Assault Rifle amirite?
Assault Rifle amirite?
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This still pisses me off so fucking bad.
It gets even better.
>there initially was the Chinese Assault Rifle, OP's pic being an LMG
>Bethesda decided they had """too many weapons"""
>so they cut it and used the LMG as an AR
Thats fucking gaytarded
> we have too many weapons in our shooter
I thought that they lazy but now it seems that they just retarded
>all the fallout weapons loosely based on reality but distanced to keep it fantasy
>10mm bullets and 10mm gun instead of 9mm for example
>Nuka world introduces AK-47 that uses 7.62 ammo
Never go full retard like Bethesda did
to be honest every weapon in fo4 falls flat for me in the way of "meat" or fun save the sledge hammer and the fist you get off of Swan. Hunting Rifle chambered for .50 is fairly fun but the engine and all consider it's still meh
you know you did guns wrong when I'm actively using far weaker melee weapons for personal amusement
but to be fair the rework of mirelurks was amazing and they made most plasma weaponry fantastic
>Distanced from reality
You do know that is an actual caliber, don't you tard boy? There's plenty of real guns in Fallout. There's P90's and shit for god sake you idiot.
No, I don't like this game or any of Bethesda's decisions, but if you have the means of fixing it yourself, here's two mods doing the same thing, and no, mods should not have to exist to fix their shit.
Feel free to explain why that amalgamation of gun parts is any worse than any other fantasy amalgamation of gun parts.
The .50 MG in Fallout 4 is criminally underpowered. Pretty upsetting desu considering it was a beast round in NV
>mod changes weapons name
>you can do that ingame without mods
>10mm isn't real
Nogun retard detected
Is there a mod that fixes that yet?
I think he means that not many people use the 10mm Auto irl since it kicks hard and over penetration and is just an overkill compared to the 9mm
>loosely based on reality but distant
The only thing distant about 10mm it and 5.56 are extremely weak relative to reality.
Because it looks quite similar to a Vickers Machine Gun
Yet Bethesda wants to pass it off as an "Assault Rifle"
That explains a lot, given that the assault rifle in FO4 is obviously copied from a FN Minimi
>a Vickers Machine Gun
and several other WW1 machine guns
looks like some autistic steampunk gun that some fat neckbeard made to attend some disgusting convention
Nah more like a Lewis gun
Can't change the name of weapons dropping on dead enemies or around the world without taking them and changing them at your settlement
The handguard is straight off a Minimi.
It's likely just a case of an artist being told to make an LMG, so they just did a Google image search for "light machine gun" and cobbled together something from the results.
Was this created before or after the austin powers movie?
That calls it an LMG? Unsure.
Just get a fuckton of actual rifles modded in and mental-gymnize the other hunk of metal into what it's supposed to be.
The 10mm pistol from Fallout series looks bulky enough to tame the recoil of the 10mm auto round.
Pretty sure it was created back in the 60s.
>explosive rounds
>magic enemy drops magic explosive gun
The worst part is that Bethesda fucked the modding community around so much that they've stopped trying to fix all the problems with the game.
It has a side loading box magazine, it fires an assault rifle caliber (5.56 NATO if I'm not wrong).
As for the amalgamation of parts of real life weapons:
>The barrel has the rear jacket of a Lewis gun (forced air cooled LMG) and the front portion of a Vickers gun (MMG, water cooled).
>The hanguard is straight off a FN Minimi or M249 SAW. It's connected to the barrel jacket with a metal tube, so it's very likely that the hanguard stores condensed water. Basically this meanst that the weapon is watercooled and recicles the water to an extent.
>The receiver is pretty much like a Lewis gun, aside of the side mounted magazine instead of a top mounted pan.
>The stock looks based out of a Dror automatic rifle, but with a chunkier buttpad. The cap is an oiler compartment, with a brush on the cap itself.
Still, the weapon is a frankenstein monster of a gun.