Are you buying Breath of the Wild on Wii U or Switch?

I'm fascinated that a game can be so hyped when the only two platforms it's available on are:

1. A console nobody owns.

2. A $300 console that isn't out yet.

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cemu, I prefer to wait instead of buying nintendo console

That's how good it is, user.

>ignorant enough to want something but not want to support the company who paid it out od misguided entitlement
>waiting for something that will never be perfect.

Par the course of fools I guess.

i get it on both

I'm probably gonna end up getting it on Switch a year or so from now. I could get it on Wii U, but I don't wanna play the crappier version.

I’m getting it with my Switch. Some people would ask why I would do that. Well, it’s called planning for the future. Dipshits.

I own Wii U already so getting it on Wii U free via Loadiine.

I'm getting it on the Switch.

My reservation probably won't arrive until either Saturday or Monday, though.

That's okay, I'm patient.

Well, I have neither at the moment and I'm not about to buy a Wiiu, no matter how cheap it would be.

Since I love getting fucked in the ass and shilling get's me rock hard, I'll probably be getting Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch!

Ninetendo Switch more like nintendo blunder of the century lmao

i literally bought a ps4 pro and preordered horizon yesterday

I'm getting it on the Wii U.

I know I'll be playing the inferior version but I just can't bring myself to spend $300 plus tax just for a bump in resolution and better sound.

Also BOTW would be the only game I would get for the Switch and after I finished it the system would gather dust until Mario Odyssey released.

If it seems foolish for you, imagine what a fool you'd be if I told you I'm easily entertained and am probably going to have a great time, despite your concern

I have a Wii U, it had plenty of exclusives I wanted to play and I still not done with everything, I'm getting it there.

The Switch isn't worth it for me yet, maybe in a year when Mario Odyssey, Project Octopath, Arms, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Xenoblade 2 are out.

Since I know that I'm going to buy the switch one way or the other, I fugure I may as well get it for my new console

Wii U, I already have one. I'll buy a switch with a Mario bundle

I wonder if will have any problems, like Fatal Frame 5's long loading times, I really want to play it without distractions so I'm close to buying it.

Don't worry, If nintendo keeps adding fog, I'm pretty sure the game cube will run it just fine.

Support the company? Fuck that noise. If they want support they can earn it by not being kikes.

Or you could just get a job instead of having to wait for your birthday money.

This so hard

I'll buy one used when the price is about $100 which is all the hardware is worth. I'm not paying the Wii U fuckup tax.

Savage. There is no coming back from that.

>proud of being a wagecuck

Are you enjoying those 3 hours free you get each day?

Include me in the screencap.

Yeah. I work 8 hours a day to make decent money and sit at my desk playing my DS for half of the day. Such a slave.

The dumbest slave is the one who doesn't know he's a slave.

At least some wagecucks know working full time sucks but embrace it, you're just delusional.

At least I'm getting paid to funpost right now, but go ahead and seize the means n sheeeeit.

>not having a choice whether you rock up to work every day or not.
>not a slave

I have that console nobody owns so I'll get it on that

You're a cuck.

Your father was a cuck.

Your grandfather was a cuck.

>The dumbest slave is the one who doesn't know he's a slave.
I agree. In fact, I'm responding to one. A slave to his own pretentiousness and stupidity.

Got to pay that tithe to the cult of Nintendo somehow.

Alright bud. Enjoy those neetbux I'm earning for you by playing DQVIII.


Less pop-ins and I'll have to get one for Odyssey anyway.

>A slave to his own pretentiousness and stupidity.

Woah dude.

Pirating on the Wii U.

I'll be holding out on the Switch for at least a year until "the dust has settled".

Already got memed once with the Wii U, not happening again.

>A slave to his own pretentiousness and stupidity.

I'm not the one justifying my lifestyle on an anonymous image board.

I'm hype but not getting the game. I refuse to own the shitpile that is WiiU. And the Switch is a cheaply made, easily broken piece of trash. Won't buy either of them for literally the ONLY Nintendo game I legit care about since the Gamecube days.

So you're poor

Lets face it you aren't some great humanitarian protesting for human rights. You are broke as a joke and can't afford 300

Get a job.

Hows your mother doing today?

Actually, you are.

Wii U. I already fell for the Nintendo launch meme not once, but TWICE (Wii U and 3ds). Even though they ultimately were worth it for the experiences I had, I just can't justify spending a shit load of money on a console that will have an inevitable redesign and or price drop. Especially when I could get the same game on a console I already have.

not him but it would imply that you're much poorer considering you pay for hype-ware without questioning it's quality

It's like reasoning with applefags. They both exhibit a similar lack of critical thinking and self respect.

>these posts
The irony is so thick you couldn't break it with a sledgehammer!

>projection: the post