He preorders consoles/video games

>he preorders consoles/video games
>he buys singleplayer games
>he affiliates with PCMR
>he buys AMD gpus
>he plays games for their story and lore

>>>he plays games for their story and lore
God forbid people for playing games to keep themselves distracted/away from the real world.

>he posts on indonesian media boards about how LoL is the superior form of vidya gaeming

>he plays anything but modded Stalker

AMD makes decent GPU's though.

Wouldn't touch any of their garbage processors though, even a Pentium is better.

>he plays games for their graphics

>it all applies to me


he only plays games at 4k res

why would you play the bad version of Survivarium?


>he plays games

Only game I preordered was Dishonored 2 because they were giving the first game for "free".

Why would you play the shit version of CoD?

>he buys overpriced NOVIDIA garbage to play on resolutions that can be maxed out with AMD cards that provide a superior price/performance ratio
>he buys overpriced NOVIDIA garbage to play on meme resolutions above 1080p

>meme resolutions above 1080p
Sorry we aren't all poor like you.

>it breaks immersion

>he buys amd


No but really Bulldozer was an absolute architectural blunder. Narrow width cores with long pipelines and shared components to reduce die area and power consumption, all to be offset by high frequencies. Damn good thing the main design team on it got liquidated and fired or reassigned to the netbook CPU line. People on Ryzen were rehires, people from late K10 work (Thuban and Stars), and poaches from Intel/Apple/Qualcomm mostly.

>he has no style
>he has no grace
>thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi thi

>Playing multiplayer games nowdays.
Either child or just retarded.

>buying singleplayer games u could get for free


Nvidia shits the bed royally every seven years or so, the cycle should be hitting again. NV1/2, NV30, GF100

Something to note is Pascal sort of backed Nvidia into a corner architecturally. They relied on the superior electrostatic characteristics of non-planar transistors to make having a longer pipeline worth it. It paid off in the end but making the pipeline longer than what it currently is, isn't an option. Volta better be a serious redesign of their basic architecture ala Kepler, or they might run into issues. Especially if the AMD MCM rumors are true.