Inafune the mega man creator laments: Japanese games are dead

>"When I looked around all the different games at the TGS event floor, I said, 'Man, Japan is over. We're done. Our game industry is finished," Inafune said
what went wrong

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infane is a salty con man upset that the jap industry doesn't get that AAA game money and franchises

he's full of shit and a jew

The opinion of a hack is meaningless. He's damage controlling for his shitty game.


That's rich coming from the same fucking loser who's latest hypest creation only had one good side to it, the fact that more people lost their trust to all crowdfunding

I think hes done is more like it.

Is there anyone here that hasn't fapped to trap Shimakaze?

>megaman creator
this will never cease to trigger me

He says it from perspective of developer.

From perspective of player, 'globalization' of Japanese games is bad. Because there will be less diversity in industry.

Girl (male) Shimakaze >>> Girl (female) Shimakaze
This is not debatable.

>published on the year of two thousand plus nine

He's just salty that his scam failed



Has there ever been a greater fall from grace?

We talked about that back in 2009...

He knows that japan has stagnated since the 90's. Probably back when he first got into the industry, ideals for shit were creatively all over the place but nowadays everyone has to play it safe and push out sameface rpg VNs that either takes place in stereotypical middle ages or a highschool.

I hate Hideki Kamiya for being an asshole but holy fuck, someone he always manages to be right.

Shit like the pic in OP was so much more tolerable back when it was "those pervs in Japan." Now that it's "BRAVE WESTERN TRANSPERSYNS" it's so much more fucking insufferable.

Accepting something you don't agree with is so much easier when you aren't being told YOU HAVE TO CHAMPION IT AND RESPECT IT OR ELSE YOU'RE A RACIST SEXIST MONSTER SHITLORD.

i dont like the boat sluts

>Says the man who sends the whole day on twitter while unnamed salarymen actually make the games he will take credit for
The whole idea of the director being the only creative driving force behind a videogame is dumb anyway.

Opinion discarded

jesus christ stop falling for the boogeyman meme

this shit seemed true in 2009 tho

it absolutely seemed like it's the end of the Japanese gaming industry

then somehow they managed to find how to appeal to the western audience while keeping their originality. I was really surprised how much great japanese games were released in the last years with a decent budget.

Seriously no one bothered to read that?
This is a well known quote that makes his situation that much funnier.

Says this shit, but as soon as he is free to do whatever he wants...he makes not-megaman

Inafaking has always been a talentless hack and his contributions to the megaman franchise end up being a drawing based on a sprite, and his OC donut steel aka zero.

>Failure whose new game is just a worse version of his old games with none of the charm
>Talked shit about his peers

No you were done faggot and you proved it. Not everyone can corner the COD market but games like Nioh regardless of quality even though i think its a 8/10 game it sold a few million with very little marketing. That made a very large profit for its company therefore it was successful.

I hate to say this because its not always the case but sometimes you can't hit the mark other people do because of reasons. If its a competition human to human in something both people have equal ability to adapt in sure. But creating certain games for certain genres by default means you won't hit those numbers. Hes too stupid to realize this.


I'm so glad that everyone finally realises that Inafune is a complete waste of space.

Atleast he made Bayonetta DMC1 Viewtiful Joe etc. Kamiya has earned a reprieve of being a worthless dick for awhile. That being said he was making Scalebound but MS bastardized his vision so hard he had to throw it in the trash.

Also forgot to mention, that he's not even that skilled of an artist. His technique is almost text book toriyama from that time period. Right down to giving the dragon robot goofy eyes.

He had his chance to trick everyone. He would still be considered the creator of Megaman and not seen as the fraud he is right now if Mighty no.9 wasn't a car fire.

>Reply, Delete, Favorite

>Capcom is dead and projecting onto all the other developers

definition of cancer



Honestly, he's only an asshole to people that talk shit on twitter.
I've yet to see him be an asshole to an inoccent person.

>then somehow they managed to find how to appeal to the western audience while keeping their originality. I was really surprised how much great japanese games were released in the last years with a decent budget.
name one nip game the westerners anticipate this year
yeah you can't

Inafune is a retard with a massive ego. He thought he could do no wrong. Ironically, capcom is doing way better after he left. His strategies are terrible and he's floundering by himself.

Also, please use a relevant image next time.

What's correct term? co-creator?

director you retard

weebs on damage control

Breath of the Wild

Avoid singular "creator" since it's problematic. Just give them the titles in the credits, then mention whatever they actually did.

>Director Jonny C first thought of the concept of a giant dick robot game and approached producer Hirohito about the idea. Hirohito suggested altering the concept to add a clam side-kick. Artist Kenishi Dickawata then created the design for Giant Dick Robot. Composer Shredded Wheat composed the score after dropping lsd.

Completely avoid the term "creator" as it's sloppy at best. Games are a collaborative effort. Often a producer will commission a game based on some vague concept, and the director and writer will then shape that into something specific. So who "created" the game then? Was it the producer or the director or the writer?

The only stupid thing he gets buttmad over is when someone asks a question he has already answered before. Yeah that person is definitely going to read all 164 000 tweets of yours before asking. Especially when Twitter has no meaningful way of browsing old tweets by someone. Just a mobile shitter method of "load more".


>just shy of 8 years later, Japan releases the greatest game of the current millennium

never heard of it
the problem is weeb games don't appeal to normie audience

I haven't. Feels good not being a faggot

If anything, Japanese games are BACK. The Souls series is big and mainstream. Nioh is out. People care about Japanese games.


I dislike traps, my only exceptions were the husky girl doujin and a random doujin by Locon.
Besides girl Shimakaze is far hotter than any trap.

"Open Mouth, Insert Foot"

The life and times of Keiji Inafune.

Persona 5
and maybe 4 Godesses Online.

Notice also kitamura is listed twice. He put a lot more work into the game than people realize.

That vid has some great Inafune quotes in it.

He's using it correctly, stop acting triggered.

Kitamura did:
>level design
>character design
>directing (planning)
>some programming

He directed the game, created the main characters and did a bit of everything. The other most important person on the team was programmer Nobuyuki Matsushima. He created the engine, which dictated the entire pace and shape of the game. Originally Kitamura had invisioned a faster paced game. Matsushima's engine was slow, so it allowed only for a few enemies at a time. He also created the color changing mechanic, and the trick of using multiple sprites to achieve multiple palettes for Mega Man's sprite. That allowed the sprite to have way more detail and color than most other game sprites, and allowed MM to stand out. Overall, MM 1-6 are some of the most visually impressive Famicom games out there.

A little side note. Sakaguchi (aka part of the pair of yuukichan's papa) now does work for anime, and was involved in the production of yuri on ice

They really are dead, the only thing keeping them alive is Waifu pandering.
They can't make good gameplay
They can't make interesting characters
And they certainly can't make interesting stories.

what is he doing right now btw

Inafune is managing his company Comcept. Supposedly he has some new project he's going to announce soon. And he's working supposedly on Red Ash.

Kill yourself.

Holy shit what are you trying to gain by posting such an old article.

Case in point, Might NÂș 9.

You know that word existed before tumblr and even the internet, right? You triggered autist

I just learned that this guy also worked on Capcom's JJBA. Nice!

Bloodborne, Nioh, BotW?

inafune has no clue about vidya

That's funny.
You're funny.

Yeah I was going to say isn't this old news and then I noticed the 2009 date. Jesus Christ Sup Forums I know you love to use the rest of the internet to generate your own content for you but look at the publication date sometimes before posting links.

Inafune is a huge wad, but after the 6~ Year aimless development cycles of so many games after 2010 I'm inclined to agree with that opinion.

>girl Shimakaze is far hotter than any trap
This. Trapfags are getting real obnoxious lately.

Wasn't RE7 successful?
Wasn't MGSV successful despite being trash?

I agree with this.
Those who've been and continue to target western audiences, or rather have been targeting a more world-wide, general audience are doing just fine.