Be honest Sup Forums. Do you like visual novels?

Be honest Sup Forums. Do you like visual novels?

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Yeah, but I only really play PC-98 VNs.

No, because they're bad video games. They're also bad books. And bad comic-books. I don't doubt that there are good visual novels, but it's just a restrictive and wimpy medium that I don't think is worth bothering over any other medium.

They're also not video games.

I don't play enough of them though.
Any general recommendations?

Finished Root Double last week and it was breety gud.
Haven't played many of them though.

But some VNs have gameplay in them.

Any VNs with thicc female characters on them?

We call those JRPGs.

But some VNs have good music.

I like the concept well enough. I've just never played one that was actually worth the time.

What game is this?

>because they're bad video games
>They're also not video games
What did he mean by this?

Not vidya

Monster Girl Gamu

I really enjoyed the Bern VN. I wasn't really into the subject matter how the damn thing was hilarious.

It's honestly too well written for what it is

No. Not because of some unrelated bullshit; I just prefer more interaction. Learning mechanics, exploiting the mechanics with skill and/or knowledge, discovering new ways to play. VN doesn't have that sort of gameplay I enjoy.

No, they are just poorly written picture books. Grow the fuck up.

>Bern VN

The german loli pedo VN.


Oh, Bernd. Right.

I do, but only if they're interactive enough. If I only click passively through text I might as well read a book. A VN needs choices to be interesting.

They can be fun.

Once in a while

This sounds like an incredibly retarded setup for a shitty porn game.


i love visual novels, pic related is my favorite

It is, that's why I like it

Of course I do. What am I some sort of plebian who doesn't?

Hmmmm.... you may be on to something, user.

What have you already played?

I was pleasantly surprised by root double too. It started out as a blatant ever17 ripoff, but ended up doing its own thing pretty well.

Is OP's VN any good?

>Huge honkin titties


They're just bags

>They're also bad books

People that hold this opinion are usually pretentious /lit/fags who've only read a handful of high-school tier novels like Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye plus some low grade teen/young "adult" novels like Harry Potter. Any slightly above average VN like Steins;Gate or something is usually as good or better than any literature produced in the last probably 20 years or so. Make of that what you will.

Alright anons, what's your favorite book and favorite VN?

I'll start:
>Crime and Punishment


i cried with little busters and others so yeah, i ike them

>yfw you will never be this deluded

I want to get into the genre but I keep getting reminded how they're all like 80+ hours. How the fuck do you have the time and patience for that?

Most of them actually aren't that long. Ever17 and Remember11 are entry-tier, pretty damn good, and not nearly 40 hours. Saya no Uta is very short. Just look on VNDB's top list for some that are less than 80 hours.

I like lighthearted visual novels with good sex scenes like Koisuru natsu no last resort. Any recommendations?

Good VNs need to some kind of gameplay and player communication that isn't just "Let's go out!/Let's stay at home!", music is also a huge element of a good VN.

See Phoenix Wright and Dangonronpa

Any VN by Tone Work's.

Im interested in hoshi ori yume mirai but I guess there isnĀ“t an english patch

Hatsukoi 1/1 translation is in progress.

>Play VN
>Fall in love with girl
>Feel really sad when it's over
>Go a week without tapping

This happens to me every time. I'm fucking pathetic.

visual novels? pssh visual novels who even reads visual novels pssh

go away shinnew

>le hand holding meme


Every NTR VN with milfs

Time to install this gay shit again.

>le le meme

Those thighs are too thick

What vn?

I will only ever play a VN if Wayforward does a Shantae one or some fan does an excruciatingly convincing equivalent. Rotty is my one true waifu and my stomach turns at the idea of accepting anything lesser.

Could I get a source on that my man?

No, for two reasons.

First, you can't play them because they're not video games and subsequently shouldn't be posted here (rules dictate they go to /jp/ or /vg/ if western).

Second, VNs are for pathetic permavirgin weeaboos. I'm not a retarded whyfoo faggot trying to compensate for a lack of social and romantic life, so there's zero appeal.


there needs to be more gay shit in english

whenever i go to /blog/ on /vg/ they just talk about untranslated shit, bullshit web browser gay shit

I love NTR.

Fate stay night
The House in Fata Morgana
G-senjou no Maou
11 eyes

>tumblr filename


No such thing as too thicc

I see you're trying to trigger the weebs. A noble cause but every man has at least one waifu, even red-blooded men like us who actually have girlfriends. Denying it just makes it harder to sift through your own emotions.

>filename fags
Neurons firing


Stop trying to make this a thing

Nice try weeaboo, but actual human beings aren't pathetic retards like you.

This is the only good kind of NTR

But user, I don't watch anime, I think katanas are a pathetic weapon and I'm indifferent to Japanese culture. The fact of the matter is somewhere down the line, you had a crush on a fictional character. We're all anonymous here, you can admit it.

>Unironically uses the term waiting
>Tries to act like he isn't a weeaboo

Again, fooling literally no one. Take your faggy autismal permavirgin faggotry to /jp/.

Another user here. Why are you so mad?

>the term waifu

See? Even my tablet knows to autocorrect this bullshit.

It's the correct terminology dear phoneposter. The fictional character you have a crush on has to have a concise identifier, and while I'm not a weeb, "waifu" works just as well.

So tell me about yours user. When did you first fall for her?

>look into each others eyes
>she has no eyes


No, the correct terminology is "socially and romantically inept weeaboo dropouts rotting in their Mom's basement."

Sure op, I love them. The only thing I hate knowing is that I'll never read something better than Umineko.

Closest I got to reading VN was playing Rune Factory and Persona.

I think you're a little insecure and you're projecting. Like I said, we're all anonymous here so there's nothing you need to be ashamed of and certainly no one you need to try and impress.

>Nothing to be ashamed of
Being a weeaboo faggot lusting after fantasy characters is appropriately shameful.

Just because you don't feel that shame, being the mentally out of touch retard that you are, doesn't mean normal people wouldn't.

just finished a few and i'm starting another one within the next day or so

>Just because you don't feel that shame...doesn't mean normal people wouldn't.

So the truth comes out. The "normal" person here being you, and with you trying to hold on to the standards of what you've been taught is "normal" against your natural feelings. So, you've admitted you do feel a sense of shame, which you're trying to relate to me. Now I just want to ask you why you feel ashamed for feeling strong emotions towards a fictional character?

After all, characters are just ideals woven into a shape and people fall in love with ideals all the time. So what's the big issue?


I never said I felt personal shame directed to anything I've done. How the fuck is your reading comprehension that shit? I only feel ashamed that retards like you are allowed to exist and waste our resources on being worthless trash.

You didn't have to say it outright user. My reading comprehension is better than you think and so is my sense of subtext. By the way, have you ever heard the old psychological saying "We hate most in others that which we see in ourselves"? Do you think that's interesting?

>b....but I'm better than you!!!
Just stop.

>Y-you're just projecting!

Still reaching like hell despite blatant evidence to the contrary. Full blown delusion.

Not really. I do like some of the more game like ones like Rance and Evenicle though

And yet you've been deflecting all this time. You never did answer me, is it "pathetic" to be attracted to an ideal?

how does this skeleton have giant tits what does it even look like in there

Only when they don't have dating elements and waifufaggotry.

That's not an ideal. What's ideal is not being a permavirgin weebfag lusting fanatically to generic sameface animus.

By actually getting attached to the characters and story and never wanting it to come to an end to begin with.

It'll be a sad day when Majikoi A5 gets translated and I'll be out of Majikoi material. So far I played Majikoi, Majikoi S, Majikoi A1, A2 and the rest up to A5 are untranslated. And I genuinely enjoyed every single one of them, although some more than others.

There it is. Well user, I think you've told me all I needed to know. You might not come to terms with yourself today but you will one day and I think you'll be happier for it, that day when you wake up and realize the ideal that you've been force-fed isn't actually the one you hold in your heart.

But as for today, take care.


Minatosoft said that the series will continue as long as the fanbase is still interested. We will probably hear of something new by the end of the year.

Why are you this triggered holy shit lmao

Still knee deep in delusion. One day you'll wake up and realize what an insufferable worthless like of shit you really are.

On that day, I hope your penance will result in an hero.

those are the best parts though

have a (You), (You) earned it

I love videogames and I love books, so I think it would be weird if I wasn't interested in VNs.

I don't really care about dating sims, eroge or stuff like that, but there are some VNs with great stories if you bother to get rid of the prejudices and stigmatizations and give them a chance.

I like them
I ran out of translated ones tho