Realistically, how much will the Switch sell in its lifetime?
Realistically, how much will the Switch sell in its lifetime?
It's the Wii U, but you can take it outside. But everyone plays games on their phones, so no I do not think it will sell that great.
At least it won't have the name marketing problems, so I doubt it'll perform as badly as the Wii U.
Assuming it gets everyone who bought at least a gamecube, and a few of it's DS fans I don't think 40 million is completely unreasonable.
Anyone who expects it to outsell the PS4 or the Wii or some shit is crazy tho.
literally tens of sales
Depends on what happens at launch, it has a killer app but it really needs to sell out to generate media hype similar to the wii and ps4
Worst case around 20mil
Best skies the limit
Tree fiddy
I'm expecting around the 30 million mark, if it has a steady flow of first party releases and some good 3rd party releases.
Wii U level
16 million worst case after 4 years which will be the WiiU owners getting the next new hardware and some of the people that got tricked IF nintendo fails to live up to its expectations.
I can easily see it surpassing the n64 if they put some fucking IPs on the thing besides mario,zelda,and DK. A new animal crossing a robust non mainline pokemon game a new proper metroid and more. They are literally sitting on a goldmine of great series they can revive and generate interest. Like myself for example I love nintendo but oddly enough I don't really like zelda,mario or DK but I do love metroid,pokemon,F-zero,animal crossing,kirby,mother and all of the games they have published like the xenoblade series and golden sun. They can sell as much as they are willing to as long as they are ambitious and have some good 2nd and 3rd party support. Make it another mario machine and you will have another wiiU.
Hopefully enough to hold off a 3ds successor, otherwise I don't give a shit
50-60 mil lifetime.
>first 12 months on the market
12 million. 2.5 million in March, slumps slightly until late April, 1 mil with MK8D bundle, bundle with Mario Odyssey in Xmas, several E3 announcements lead to quick releases
>Second year
9 million. After Xmas slouch, launches again in April 2018 with a strong title (Smash re-release? Sun/Moon HD port?) That carries it through Summer. Strong bundles at Xmas carry it to a good year. New Pokemon game announced at E3.
>Third year
15 million. Second SKU launches with a price cut and 64gb storage, smaller form factor, focuses on handheld aspects. Big hitter titles announced at E3 (Mario Kart 9? New Smash? New Zelda?), Pokemon releases on November 2019, record sales for the thing.
>Forth year
Difficult to pinpoint as it's so far in the future, I reckon a steady 9mil or so in the 12 months, carried by VC, eShop, and evergreen titles. Nintendo announces a new SKU bundle for Xmas that gets them to their targets.
After that, we'll hear word of the Switch successor to be announced before 2022
Not an argument.
I think it depends on what they do with the 3DS.
If they try and support two systems, 15-20.
If they only support NS, 35-40.
Pre-orders aren't even sold out.
3DS will be dead by the end of 2017
Yeah, that 32 million mark is the safest bet. Will shit my pants if it went wii levels
They literally just need to say "the next pokémon games are here" to get a free 10 million.
They should put the remakes on switch
Don't underestimate the power of neckbeards who think they're going to be playing outside of their houses
I don't mind the concept, less gimmicky retarded bullshit is fine with me - it does need a couple fucking GAMES on it, though. Zelda and... what, exactly? Zelda and fuckin' nothing.
gamefreak is fucking lazy they'll somehow manage to fuck it even further and use pixelized shit in our year of 2017
considering it's launching with the game of the decade i expect it to at least do as well as the n64 version. people don't want to play the subpar wii u version of a once in a lifetime experience
I'm not sure.
Like who the fuck is the market for this thing?
Kids aren't going to drag this around, and parents certainly won't let them with all of those pieces and the joycon holders proving to be defective when a tablet is cheaper, let's them watch TV, and doesn't have a bunch of shit they can lose abd extra expenses.
No normal adult is going to engage in the shit you see in the commercials (taking this shit to a fucking party or sporting event or some shit).
To most reddit-tier gamers, it's a Zeldabox with nothing else, extra expenses in the forms of SD cards and a controller assembly.
The only market I see is pure Nintendo autists that want some giant handheld. Like who's going to buy this thing?
You guys even heard of an iPad? Probably break 100 millions, maybe even beat the PS2.
as the n64*
They're two entirely different products.
Realistically, a bit below 3ds and Wii U numbers combined.
and bomberman and arms and mario kart and splatoon and octopath traveller and shin megami tensei and fire emblem and super mario odyssey and xenoblade 2
>Realistically, how much will the Switch sell in its lifetime?
It honestly depends on the library that it gets.
Everyone is going on about the controller and portability and battery life and all that extra nonsense.
But at the end of the day, its the games that make or break a console. Fewer and fewer people are going to buy this thing if it ends up having a Wii-U tier lineup.
It's too early to be making accurate predictions, really.
Between Wii U and GC.
If it can tap into the handheld market i can see it doing 40 million lifetime.
if it can not it will be around the same as wii u.
Honestly I'm very surprised they didn't keep XY's chibi style for SM in the first place.
Fucking kek, why are Nintendrones so easy to bait?
Who would argue against wild speculation? You don't refute someone makes a crazed omen by eating bathsalts and staring vacantly into a crystal ball. So when someone else balks at such a prediction and just coughs once and blurts out bullshit, and the other person says "not an argument" as though it solidifies their claim, you have to wonder where arguing is going on 4chin.
considering the salt on Sup Forums i expect it to sell very well. every person here talking shit will be buying one within the first year after release.
it's already sold 2m in preorders. they won't be able to keep it on the shelves, and there isn't anything you can do about it.
Basically this.
You can't really predict where anything is gonna go at this point.
The first month sales will be decent I expect and if they can keep pace with some decent exclusive (first party an otherwise) could see some decent strides by the end of the year.
they are in america and japan
if they were sold out everywhere you'd say some shit like artificial scarcity
But artificial scarcity is a perfectly good marketing tactic. Works for Apple every single release.
Some jap dev said it is the "dream machine". So if they make it the next animu portable, you know the results already...
Is litterally just a fucking tablet with Wii motes
Wow that user was really riled up
Gamefreak have said they're working on a game for the switch, I hope it's a mainline game as the 3ds isn't capable of playing anything more advanced than SuMo
>put waifu anime shit
not anymore
I don't think it'll surpass even the Wii U in unit sales, everyone's getting tired of Nintendo's shit.
Yeah, to not talk about how they pay people to line up for their stores right. Damn apple needs to use those tactics to sell stuff.
I think being a handheld guarantees a ton more sales than something like the Wii U could pull, but I also think its sales in the long-term will be heavily influenced by how cheaply they can manufacture it. If it's like the Wii U where it's still 350 dollars in 4 years, that's going to be a real problem. It's hard to get to 100+ million sales unless you can get your cost down to like sub-150 dollars (PS2, DS, Wii) where people will buy one just for shits and giggles.
It'll sell 100 million easy. More if it receives great third party support.
>Sell better
Wii U
>Sell worse
Basically, it will do fine; but it won't det the world on fire.
>WiiU sold 14 million
what in the fuck
Sell around Nintendo 64
I predict it will sell at least 50 million lifetime sales. Which would put it around as well as the SNES lifetime sales.
>pixel games suck
I really hate neo Sup Forums
>you know the results already...
It sells like shit, just like the other weeb machine the Vita