How's Enter the Gungeon?
How's Enter the Gungeon?
I want to like it because on paper it sounds like my type of game
but it bores me
Good music and style but gameplay is slow, enemies are bullet sponges, and ammo system means you'll use a garbage peashooter and save your good guns for later.
just play nuclear throne instead
your enjoyment of a run is too dependent on the quality of guns you find for my tastes.
sums it up nicely
really good if you like roguelikes but difficulty-wise can be very frustrating
Can't aim at units close to you
Weapons are mostly the same
Only a few different enemies
Rooms all feel the same
It tries too hard to be Isaac and failed miserably.
Lol, I don't even like Nuclear Throne that much...
While gun rng is high, it actually does a great deal in order to minimize reliance on luck. For example, you always get two chests, with on having a gun and the other an item. There is always a shop. It may be repetitive due to the best strategy being using the starter pistol for 2 floors, but I found it extremely enjoyable. I got all of the achievements in 80 hours of playtime, and I thought it was very fun. It takes more practice than most due to the need for understanding attack patterns and dodging.
If you want a faster paced game that isn't reliant on dodges,
I get that the game is supposed to be about the guns, but when you get good guns you're forced to save them until bosses unless you feel like spending stupid amounts of time chipping away at them. If there were more buffs or item effects given to you more often, it would be a lot better. The game feels nice, has good sound, and tons of charm otherwise though. Having fun playing it, and don't regret my purchase.
I kinda feel like the game would be better if you could only carry a small number of guns but you had unlimited ammo
I agree with what Rich Evans said, "Its like the took Binding of Isaac and took out all the fun"
There's no item synergy. In Isaac or Nuclear Throne you can combine almost any upgrades together. This make every run feel different. Even when the game gifts you God tier items you can still combine them to create wacky and fun results. In Gungeon you can get a cool gun. And then another cool gun. And never shall the two meet. Once you've seen what a gun does that's it. No variety. Really ruins the replayability.
What's Isaac do right that Gungeon lacks?
Item combinations
Your starting shot actually goes into the direction you're pointing at.
I don't like it. It's not fun and too repetitive. One of my friends loves it (our tastes in games rarely overlap) and he talked me into it after I played a couple levels, but I regret it now.
Zelda style dungeon layouts.
The bastard child of Isaac and Nuclear Throne
Faster paced
No limited ammo
Better upgrades
and this
It's stylish, but if you've played Nuclear throne, and binding of isaac, you're not going to find much new gameplay.
It tries to make a pixel based bullet-hell roguelike dungeon crawler.
Dodge ruined everything
>find chest
>don't have any keys
>spend all my money on a key
>open chest
>I get the fucking cigarettes
>they do nothing
>uninstall retarded game
> He doesn't know about how good Cigarettes are if you are competent at going around at low HP
best game in its genre, guns are varied and satisfying to use and it rewards you for being good by dropping more money and items
it doesn't have the big zany combinations of something like isaac but doesn't have as many useless items either
a lot of people compare it to nuclear throne but the two games doesn't have that much in common, nuclear throne is much faster paced but has much less content and is more dependent on twitch reflexes than pattern recognition
Worst ammo system of all time that incentivises an all together too-cautious style of play/prevents you from USING the draw of the game (interesting, fun firearms) so as to save them for the boss/to have a gun-chest chew them up into better guns. The gameplay? Fine. Enemy design? Fine. Bosses? Most are fun.
But that fucking ammo system.
People here tend to dislike the combination of bullet sponge style shump bosses and ammo constraints. There are also a few questionable design choices that make you play in "janky" ways at times. It mostly depends on whether you see such things as just another thing to play around and master or whether you really dislike them. Pretty stylish, though. Should probably look up videos to see if you'll like it.
It's good; try it.
Quality production and a lot of content/playtime for the money.
Luck of the draw is a staple of dungeon crawling, not to mention "roguelikes". There's actually much less of the dead ends and useless cargo in EtG than most dungeon-delving titles. Maybe you just don't like these sorts of games. For me, it's precisely why I play.
Maybe you just need to skip some chests sometimes? That's why keys are relatively scarce and cost money -- to make you make decisions.
Poop sprites and diarrhea sounds. Newgrounds animation.
I really want to like Isaac but it's just too fucking gay for me. Wish there was a game with the same mechanics and none of the rest.
This is exactly what put me off the game. Why use ammo? Seriously fucking bad design choice.
I get it, some of the weapons you find are ridiculously powerful and so I guess they thought 'well cap the ammo to force them to save it' but they could have just dropped the damage and let people actually have fun with unlimited use of all the crazy guns you can get.
It just gets boring and frustrating.
Meanwhile I can play Isaac for 5 hours straight getting endless shitty runs but at least actually get to play with the powerups it hands me.
It's a shame because, like you said, the gameplay and aesthetics are all pretty great but when the main premise of the game is finding tons of cool guns but it doesn't let you use them much it's pointless.
More interesting passives
More crazy bullshit builds, if you're into that kind of thing.
It's okay. Like 6/10 okay.
It's actually pretty slow-paced outside of boss rooms. Most enemies have basic AI.
The upgrades feel trivial. There is a HUGE pool of weapons in the game. But this is a double-edged sword, for there are plenty of trash guns that clutter up the pool.
All 4 of the starting characters play the same way, essentially. In Binding of Isaac, there are characters like Samson or Lilith that alter how you would play through the run. In Nuclear Throne, most mutants are unique enough that their early-game and end-game playstyle encourage experimentation with the game's weapons.
In Gungeon, only the hidden characters, Bullet and Robot, play anywhere different from the starting 4. MAYBE you could argue that the Convict encourages more reckless gameplay, but that's a stretch. And she's the worst character in the game, to boot.
Overall, it looks good, and plays okay. But don't expect to be amazed by it.