Why the need to creep in Africans in every Fantasy universe?


0:15. As I recall, Tolkien specified the fact that there are no Blacks inhabiting Middle Earth.

Easy loophole: tanned white people.


Maybe there was wormhole travel?

>As I recall
That's pretty on the nose, you got a source on that quote?

You'll cause the landwhales to flip out if you don't nowadays, followed by the BLM once they're told to do so.

Their appearance is somewhat ambiguous, but The Two Towers gives a detailed description of a slain Haradrim warrior that Frodo and Sam encounter. He is described as having swarthy skin and black hair that is braided with gold. He wore a scarlet robe, as did the other warriors, and a gold collar. His weapon and armour are simply described as a sword and a corslet of brazen plate.

>Fantasy world
>Niggers exist
Why even do fantasy if you can't remove blacks? Besides orcs are the niggers of the Tolkien universe.

>Why even do fantasy if you can't remove blacks?
because its fantasy so you can have unrealistic things like competent blacks

Was that the quote? It doesn't sound like something he'd say. When was that?

One potentially racist element in Middle-Earth is that the majority of the men who serve Sauron are the dark-skinned peoples of the Easterlings and Southrons. They come from the South and East of Middle-Earth, corresponding with Asia and Africa in the loose connection between Middle-Earth geography and that of the real world. The Easterlings are aligned with Morgoth or Sauron with the exception of Bór's folk. They are described as being of fairly dark skin complexion, swarthy and exceedingly cruel. The Southrons (or Haradrim) are described as black-skinned, cruel and evil, and are apparently at least inspired by Indian cultures with traits such as fighting on Mumakil-back.

In some cases, people having the slightest blood relation to enemies, like Freca and Wulf, who are related to the Dunlendings, are presented as evil themselves, as if evilness is hereditary.

While the Easterlings and the Haradrim are dark-skinned people in the service of the Enemy, the Woses are primitive, small, and alien compared to other peoples (their chief Ghan-buri-Ghan only wears a grass skirt) yet they are valuable allies (in The Return of the King). While Tolkien does not mention their skin colour, they were considered monsters by the Rohirrim who hunted them as animals, which the narrative explicitly condemns. However in the First Age they were counted as Edain, or noble Men, and were allies of the Elves.

However, not all enemies are non-white. Noteworthy examples are Saruman, Gríma, Gollum, and at least two of the Nazgûl. Also Lotho Sackville-Baggins and the ruffians are white-skinned characters who ravage and take over the Shire. Indeed, while during the timeframe of Lord of the Rings those enslaved and serving Sauron are darker skinned people from the South and East, during the history of Middle-Earth many of the white races of man and even some Elves were fooled and coerced by the Enemy.

>it's a Sup Forums episode


The Haradrim are black.

There. Done. Easy.

>Tolkien specified the fact that there are no Blacks inhabiting Middle Earth


What about me?

Because modern writers either
A) Can't understand what anachronism is
B) Have to dumb down their world reality to appeal to the politically correct movement
(ie. Cultural appropriation whiners)

I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which included the phrase “In these days of political correctness…” talking about no longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of their skin. And I thought, “That’s not actually anything to do with ‘political correctness’. That’s just treating other people with respect.”

Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase “politically correct” wherever we could with “treating other people with respect”, and it made me smile.

You should try it. It’s peculiarly enlightening.

I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking “Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!”

Jesus, I just realized that LotR was racist as shit. Inherently virtuous races fighting unambiguously evil "inferior" races? Why is this shit even popular

That was a quick pasta mate

>in a fantasy setting with talking trees and giant eagles





Lord of the rings is a story about how white people beat back niggers and sandniggers

Lets not even mention how the muslims are controlled by evil


why dont you fuck off to reddit?

If an author decides to depict medieval poland in a fantasy setting, why should he put black people on it?

Not even imaginary white countries are safe

I agree with this.

Are swedes involved?

even tolkien admitted to making the orcs too one-dimensional to show the evil of industrialization, however in the hobbit its clarified that orcs are not dumb: "Orcs made no beautiful things, but many clever ones including machines, tools, weapons, and instruments of torture, were delighted by wheels, engines, and explosions, and could tunnel and mine as well as any but the most skilled Dwarves"

We already have competent blacks, they're called whites.

middle earth is not poland, the setting has easterlings and h

>"I must say that the enclosed letter from Rutten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries? ... Personally I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine."

Tolkien's response when the Nazis asked if he was an Aryan.

The depiction of orcs is a little unfortunate, but it's worth mentioning that orcs aren't a conventional race. They're elves and men corrupted by sorcery. Orcs don't exist in nature, and indeed there are no female orcs.

If anything the orcs are a criticism of eugenics. This is what happens if you try to breed a race of perfect soldiers.

Getting angry at black people being in a fantasy setting is stupid for the same reason that you're arguing

Preach the truth brother.

Why are there potatoes in medieval Poland?

Unironically this

middle earth is not poland tho, it's an entire continent surrounded by other nations

You are right. Only rural and suburban retards voted Trump, us city folk voted Hillary.

Have I failed in treating drug addicts with respect by refusing to get involved with them until they get their act together?

sounds like a butthurt anglo to me

Good god man, I never talked about middle earth

Its not being angry about black people being in a fantasy setting you retard
Its being annoyed at how it seems like an obligation to depict black people in fantasy settings

Yes, but the outrage is over this black guy being presented in a good role, which apes the lore

Why treat people with respect when they don't deserve it?

That made no sense.

Also, why are you out of your containment board?

>Its being annoyed at how it seems like an obligation to depict black people in fantasy settings
Not what this thread is about, fuck off

this is unironically a good argument


People do in fact farm potatoes in Poland?

Nazis BTFO

Potatos weren't in poland in the middle ages.

Not in the Middle Ages they didn't.

It's not medieval poland
It's a fictionalized version of medieval poland. Therefore potatoes can exist, black people cant

>That slow zoom on the back guys face as if they are saying YEAH LOOK AT THIS A BLACK GUY IN LOTR PROGRESSIVE YES?
This is one problem I had with it. Perhaps if he was just a background character it would be fine (lore rape not withstanding.) but it reeks of political motivation to me.

so if it's fantasy anyway, why CAN'T we have black people? did people complain about redguards in the elders scrolls games?

Its really not
The Witcher 3 had people bitching about why there are no black people.

People answered "well, it is medieval poland"

Then some people started throwing arguments like potatoes.

But hey, guess what, the author decided to put potatoes, he didn't decide to put black people.

Does this means that he should add black people right away because its morally right?

If tolkien had written lord of the rings nowadays, people would have bitched all the same

you fuckin faggots gettin triggered by a black dude.
look what they are doing with the lore. look at the fuckin trailer.

>new game gets shown off
>Weeks of Sup Forums shitposting

Holy fucking shit can we just start IP banning at the first offense for this shit. Every single fucking game has some teenager freaking out over the white race being under siege and shit.
Sage this shit

Americans love watching black men in action..