>Released on November 2013
anyone expect this?
(I did after readin about their software/hardware/online DRM)
>Released on November 2013
anyone expect this?
(I did after readin about their software/hardware/online DRM)
What's the point of piracy when it doesn't have any games?
EDIT: thanks for the upvotes!!
their hardware/firmwire DRM is not even possible 2 bypass
>I did after readin about their software/hardware/online DRM
Where did you read about it?
Could you post some sources?
There is nothing to pirate.
just google it
their mandatory firmwire updates alter the mobo circuit
Didn't the PS4 get hacked but the guy who did it was too slack-jawed to release it?
if that ever happens all future games will require always online & parts of d game would be downloaded on the fly
ALSO... Denuvo could be contacted 2 help
but it was cracked with super old ass firmware, and nobody cared since no one did game manager shell or smth. ah who cares I got cracked vita now its worth something
I just bought a old cfw ps3, it will be nice having a hacked ps4 maybe at the end of the generation.
What if hacking consoles is really hard but all Nintendo piracy is backed by professional Sony pirates?
Sony's going turn a blind eye to piracy once PS5 will be out in full force and PS4 sales will plummet.
To squeeze some extra cash out of it they will lower the price and coincidentally around the same time the console will get cracked.
inb4 PS4 PRO PRO with Ultra Boost mode and also it is conveniently the only firmware that is hackable
Why bother hacking a console anymore? All the games come out on PC and it's easier to both hack PC games and play hacked PC games.
I remember how all the retards claimed that piracy would be super easy due to x86.
Turns out that the PS4 us completely different from a PC architecture wise
>Sonyggers actually believe this
exclusives exist whether or not you want to acknowledge that people enjoy them
I like japanese games
my 1st preference is a hacked console ala PS2 / 360... then PC
I enjoy console's hassle free & plug N play
right now I got a pc set up like a console
PS3 is still pretty fucking hard to hack. You still need to solder shit onto the board and fuck around with a hundred annoying custom firmwares etc.
I wish everything was as easy as FreeMCBoot on PS2.
might happen
>completely different from a PC architecture wise
"Architecture" is a somewhat badly defined term in computing but in almost every aspect the PS4's architecture is identical to that of your everyday modern PC. It's not the reason why it's difficult to hack.
Piracy made sense in the PS1/PS2 era because we all were essentially underaged or unemployed. No need for that anymore.
Piracy made sense then because it was easy to both do and use. You just grabbed a disc from a friend who knew a guy and stuck a fucking paperclip in the thingy to make the playstation think the the lid was closed.
>You still need to solder shit onto the board and fuck around with a hundred annoying custom firmwares etc.
Only if you updated your firmware too much, and I heard even that's solved (didn't test those yet):
Sony is the most Jewish company in video games.
Its pretty sad when people on this board are too underage to remember the god damn PSP which Sony went to great lengths repeatedly to stop people from emulating on it because they are evil and legitimately the worst electronic company to have ever entered the business.
If you're surprised, you're incredibly uninformed. Supporting Sony is a vote for the practice of disallowing people to do what they want with their hardware.
it's called cat and mouse you moron
>Sell people video game hardware
>Get pissed they are putting games from other systems on it because you can't make money from it
>"Oy vey shut it down"
>Add paid mods to your system
>Charge for an online service that doesn't actually give you any benefit aside from overpriced rental games
>Make a digital shop where all of the games are more expensive than physical versions
>"cat and mouse"
who are you quoting
I always forget about the prospect of hacking a home console unless it's a Nintendp product. Hacking the PSP was a fun ride back in the day though.
It has already been hacked, but the hack hasn't been released yet. No one is ballsy enough to face the lawsuits if they go against Sony only left cash cow.
FreeMCBoot is shit. Messiah chip is the best