Funniest looking enemies

This doofy fuck from Dragon Quest

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That dude looks like one of the bosses from SoM.

Did Square rehash the design?

either way the bird head on stilts is hilarious enemy design

Looks like some shit from Spore.
Also, all the stupid fucks in Spore count as enemies.

i was going to argue drackys look arguably sillier but i started laughing as i looked at your picture and typed

Wario's debut appearance

Where the hell does his food go?

Xcom was cool until these started showing up.

It should have been some sort of bug soldier or something; not an ork-tek jetpack corpse.

I'm playing DQ7 and it's funny reading the implied killings and devouring of humans by the hands of these things.


Aren't the Lipsy family just fodder monsters that can easily be killed with a copper sword or something though?

smooch ;]

Unironically my favorite DQ monster.

>implying your whole fucking party is not shivering

>God is a monster
What did Squeenix mean by this?

alright fags post your favorite dragon quest monster.

this nigger right here, me and him kicked ass online in DQMJ2 and he looks cool as shit, plus he's fairly easy to make.


and i forgot the image.

Sorry for the lack of actual screenshot; on my phone at work.

Anyways; from Beserk.

ugh, what the fuck is that

i need to finish up DQMJ2

Jumping around super agile as this fat fucker in JA multiplayer was funny as fuck

>i need to finish up DQMJ2
Eh the problem I have with the DQMJ games is that the main-game doesn't feel all that satisfying and there's too little post-game to make up for it. You can beat everything with an incredibly sub-optimal team.

Anyone have any footage of it in action. Wondering how it attacks and what it sounds like.

I wish she and her succubus recolor would pop up in every single game, along with their puff-puff move from DQVIII.

Kind of sad there isn't that much waifu monsters in the DQM games except Mortella. I'm pretty sure the Japan exclusive DQM games for 3DS have plenty though.

It's the "Rape Horse" from Beserk (manga, but a game recently came out on Steam and PS4).

yeah, I felt the first DQMJ was more filling. Number 2 feels a bit light.


>ugh, what the fuck is that
It's a zombie rape horse. And that's not sarcasm at all. Berserk has zombie rape horses, man-eating rape trolls, hentai-tentacle-gut woman elder gods, and cute loli witches.

I recommend it.

It's hard to know what it does to attack, since it's a Musou game. I think it just headbutts. Pretty boring shit.

It looks fabulous in game however, and runs like the Titans from AoT.

> Not mentioning Faranese or Casca dicking scenes.

>yeah, I felt the first DQMJ was more filling.
Really? I mean the game was really short and there weren't that much difficulty curves. Dr. Snapped was a joke.

i guess i just remember the story a little better than 2,and the bullshit i went through with the grinding and synthesizing, recruiting 2% catch rate monsters like Trap Box ect. Once you reach the end with the spawning metal king slimes though, everything is easier especially when i made my first monster capable of denting metals, mumboh jumboe

I do have to admit there was a certain joy for me breeding Alabast Dragon, Ruin, and Zoma for the first time. Too bad the game is pretty much over by then.

Opoona has a lot of them. I fucking love the rogue enemies in this game. A lot of abstract designs, even made more prominent with the game's mild artistic theme. Probably my favorite batch of enemies in any RPG. The still images don't do them justice.

and those fucking wifi monsters i never managed to get. I got Trode though

Love this dude.


I nearly shat myself when I saw all those Rank S/X monsters Online, like holy fuck Rank A isn't the strongest? It blew my mind. Maybe I don't hate the game as much as I thought. Too bad Online is unbalanced as fuck with every team consisting of Estark, Mortamor, and Gem Slime more or less.

I loved Joker 1 as well. Finding the Anchorman was a legit surprise. Imagine how I felt when Joker 2 was announced.

>tfw I could be playing 3ds DQM1 right now but im too lazy to hack my 3ds.




Is Square the king of making dumb-looking enemies?

Is it fully translated? Also I'm kind of curious to how long the game itself is. The original DQM1 had a fairly large post-game so I'd expect there would be a lot more to do.



This is so stupid , god damn

What's funny about this? It looks like a termite queen, which is sort of the point.

termite queens look funny. they're literally termites with overgrown asses.

i guess it's sorta funny because it still has the tiny bulborb feet in the front

>king of dragons

How are people meant to take it seriously when it looks like something a furry designed?

It's funny how they alternate between very appealing iconic monsters and absolute turds.

I don't know why this is the fucking body type for every crocodile/alligator monster in FFXIV.

prototype for Space Station Silicon Valley

Nature is fucked, m8

fucking lit

Sweet Potato.

Genuinely my favorite monster design ever.
I just hope her game gets localized.

God I loathe monster designs that have some human looking face sticking out somewhere. Makes them feel more like demons rather than just oversized grotesque animals.


that's literally an anime girl in a blue coat sitting in a bathtub.

how is that a monster.

fair enough

>Did Square rehash the design?
I might be wrong but I think this enemy was in one of the NES DQs.
Also this was well before the merger, so it was Enix, not Square.

i saw this game in a magazine before it came out. Didn't know what to think of mutilated animal bodies on wheels

But that doesn't really look like a human face.

Most frustrating motherfucker in DQ3.

Hahaha, isn't it funny?



holy shit Magic Pengel. Someone else remembers this game

She's a yokai.

If she possesses you she makes you want to frequently take long baths/showers.

I like taking long showers too. Maybe she's already possessed me.




I really like the game despite the combat being pretty simple. Maybe I just have a soft spot for my dream team of scorpion riding crab, retarded dog centaur, and spastic squish arm ball.

Maybe some day someone will jack the concept with better gameplay and more TECHNOLOGY to the different parts.

oh shit, that's right, yokai watch has some goofs in it as well.

You ever play Graffiti Kingdom? Is it any good?

did you know back in elizabethan times bathtubs used to have these gass stoves under them to keep the water warm. there have been hundreds of deaths back then because people would stay in too long and boil themselves. other cases involve spontaneous combustion, skin peeling off like orange peels, and complete destruction of houses due to a gas fire.
lol she's funny looking too tho haha

Well fuck, I remember hearing about this along ago but totally forgot about it.

I'll have to put it in the backlog.

Well thanks to you I got a huge nostalgia rush and I really wanna play Magic Pengel again.
I hope it emulates well.

>nothing from the Mother series yet
I'm shocked.

This is why you don't use too much firewood or hot coals when you use a traditional bath. It needs to burn just enough to heat the water but not too much to the point where you're making human stew.

This blue variant was my main nigga in Dragon Quest Monsters 1. Glass cannon'd everyone's anuses for the longest time until I bred him with I don't know who for I don't even remember what that had better stats. Eugenics are a bitch.
[F] for "RAVE". I will NEVAR4GET.

Did something trigger you user?

no just a random fact.

A bug with biological balloons that spits out and tosses bomb rocks

Skyward Sword was a mistake.

Thanks now I remembered how fucking scary this thing is, jesus christ what the fuck

no problem, friend

Cut a nigga twice. Cut two niggas once.

>avocado with giant mouth
>fingers and toes literal pimples
tf were they thinking?


With a few tweaks it wouldn't be a terribly out of place Pikmin monster.


It can stomp and charge around like a retard.

Mr. Fox in Joker 1.

gj spoink-o

it's a bit stupid and cartoony even for pikmin

pic related is the worst pikmin ever got, afaik

oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink