What ya playing & sippin on this comfy sunday?

What ya playing & sippin on this comfy sunday?

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playin' Gravity Rush 2, sippin' your mom's pussy juice


It's Monday.

where do you live

Straya cunt

sprite zero

oh shit is that the new joycon?

fuck off aussie cunt

Homemade Applepie Moonshine and playing Nioh

No this is:

>not having sips

Pic related, it's pineapple-blueberry flavored.
It's incredibly refreshing

Crystal Pepsi is back and my neighborhood gas station sells it. Be jealous

Diet Root Beer since bugged tooth genetic mechanics mean I need to go easy on acidy and sugary food and drinks, but still like a little soda now and then.

Cant get enough of this shit

Playan just woke up from having slept too late on my day off. Looking at my mtg cards. Pulled a rare planeswalker last night after buying 2 boosters. Friend bought like 8 & didn't get anything.

Hopefully get into some DaS2 in a moment. I almost bought DBX2 yesterday. Kinda wish I would've as I want to play something light. Might get stoned & play some MHGen/see how many movies I can watch on my PS4 today.

Sips are sodas.. m.dew, cherry pesi, coke & also this change in my couch will most likely take the form of a cheap can of strong beer.

Unfiltered apple juice mixed with carbonated water.

Xbox verification can


I wish they brought Pepsi Blue back. Everyone else hated it but I loved it. Shit was fizzy as fuck.

What the fuck is that

is that fucking olive oil

unironically this


>Australia faggots still get to have my favorite soda

>I haven't had it since 2002

>Be sitting here drinking regular, boring Pepsi


Far Cry: Primal
Whiskey and Cherry Coke

Is it true cunt is friendly and mate is hostile in Australia?

is that how to make that "lean" thing or whatever

what does this actually do? Rips your skin?

Dont do this it turns into mustard gas when it makes contact with semen

Fuck that, i dont want schlong frost bite

>not a single "J-JUST WATER F-FOR ME, T-T-THANKS" post yet


>See OP in catalog
>Think Pepsi Blue has returned

>US gets Crystal Pepsi something literally no one ever wanted.

>We will NEVER get Pepsi Blue again.

Shit gets me STEAMED.


Is it actually any different from regular Pepsi? I never had it but I remember Sprite blue/green being a thing in my region and they were the same thing, just with a coloring agent.

fuck off sugar jew shills

who /costco/ here

neets beed not apply

do you fucking know what corn starch + water is

Super Robot Wars V and some English breakfast tea. I'm doing my best to cut back on the soda and trying to find other things I like to break up the monotony of just plain water all the time. I was never a tea drinker before but it's pretty good.

Sunday is the least comfy day of the week desu

>something literally no one ever wanted
yeah besides the fact that it was literally brought back by an organized fan campaign

Man, I really miss Pepsi Blue. Loved it back in my middle school days, back when you could still buy soda at school.

Crystal Pepsi tastes like shit though.

Pepsi Blue is fucking DELICIOUS.

Why not get good beer? You were about to drop Dough on a game

That shit is weak sauce user
Just go ahead and do heroin like a big boy already

>buying bottled water just to drink while sitting around playing vidya

I just spent three hours building my new battlestation.



>sitting that far from the monitor
aside from that, looks p comfy desu

Four Roses single barrel, watching Aliens - RIP Bill Paxton - Game over, man :(

I'd guess most of the benefits of not drinking tap water are killed off by the drawbacks of drinking water from cheap nasty plastic containers.

Tamarindo juice

It's closer than it looks. It's about a foot and a half away from my face.

Four Roses any good? It's been a while since I've dropped a decent amount on a single bottle of whiskey but I've been eyeing the Four Roses single barrel recently

>standing around waiting for a cup to fill

you little time waster

I think it's really good user, but I'm not at all averse to cheaper booze as well.


It's not fair... it's not FAIR!!

>It's closer than it looks.
It's way too far away.

I slide the chair up to the desk, homie.

>not smoking herb and sippin tea

nigga do you even comfy

This. Just get one of these. You can hold a full gallon of water at a time, have it be filtered and cold, and you only spend about 1/100th of the cost of a water bottle on it, as well as about 1/15 the space in your fridge. You don't even have to clean the fucking thing you just dump tap water in it when you run out and it cleans itself

Why did it get recalled again, blue tongues?

well maybe they'd bring it back if someone was holding a sign saying "BRING BACK PEPSI BLUE" at every political or sporting event

It tastes like blue raspberry cotton candy basically.

It's more liquidating this change.
I can't enjoy the vidya while casually drinking either. I like to reach a cap point sooner than later & smoke the rest of the night.

I remember having it as a kid and it tasted like cough syrup.

Does anyone remember this one flavor of Coke with spice in it's name? I think it was a holiday variant and it was the greatest soda I've ever had. I know it'll never be made again, bu I just want to know I'm not crazy.


I'm an idiot that didn't actually read it was Pepsi, never mind.

It definitely wasn't Pepsi.

Go to work cunt.

All my friends are getting STEM majors and I'm working on getting my AA in 3D art and animation. My portfolio looks pretty nice so far but I'm scared for the future. Is it better to secure an easy to get but demanding job with great pay, or a difficult to get but demanding and fun job with pretty good pay? I just want enough money to be happy, not too interested in expensive sports cars.

I'm scared for the future, Sup Forums.

I've been playing Zero Time Dilemma here and there but it starts off pretty slow so I've been working through it. Other than that I'm working on a run cycle for something in Maya.

Thats fake news

Get experieince in the job you want, know what job you want.. That is all. This may require connections.

ZTD is terrible.

yes kinda


i miss pepsi blue so much

no dumbass, it literally and only makes a shitty quality fleshlight, like a one time use fleshlight. It doesn't feel very good and it's likely to fall apart on your dick if you try it, I know.

I hate pepsi blue. Shit made my nose fizz really hard

fuck off /fit/

Who else loves coffee with milk here

Ninja Gaiden 3 and pic related

Drinkan Whyte & Mackay. It's the cheapest blended whisky that I can stand the taste of.

Was playan Persona 3 earlier. I think I'm near the end. Hopefully I can get through P4 in a month in time for 5. Might play a bit of Root Double or Va11 HallA before I go to sleep.

Water you fat neets

>not drinking cold brew coffee
It's like you don't want to stay full of energy

I'm working on connections here and there but I'm pretty much siphoning all my creative energy into getting a great-looking portfolio.

ZTD is weird for me. I playing some of 999 and completely skipped Zero Escape. I watched a 10 min recap of the series on youtube before I went in.

I've never played a game with actual voiceovers that I've wanted to skip before, it's so strange. I know it takes a lot of time to actually record everything and I like the quality of them, but some of the conversations are just so slow and mundane, and then with time travel shenanigans you have to listen to the same thing multiple times sometimes.

And speaking of animations, oh my fucking god the animations for characters during conversations are fucking awful. There's such a big disconnect between the quality of the VO and the quality of anything moving.

Honestly I would just kill myself if I could overcome my instinct of self-preservation

>not playing Gothic 2


Please, give me suggestions on my potential first PC build. I have a Benq 24" 60hz 1080p monitor from last summer and a mechanical keyboard.
Is this a decent build to run most games such as skyrim and dark souls 3 at 60fps high/ultra 1080p?

I was wondering if I should take the plunge and just get a high end PC, though...

Comfy Sunday night thread

Literally some green tea and I dug out my n64 and was playing oot
Just got to the bottom of the well

I know that feel. I work a shitty dead end job but don't want to leave because it's far too easy and I like my co-workers, but I know that I will die poor and alone in the future.

Watching Hunter x hunter and drinking Saint Arnold Spring Bock.

I thought I was the only one that liked Pepsi Blue
Why won't they bring it back Sup Forums? I'd buy caseloads of it

I'm drinking water wishing i was drinking blue bepis.

>start taking five tablespoons a day
>two weeks later start taking the most amazing shits known to man

I dont even remember what it tasted like. I just remember it was the shit.

depends on the inflection and social context

I was drinking some Coke and playing Gravity Rush 2. Now it's time for Vodka and Dota 2.

No, I'm not Russian.