Will Ghost Recon Wildlands be a good game? Will Ubisoft fuck it up like all the other times?

Will Ghost Recon Wildlands be a good game? Will Ubisoft fuck it up like all the other times?

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If it's anything like the beta, no.

After having played the Open Beta, Id say its ok. Its comparable to something like Just cause 3.

Worth Pirating or getting in a sale a few months down the line.

I love the beta so far. I want this game to be good so bad.

It's shit. Played the open beta with friends and it's generic ubishit.
How the fuck did those reload animations get greenlit. It just feels so soulless and shitty, I'm surprised it's on the steam top sellers.

>Will Ghost Recon Wildlands be a good game?

>Will Ubisoft fuck it up like all the other times?

I could forgive the squad AI being garbage, but the controls are so bad it's like Ubisoft hired their retarded cousin to come up with the scheme and then took out the ability rebind the keys because fuck PC players.

>PS3 graphics
>Non existent animations
>Open world
>Janky vehicles
>"It's fun with friends"

>People still buy new ubisoft games "because it'll be better than last time!"

I have to admit the vehicle controls suck

the beta blows

It feels like they wanted to make a worse version of MGSV.

>PS3 graphics

It's just incredibly "meh" really.
It's not BAD, it's not great. It can be fun at times, the customisation is alright, the gunplay is functional except when in CQB, vehicle controls are shite., the world is very big but mostly empty, so that's pointless.

It's a third person Far Cry with the towers replaced with documents. It's allright, but Ubisoft-y.

>Its comparable to something like Just cause 3

Well the beta surprised me in many ways. It's a step forward for sure.

But then there's the usual three thousand steps backwards typical of Ubisoft. So many fucking things annoy me about it, and I know it won't just be fixed because it's a "beta", because all those things have been in every single Ubisoft game since Farcry 2, in fact, since they birthed this game model they've reused for everything, from Assassin's Creed to The Division, and now Wildlands.

It's sad, because as usual, there's a ton of potential. But it's killed in the womb by a heap of shit they'll never fix.

>helicopter controls

For this alone, no.

>driving vehicle
>turning by itself on small deviations
>suddenly turns off the road and down a rather steep hill

It's worse when you're actually trying to steer the bastard thing on your own but to do so you first have to out-steer the God-damned functionally retarded car with a mind of its own.

The only good Ubisoft games in the past few years are R6S and For Honor. I really feel like Ubi should move away from open world single player/psuedo multiplayer games and focus purely on team vs team multiplayer games.

The game doesn't look good enough to have the system requirements it does. I've gotten pretty lucky that my setup plays nice with it but I've seen threads here where people with solid PCs aren't able to push it beyond medium settings.

Also the vehicles control like shit. Why the FUCK do helicoptors control differently than drones, Ubisoft?

Bullet drop is ridiculous and the AI is all-around shit.

Two weeks just isn't enough time to fix what's wrong with this game.

No, but I still enjoyed the beta, which makes me doubt I'll enjoy the full game
These doubts are blown away as I remind myself this is an Ubisoft game, OF COURSE I'm not going to enjoy the full game. On top of that, the CPU usage, even after disabling controller support, are still through the roof and the graphical glitches in the mine are far too common for this build to be anything but a messily packed up dev release to rile up some preorders at the last second

That said, how bad did it go for you?

I've had the game bluescreen my computer 4 times now.

Gonna buy it from sale sometime in summer

It's basically like any other Ubisoft game, if you play it alone you will be annoyed by the retarded AI of your teammates so the only way to play it is with friends and at max difficulty because otherwise you can just Rambo everything by yourself.

I think that the game is kinda average, if you don't care about stealth and just play it as a shooter you will get bored really fast.

If you have the right kind of autism in which you like exploring and trying to be all tacticool the game is pretty fun, I once cleared a base by having a friend fly a helicopter in a good position and I just sniped everyone because the game is open world and you can do that sort of thing.

The worst thing about it are the vehicle handling and how shitty Ubisoft's online service is, they're the only company that expects you to do port-forwarding to make their shitty service work.

I have rendering bugs where it suddenly makes ground and dinstant objects vanish and then reloads them. Also have had 4 bluescreens that happen when I die and choose a guy to respawn on.

It might be fun with friends, but without them its pain in the ass to get the whole squad to work on the same mission.

Why do people care so much about vehicle controls being janky?

Ironically the best parts of the game are its linear parts, like the assassination mission of the second target in that tunnel or killing the three leaders in that closed off base.

Its not so much an open world as it is an open map. Its just a map with sites slapped down on it with AI put inside, there is no relation between anything that makes it a world in any sense other than a random civ or rebel saying "thanks for shutting down the massive training facility even though it has no impact on the game except this dialogue trigger."

Your operator looks like a real operator, good job.

Because you are forced to travel across a map that is 100 times bigger than it needs to be for how little content on the map actually exists

It's really hard to do clownsuits in the game at this stage

Was hoping for ARMAish open world co-op gameplay.

It's actually just Just Cause, but, you never get any cool gadgets and spend most of your time driving shitty cars from one open world "Set piece" to another.

It's been confirmed that they're adding pvp and I don't really care about the entire single player/co-op campaign shit but I think the pvp could be really fun.

>Why do people care so much about vehicle controls being janky?
Yeah it's not like it's a giant open world game where you spend a significant portion of your time using the vehicles to traverse the big-ass map or anything

>not just riding the fun ass dirtbikes while bypassing all the roads and flying through the mountains

Because you need to drive to do missions. some missions have you drive things. And the helicopter controls are fucking unacceptable.

Yeah no same problem. Fuckhuge maps and shitty handling vehicles.

The beta was a essentially an extremely stripped down MGSV with co op and literally 95% of it was spent driving around. I'm not a jaded motherfucker like most people on this board but I can't imagine why anyone would be excited for this.

I made my operator look like the blonde guy from narcos, it was pretty sweet

probably gonna pirate the game

man what? i agree the handling sucks on everything but the dirtbikes are actually fun as fuck and not bad

The open beta was laughably buggy and broken from what me and 3 friends experienced and it's getting shoved out the door next week so I don't have very high hopes for it nor do I care.

Pic related

The dirtbikes aren't that great either

>Coming up a mountain
>dodge around a rock
>bike just starts glitching, spinning in a circle

>all ground vehicles oversteer AND understeer, at random, for no reason

I think it's alright. But as others said, you get one good game play piece, and 2 bad ones.

Sneaking around a base with a friend on hardest difficulty, cutting the power, shooting the alarm, and knocking out pats one at a time is fun.

Driving, flying? Horrible. Vehicle destruction completely horrible. Shooting a tank shot right next to civies or bad guys - as long as you don't hit them, they don't notice. Like everyone is completely unaware. Random "failed" missions for killing civies, which just respawn you anyways, retarded.

Idk if I'll buy it.

What are you talking about the controls are great
>hold down shift to go up
>hold W and shift to go forward
>now release W at the right time or you'll plummet into the ground or come to a stop mid air over that SAM site

10/10 great controls

Because it's an open world game with few in-between fast travels
anything short of race bikes and old ass russian jets to travel around and you're gonna hate it
Unless there's new mechanics in the game for the player to actually interact with (rather than just "hold E") the game is not gonna be worth 40$, let alone 60

People obviously are since its the top seller in steam.

>can fly off cliffs and survive, bike snakes out of control on anything and you spend 90% of your time uncontrollably mid air which then snakes you off randomly when you land
Yeah, no, even GTA does it better.

>LE Mastuh Wace faggots whine about shitty bugs and crashes on their PC version of the beta

>Played the beta on Xboner, graphics look fine, never ran into any glitches or crashes.

Why is the PC version of every game a buggy mess?

played the beta for about 6 hours this weekend. The squad AI is terrible and makes it a chore to command. Playing with friends is ideal but almost breaks the game due to how easy it is even at high difficulty.

The quests and missions I could care less about. Reminded me too much about the dry quests of far cry 3 and 4.



Top seller doesnt mean a game is doing well, all it tells you is that it has the highest gross in comparison to other high grossing games right now

Considering all the other top sellers are either old, indie or dead its not much of a comparison. Its more useful when its two new bug AAA games.

That being said game will sell like mad anyway. Its ubisoft and people are stupid, they'll buy it get burned call ubi the wordt ever then buy the Division 2 and wildlands 2 next year.

It's Ubisoft, so it'll be buggy pay to win shit. Tom Clancy should be turning in his grave to be associated with drivel like this.

I liked what I played through, that's probably just because I'm absurdly desperate for new shootans games.

>graphics look fine on Xbone
top kek


considering top selling is a weekly thing, of course it would be
8th place in the same top seller graph is assumed to have sold less than 25k copies

>he bought XBONE

smug_anime_girls.png (3.14KB)

once you get up speed, you can let go of W and keep shift down, the helicopter will fly "at level"
The controls are pretty counter intuitive

>Not realizing that console graphics generally translate to "medium" PC settings

medium and shadows and lightning at low.

But this game has very shitty lightning anyway.

I'm not a graphics snob, I don't see a legitimate issue here.

It's very, very boring. If you play the game for 1 hour, you'll experience everything it has to offer.
Including non-stop dialogue that is INSANELY cringy. At least the dialogue in The Division was so bad it was funny. In Wildlands, it's just terrible as well as moderately embarassing.

And of course the usual Ubisoft problems (clumsy UI, awful servers, everyone playing together hear and see different things, etc).

It's just another third-person shooter for babies with the "ghost recon" name slapped on to make kids feel like they're hardcore.

There is potential here but it's squandered by bad execution, AI, and jank.

I give it a 'meh'. Pirate it if you have no friends or buy it on sale.

This idle chatter dialogue is fucking disgusting. I dont want my character to mumble to himself the same three lines every fucking time I tag a barrel for rebels.

Did you know that there is no game made by Ubisoft to this date that have actual good vehical controls/movement?

Halo games have more realistic feeling vehicals then their games

It has potential. If they take 3-4 months to fix all the problems the beta had it might become a...what? It will be released one week from now? Oh...

I liked the beta
Though the weapon diversity is kinda shit

Oh, and waaay too many helis
Both for own use and enemy patrol helis in the second beta area

Anyone figured how Ubisoft wants you to fly the helis yet?

Helis are a bit wonky but after so testing pretty easy to fly
Planes on the other hand

This is literally Goat Simulator - Operator Editor.

Literally, no joke.

Take is as you see fit.

Some people enjoy Goat Simulator, you might enjoy this too.

how do i stop fucking dying?
>squadie alerts some guys
>spot one guy
>try to move in on him while they're distracted
>a fucking truck comes behinds me and slaughters me
>if not, a fucking helicopter will fuck my shit up
>environment is shit, so hardly anything to cover behind
it's getting me triggered

can they fix the fucking terrible aircraft controls within a week though? Thats the main obstacle to me throwing my money at them

Shift up to altitude
W+Shift until your nose start pointing to ground
let go of W

I don't know how you're supposed to use weapons, if you find out please share

You are just bad

So you cant change altitude while moving forward? Great idea when the map is full of mountains.

You can, you just need to pull back and you'll still go forward but rise a bit.

>every fucking enemy is like hawkeye from avengers
>they will pinpoint you 400M away, at night, in brush, with supressed weapons
>always online requirement, even in single player mode

S with shift held down while moving forward will let you gain altitude

Do people not fuck around with controls anymore? Do people not check their buttons anymore?

It's going to just be The Division with vehicles and none of the problems of brain dead gameplay solved.

Tell your squad to fuck off at all times. Get suppressors and stealth. Get grenade launch for helis.

does anyone in pubic matchmaking actually want to do missions, or is it all about fucking around with APCs and minigun trucks?

Only the beta has online requirement

the tracers from their guns are fucking silly at all difficulty settings

If they simplify the fucking heli controls because faggots like you, I will be pissed.

Pretty realistic desu

I'll consider buying it when it's on a sale with a good price drop

have you played it on a console?
none of the keyboard trick for level flight apply, and console is supposed to be fisher price easymode controls.

they could fix it by making the bumpers yaw and the left stick pitch/roll, its probably 10 minutes work for them

I hated this. Every game has kinda similiar heli controls BUT NOOO WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR OWN CONTROLS and man do they suck.

I'd put you on my team big guy

I have played single and with two friends.

I had some fun but generally speaking we got bored extremely fast.

- One of my friends got disconnected constantly

- There is no variation in missions, at all. Steal helicopter, steal plane, defend radio.

- Completely uninspired, not a single likeable character, nothing is fleshed out.

- Increadibly shallow, tactical possibilities are very limited (even after unlocking more equipement)

- Nothing in the world is connected. Every base could very well be just an instance.

Two areas and I was already bored to death. Ubisoft is completely incapable of crafting a compelling game.


Game would be cool if it had actual physics. I want my car to roll and fly off of these hills, not this arcade tier children lock driving system

Made me reinstall MGSV.

After around 2 hours I felt like I've seen it all in that game. Pretty horrible and soooo sooo dull.

Obvious that you're just shitposting. I took out their entire training camp solo on the highest difficulty without being discovered.

Sup Forums,Videogames need you help, we're assembling a task force of big guys to reduce the bolivian population by half
Post your stats

it's a bit buggy right now

user ... get out.

>After around 2 hours I felt like I've seen it all in that game.
I remember back in 2010, being incredibly excited for Just Cause 2 after playing the demo for hours (you know, the one where you're in a walled-off section of the desert region), only to find out that there's LITERALLY nothing to do in the full game that's different from in the beta. You just go around and blow up copy+pasted villages forever. There's some different vehicles and weapons which function exactly the same as the ones you get in the beta, and 7 or so boring story missions, and 300 copypasted collectibles that earn you nothing except achievement points, but aside from that it's just the same shit over and over and over forever. I felt completely swindled.

I'm getting that same feeling when I play this, like the full game is actually going to have exactly as little variety as the beta. Only difference is, I'm going to do what I should have done years ago with JC2 and cancel my preorder.

Do that user. There is no need to waste money on that game. Like I said two hours are enough to see what this game is all about and there is nothing more to get in it. I feel you user just cause was the same for me but at least you could fuck around a bit until it got really boring.