How is your trip back to Drangleic going? What build are you using?

How is your trip back to Drangleic going? What build are you using?
I just killed the lost Sinner.

Other urls found in this thread: 14586755672331/

Whats with the pic?

About to go to Drangleic castle

Trying a faith build for the first time, they weren't kidding when they said offensive miracles are useless. At least the lightning Heide spear is decent.

I've always defended DS2 but goddamn replaying this has been a real unpleasant reminder of how many areas I just genuinely do not like in this game. The Gutter, Shrine of Amana, Brightstone Cove Tseldora, Harvest Valley... I'll keep playing it but damn, some of it feels like work.

I'm just doing a sorcery build.

Tried to do a Maldron cospaly to invade but i failed miserably to get the Heide Greatlance

I went through my first time with an UGS/pyro build. Wanted something different so I'm trying a sorcery build, but I'm getting sick of micromanaging casts so I'll probably transition to a rapier tank or some shit.

Just a buncha faggots wanting to jerk each other off in their dead game.

I tried replaying it but I seriously couldn't, the game is trash.

Always knew DaS2 was Redditcore

At least you got some extra heal and a nice buff.
Thats pretty much it, though.

Personally i think DS2 has the most "areas i don't want to ever go through again" out of all souls games. Its a combination of terrible level design, bullshit enemies and even worse enemy placement. I honestly think i'll never play DS2 again.

>The only good parts are the dlc
>You can only get to them very late in the game, after going trough countless shit areas.

>and a nice buff
Which I don't get until almost the end of the game

I actually just started playing DS2 for the first time last weekend. I gotta say, it's chock full of surprises, usually not in my favor.

>Hey, guys, what is we put five giant aggressive enemies in this tiny hallway?
>10/10 best DLC ever DaS 2 is fixed!

>step back, enemies follow in a clump
>fireball or jump attack to kill them all in one hit
soooo unfair amirite

>Leave a message that says "Don't give up, skeleton!" by the majula bonfire

Jesus christ that is fucking cringey.

I killed the Lost Sinner. Where do I go now?

>it's okay if I can lure stupid AI instead of actually engaging them as intended
And that's why everyone hates your little meme game.

How is it cringey?

image has nothing to do with reddit' 14586755672331/
Nice autism by the way

he is CWC and wants an excuse to post his "pmurt" image

> tfw when i decided to play through ds2 a few weeks ago before knowing about this event

>sotfs version recommended
hello, reddit

Defending cringe fiesta reddit secret phrases


This place really is Sup Forumseddit

Agree with all these posts.

This shit stinks of reddit.

Was there ever a Demons event? I feel like it is the one that need the most one, I played it late and never had any online experience with it.

"This Whole Thing Smacks Of Reddit," i holler as i overturn my aunt's windmill blade and turn the 25th of Feb into the 25th of Shit

>Screaming about reddit whenever you see a joke or phrase you don't like
You could have just ignored it and moved on, but you purposely went out of your way to shriek about your reddit boogeyman. It's this kind of shit that killed Sup Forums.

>newfag doesnt know chris chan and pmurt

my most rated message in Dark Souls 3 is one i put in the middle of nowhere
maybe it happens because noone writes messeges in that area

what was it and where?
context of quest?
I got W1 and W2 after beating W3 but I'm gonna read the books first

Return to Lordran when?

Cool image macro, ribbit.

You can call me leddit all you like, but it doesn't make it any less true. The whole "secret club" idea caused big idiots like you to think it was fine to yell about things you personally didn't like just because you think it's from the designated boogeyman website.

This game is completely and utterly broken and shit.

>it was fine to yell about things you personally didn't like
That was standard practice long before you got here sticking out like a sore thumb. Not that you would know anyway.


Do I really want to play this shit again? It takes like 12 hours for the stockholm syndrome to kick in.

Depends on how far you want to go to bully Reddit kids, as this is their event.

Don't. It's a really shitty game.


better than 3 at least

And what exactly has become of that practice now? Nobody is allowed to make OC or even do something slighlty quirky because faggots like you will scream about it until the thread 404's. At this point, if you aren't condescending or contemptuous to the point of irony, you're pretty much guaranteed several dozen replies consisting of faggots scared that their safe space might have been breached by someone that visits websites they don't like.



is this grindr?

>I went through my first time with an UGS/pyro build
How did that go?

Going Claude Frollo faith build

Why do people feel the need to set up these weird rules in order to play a game? Just play the fucking game or don't.


Because leddit

Thats why. It not enough to play a game anymore, you have to identify as a >gamer and quote The Big Bang Theory and do shit like in the OP.

Fucking faggots.


Better than DaS1 and 3, faggot.

>And what exactly has become of that practice now?
We still shit on you, only now you think you have the right to speak back. Fuck off back to your safe space.

>or even do something slighlty quirky
Oh no, what will I ever do without bottom of the barrel teenage humor.

Honestly, I had a blast. Didn't really have any trouble once I figured out what I was doing.

>Oh no, what will I ever do without bottom of the barrel teenage humor.
Never play another JRPG again, for starters :^)



What was your build? I've been curious on trying it but don't know how much I should put into stats.

>We still shit on you
And what does that accomplish, exactly?

>Oh no, what will I ever do without bottom of the barrel teenage humor.
>Implying that isn't the majority of humor on Sup Forums nowadays.

Judging by how you "people" still sperg at the first sign of someone outting you, you don't feel welcome. And that's the intent. Even Neogaffers, of all fucking internet subhumans, aren't as frail.

>>Implying that isn't the majority of humor on Sup Forums nowadays.
Right, it's no good if it doesn't come with upboats.

Return? I can't even push myself through a first playthrough.

Restoration spell is pretty great, essentially extra 840 health for 90 secs

But the few rooms that do that are clear stress tests. In Sunken Crown, its about priorization and Iron Crown the infamous room is about using the blow up guys, but also yeah, just to challenge you.

Naked with Rapier and nothing else. Invading in the Belfry which is a fucking slaughter and hugely populated on PS4. Tons of coop and putting my sign down for every boss multiple times.

You won't like it since idgaf about the meta, but more or less this

level 185 but only 107 attack?
please help

I wasn't the one you initially called a "le reddit newfag". I was just taken aback by how easily you get triggered by a simple phrase like "Don't give up, skeleton!"
Do you expect me to believe that regular human being over the age of eighteen that has not had developmental problems will go so far out of his way to scream about things he doesn't like and continue to believe he's better than everyone else? You're autistic, full stop

It doesn't factor in the weapon, that site sucks. I assure you most things died in one or two hits.

Don't give up, skeleton.

What's the stamina management like?
DaS II really tripped me up when I decided to replay it, as rolling takes so much, and so does blocking it feels like.
I was always a fast roller, and Bloodborne felt perfect for me.
But I guess DaSII is really more built on blocking?

The pace of even an individual combat always feels slow

It's not bad, honestly, but I found myself relying on being able to stagger/finish enemies instead of leaving stamina for escape. Swipe swipe jump attack or parry/instakill were both handy. Try the weapon out, for all the complaints that UGS weren't viable in DS2 it's the only game I played using it and didn't have too tough a time.

>play by far the worst souls game again and be sure to spam some dank spicy epic for the win memerinos too haha dude lmao!!

No thanks.

Yeah the reddit crowd needs to fuck off.

I tried but people who say this is better than 3 or any other games in the series are fucking retarded holy shit

Build variety doesnt make up for this game is just fundamentally unfun to play. The level and enemy design is absolute trash, theres a huge amount of garbage bosses, it looks like shit, its slow and sluggish after playing BB and 3, fuck this

DaS2 is literally the best souls game in terms of actual gameplay, the only thing that matters
>b-but muh ganksquad memes
literally git gud

Will the DS2 is bad meme ever die out? Or will newfags keep clinging to it to try and get some "cred."

go kill yourself

Nice argument

It might if people who care about gameplay, level design, boss fights and sound effects suddenly all drop dead. But then you'll have to keep taking out the new people who care about games.

It was literally made and organized by reddit though.
Personally I'm going through the game co op with my friend instead.

What was your "argument" you fucking retard? "Durr its the best!!11"

the "gameplay" is literally the worst dogshit out of the entire franchise with laughable hitboxes, monotonous and bullshit enemy encounters, putrid boss after another and dogshit "builds" where you either look at the limpwristed sluggish "animations" of whatever you feel like out of a misplaced sense of choice or just use one of the most boring and overpowered builds in the game like twinblade shit topped off with gay abyss spell shit

You just described literally every soulsborne game

>want to replay DeS
>most archdemons and gimmick bosses lost their magic after the first run
>want to replay DS
>remember that the 2nd half is nowhere near as great as the 1st
>want to replay DS2
>remember that the best parts of it (DLC) are mostly locked until the midway point
>want to replay DS3
>not really

I palyed around with all the weapons in Bloodborne so no point going back there.

I honestly find the best parts in 2 are the beginning. The fun stops for me once the Iron Keep beings.

Forest of Fallen Giants to the Bastille is great. The Copse-Iron Keep pathway is all kinds of shit while Tseldora is a bit tedious.

I'll give it a try. I'm a few points into my character but maybe I'll respect. Thanks for the infos, user.

>>want to replay DS3
>>not really
My sentiments exactly
I don't know why it doesn't click for me.
Somehow Bloodborne just got the action part of Souls so right, that the weapon movesets of II lack

DS2 had the most amount of weapons in the series and by default, a good amount of movesets and irregular weapons to break the meta from time to time, I liked the tumultous nature of it and just how many gimmick builds you could fuck with.

On the other spectrum, Bloodborne condensed that enormous weapon count to a concise but solid as hell moveset for each weapon.