What games let me court tomboys/reverse-traps?

What games let me court tomboys/reverse-traps?


Reverse traps/tomboys are degenerate, and are liked by gays desperate to come off as straight.

>Reverse traps / tomboys
>Not the most patrician taste

Go salivate over some feminine dicks, ya faggot.

Shakespeare knew that reverse traps was the most patrician fetish and wrote an entire play about it you fucking pleb.

Keep lying to yourself, faggot see where it gets you
You mean plagiarize and entire play about it

Which is that? I only know Two Gentlemen of Verona as having reverse traps

sims 4 you can make traps and reverse traps

you can also make trap and reverse trap kids

source me up boy

Image Search.

life is strange :3

He said game.

Reminds me of this pic:

she is fucking beautiful though, shaka brah

>3d shit


At the end of the day you're still fucking a chick so go back to sucking on "feminine" dicks you fucking faggot.

It's worse than that user. Not only do i love 3D, but i love tomboy 3D

What about tomboy reverse trap childhood friend who turned into a gyaru?

rune factory tides of destiny

>He doesn't know the joy of the tomboy gap moe.
Nothing is more satisfying than the moments the tomboy shows her hot girly side.

Excuse me for wanting my women to actually look like women and not try to be like men.
I bet you like female knights you disgusting faggot.

>see where that gets you

Fucking tomboy girls? Because thats what i get.

Are we really at the stage where anons will call you gay because an ACTUAL FEMALE is chopping of her hair lower than some standard and not wearing makeup, but its peefectly fine if a skinny guy with a huge dick is wearing a wig and glitter?

You faggot.

>but its peefectly fine if a skinny guy with a huge dick is wearing a wig and glitter?
You seem to be operating under assumption that I am okay with instead of just hating that even more then tomboys.
I'm calling you fucking gay, what makes you think doing a bigger gay thing won't provoke the same fucking response?

There is nothing wrong with liking that I like that too but you're acting like liking tomboyish girls somehow maks you a full blown faggot

What games have a Tomboy/Reverse trap as a main antagonist?

He's trying to project his homosexuality

So actual women?

>he doesn't like female knights
You're in no position to be calling other people faggots, you fucking degenerate.

If this thread is about that non-binary horseshit i swear im going to fuck you in the ass OP

>im calling you gay

They are women, and there are spectrums of tomboyishness. Your opinion is irrelevant, even if you are entitled to post it.

Probably talking about As You Like It, but Shakespeare used cross dressing as a comedic crutch in a ton of his plays. Merchant of Venice also had a cross dressing female love interest.

reverse traps are women that look like boys but are actually women.

This one harvest moon game on gamecube has this cowboy antagonist character that when you beat the game you get to choose what their gender is, and then court marry em if ya want.

>Disgusting fetish for people that actually wanted to fuck men
>Probably think traps aren't gay either.

>reverse traps
>Patrician taste
>Wants the companionship that only someone with a more masculine mind can offer but without going full gay as he carnally desires the female body

is liking tomboys gay?

>nose ring

into the trash

So actual women. Got it.

tomboys are only good for pumping and dumping, they don't make good wives.

>tomboys are only good for pumping and dumping
You are an evil motherfucker. Tomboys are love

>large breasts

into the trash

It's lesbian.

Wait. Is OP trying to make us gay or smth?

Top kek faggot


Why include the worst parts of a girl?

testing If I'm banned for making an anime videogame thread

>giving a shit
Just do whatever
you wanna do.

The only faggot here is you, you closet homo.

What are some games that let me crossdress

flat is where it's at

if you're a pedo maybe

we can have this discussion all day nigga let's stop right here

Kittens was the fucking best. Why did she stop?

Has she ever done nudes?


Go google Sup Forums kittens right fucking now user!

not that guy, but thank you user.

Damn right...

you should see the one where she fucks herself with a hairbrush and brings a glass tumblr to her pussy to collect the girl cum and drinks it after. Kittens was a dirty bitch, i bet the cam whorin' was not even about money.

liking crossdressing is absolutely patrician 2bh

Holy shit Tomboys get my dick diamonds

I think he's talking about Twelfth Night, Viola is dressed as a boy and in love with the Duke, Orsino.