What rating will he give to the Switch?
What rating will he give to the Switch?
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What was this guy's name again?
Pissed off Pablo
Does he review entire consoles?
He doesn't review Nintendo things anymore due to their stupid policy
Mad Miguel
Irate Ignacio
Seven Dollars Sanchez
deportato José
They let him do it: Probably 7/10 for BotW
They don't let him do it for whatever reason: -10000/10
Cross Carlos
Angry Joseph Vargas
What did he review here
It's sad that the blatant troll blog about Joe is now more entertaining than Joe's own content.
And where is the controversies of 2016 list?
He'll switch the 1st and 2nd places of 10 and give it a nice 01 out of 10
>He doesn't review Nintendo things anymore due to not being anle to make jew sheckles off them. He CAN make Nintendo reviews but since he can't money off them and he is a casual xbot he won't.
His full name is actually "José Antonio Vargas."
Sup Forums memes and hates on AngryJoe yet the still continue to watch him
Really activates my neurons
>his full name is actually a generic mexican name
whoda thought
That's what gets me about this. Why is it so vital that me makes top dollar off all of his videos?
Would joining the Nintendo Creator's Program really be a set-back for the guy? Last I heard, he pulls in millions a year.
Won't review Zelda or the Switch
What is up with the review thing honestly?
Almost every youtuber seems to have no problems reviewing Nintendo games yet a small handful like angry Joe and cuckuisition can't do anything without endless takedowns.
It's okay, his waifu anita sarkeesian can do it
Nintendo doesn't take them down, they just sap money from him.
Frustrated Fernando
>he won't review a game unless he can make money off doing it
really fires up those neurons
>Watching pepe enojado
He had a good run a couple of years ago, now, he is way past his prime
12 Taco Variety Box from Taco Bell
of battery life
you know i don't hear about this issues from literally any other reviewer
Pedro the Furious
Pewdiepie said he wouldn't play Nintendo games on his channel until this changed
You also don't see most other big LP names on Youtube like Markiplier or Jacksepticeye playing Nintendo games much for this reason.
Jolly Joe
Super Naco
Butthurt Beaner
I don't see markiplier or Jacksepticeye play nintendo games because I don't watch fucking lets play like a dribbling retard.
considering he just copies Sup Forums lately.
>he will talk about the joycons getting stuck with their straps
>talk about how the kickstand if flimsy
>battery life (good complain though, not a deal breaker for me)
>internal memory to save games being 25gb
he will probably score it a 7/10
>I don't watch fucking lets play
That's who this affects the most, hence why you haven't seen many other people complaining about it then
I sustain my earlier point: Why is it so important for these people to make the most money from every single video?
Is the money that important?
>Legal battle.
Oh fuck off. He uses this hyperbole so people don't realize all that happens is Nintendo monetizes the video, leaving it up. If he gave a shit about "educating" his viewers instead of leaching money off of them this wouldn't be an issue.
HE would have to be the one to bring it to court, but since he and the rest of youtube's personalities are a bunch of pussies with no legal standing, it won't happen. He'll just make more angry rants for clickbait.
You make shit all from youtube ads alone user
stop contributing to eceleb garbage
Vexed Victor.
>Is the money that important?
When this is their method of making a living, yes.
What are you talking about? I was answering his question.
Switch: 3/10
Though he'll give the Wii U version of BotW a 10/10.
Switch will give a strike
Reviewing Ricardo
Didn't this poor sad guy say he was forever done with free advertisement for nintendo after all his wiiU videos got flagged or something?
Yes, he flat out said no more Nintendo content on his channel until this changed.
Not sure what changed his mind.
Yeah, but he did mention that he intended on reviewing Breath of the Wild, so long as Nintendo let him keep his revenue.
Which is unlikely, given the "hey, give us a cut, we made the game" attitude they seem to have with videos of their content.
Reminder that if Joe bashes the game, he is (probably) violating fair use.
Has this guy actually ever got angry in a video?
Every clip I've seen of him he's smiling and no where near what i'd call angry.
>Muh JewTube Money
Clearly starved for those youtube bux.
And if he comes back he's just going to enable nintendo's policies.
"Bitch all you want but you'll come back, they all come back." shigeru fils aime -2099
Usually it's a gimmicky form of anger where he just yells and throws his arms around theatrically.
The only time I've seen him legit, embarrassingly mad was when Bayonetta 2 was announced as Wii U exclusive. And he must have realized how fucking pathetic he looked because I'm pretty sure that video is gone now.
>working for free
So, what game did this mainly apply to?
Kane and Lynch 2?