I'm lonely and video games no longer fill the void Sup Forums

I'm lonely and video games no longer fill the void Sup Forums
what do?

Have you tried reading?

Or getting friends? I know the latter is pretty difficult in a shithole town.

After staring at my blank desktop drawing squares with the mouse for 10 minutes without any drive to play a game or watch anything I climbed into bed and got on Sup Forums on my phone.

But you're already here so I don't know where to go from there

I have a discord full of friends that's packed right now but I just can't be bothered to interact with them anymore I'm tired of just only being online.

Seriously man. I'm sitting here with no drive to do anything because next week I'm going to jail. At least you guys get to be depressed and free.

You could always become an hero.

I feel that, I sit at a computer like 14 hours a day.

I wish I had friends that liked to do stuff but they're either wagecucks (therefore poor and can't afford to go out), lazy, depressed, or just straight up bad friends that I don't even like. I want to move so badly but I'm trapped.

The only thing I have going for me is a loving girlfriend, if I didn't have her I'd be legitimately suicidal like I was before I met her

I feel ya, I've been in offline mode on steam for four months now. It's not that I don't want to talk or hang out I'm just sick of the online part. I'm even quiet over texts but if we meet up to hang out I'm perfectly active in the conversations and everything.

Sucks to be you. How long are you gonna be in/what did you do?

I'm also surprised people don't run off more when they're given a week or some bing until they head to jail. Though starting over in some other country would suck too

Whatcha in fer'?

I masturbate a lot, and focus on my job, in between gaming/molesting myself.

Buy a dildo

What the fuck did you do?

Lol for what dude.

>Being so emotionally dependant in another person

Surely nothing will go wrong

I remember when I was like you all I can say is stop being a fucking faggot and get your shit together before it ends (protip: it will)

Are you lonely because you haven't dated in a while or because of apathy?

Accused of possession of marijuana. Five month sentence

games alteranately get fun abd boring

but i'm really worried about is i'm losing interest in women and masturbating is getting to be more of a tedious chore.

i'm not a terrible looking guy, honestly.

>Five month sentence
Dude that's a vacation.

I'm certainly overstating it, you undeniable faggot. I'm just saying she's my only friend and without her I'd be even more lonely. Nothing I can do emotionally / mentally that changes the fact that humans are social animals.

Doesn't mean I still have the drive to write programs and play games when I'm going to have to take such a long break from it anyway. It might seem like "a vacation", and yes, it's in county jail in a relatively nice place, but that doesn't mean it's not a bit depressing. (not in the sadness meaning of the world, but in the it's all useless version)

If any of you hate sitting at the computer all day, I have a tip: The first moment you start feeling antsy, get up and take a walk. It sounds trivial, but after a while it becomes really refreshing and you don't feel tied to your PC, which is frustrating.

Like outside?

Get into a sport or something like that. I recently got into archery, got a cheap longbow and train whenever I am bored of being inside.

A team sport would be good too, running is great as well.


i would tell you but then all the normies on Sup Forums will latch onto it too.

Sorry, i learned my lesson with Sup Forums