid off from Escapist, etc. You can tell how butthurt about Trump ol' Jabba The Sterling is in his video because he keep making """""subtle""""" jabs at him since the election.


>Desperate nintendo fanboy falseflaging as a feminist horizon fan

What about this pill?

>got laid off from Escapist
wait wasn't that Movie Bob?


You know this wouldn't be a problem if the women were all waifu material like in Nier.

You first.

>all those words and not a single one about the game being fun

Tweedledee and Tweedledum both got shitcanned. Slob left of his own accord to help Anita and Sterling dismissed himself because Escapist was one of the few site allowing GG discussion without instabans and he wasn't having it.

Let's get a few things straight: Jim Sterling is a massive faggot, an SJW retard, a literal cuckold, and is possibly insane, and certainly in no way a credible reviewer or critic at all.

But OP's pic is fake. That's not real and never happened. Double checked. His review is from Feb 20th and is glowing, but not SJW-filled, not that I saw.

He's shit but you're shit for making up memelies. Show off some of the actual cucked stuff he's done, not fakes.

>jim fucks other people

I don't know what's funnier, the fact that he's an obvious virgin or how disgusting the thought of Jim having sex would be. I imagine Jabba the Hutt just impotently wriggling on top of someone for five hours until realizing they can't get an erection and their partner suffocated and died 4 hours and 55 minutes ago.

The more he does this, the more donations he gets, which gives him more incentives to keep doing it. You wanna stop it? Hack his financials and bankrupt him.

Are we positive that's not him in drag?

>All these people falling for OP's shop

Goddamn you motherfuckers are dumb