Should i get this Sup Forums? I only played skyrim and im not sure if I want to get this
Elder Scrolls 3
>should I get the best game in the series?
Just get it and enjoy archaic overcomplicated game design.
>archaic overcomplicated game design
Retard detected
>overcomplicated game design
If 16 year old teenagers could beat this game on xbox back when it was brand new, you probably can too mate.
I figured the shit out, some of the systems are just kinda tedious, like maximizing skill point gains before going to sleep to level up.
It was also annoying to find out that I couldn't have an expansion loaded when I was starting out because going to sleep was a death sentence
Yeah, I'm a casual fag and enjoy a bit of streamlining as far as some mechanics go
Yes but be prepared for a lot of reading and diceroll based combat. I'm literally playing it right now, 20 years after the fact.
Make a combat-strength-endurance-longblade-sign of the warrior redguard for your first character. Enjoy not missing like all those silly bait webms that get posted.
Haha oh shit looks like I was a minute too late before the memesquad to showed up.
>It was also annoying to find out that I couldn't have an expansion loaded when I was starting out because going to sleep was a death sentence
I don't understand. I literally kill the Darkbrotherhood assassin with my first character on my first play through without knowing it was going to happen.
My problem with it is that is make the game too easy because you have amazing armor and free source of gold way too soon.
I died the first time cause I was completely unprepared. I also didn't want to deal with it every time I went to sleep.
No. All Skyrim fags hate it and you're no special snowflake. Just pirate it that way you don't come here crying about wasting money after the fact.
Man I want to replay Morrowind but then I remember those quests about becoming Nerevarine and Hortator, fuck those. I'd rather follow a direction arrow in Skyrim
There's a mod that stops the assassin from attacking you until you are level 10. It's called delayed dark brotherhood attack or something like that. It's worth installing for precicely both of these reasons. Either you can't kill the assassin and it shits up your game or you can kill him and you get thousands of gold for nothing at level 1. Both cases are unbalanced and delaying the attack to level 10 fixes both.
>Ugly and brown
>Combat even worse than in Skyrim. You can't even block manually, your character does it randomly based on some fucking dice roll (IN FIRST PERSON ARPG). So you just stand in one place and hit an enemy clicking ONE BUTTON. Borning as shit.
>Enemies are retarded and bugs themselves on everything
>Lifeless world
>No dialouges, but a fucking wikipedia. It's worse than PoE.
>Somewhat interesting lore
>Shit characters
>Godawful writing.
>Since the beginning you now that you are a fucking chosen one.
>Retarded design choices like running consuming stamina. Enjoy walking with the speed of a turtle while watching brown rocks and a fog.
>You quickly gain good armor and tons of money and game became easy
No reason at all. Morrowind sucks as a game. All TES games are utter garbarge, Skyrim is at least playable, but still shit.
Just go to TES wikipedia, read about lore and play Elder Kings. It's much better than any of Bethesda games.
>You quickly gain good armor and tons of money and game became easy
this is sort of true.
Morrowind is easier to break than Skyrim. Magic is absurdly powerful.
You aren't wrong, but that doesn't mean you are correct.
Op here decided to buy just picked the race of my character its a dark elf what am in to this class
Is this bait or are you really this retarded?
>this is sort of true.
Putting tons of trainers, an alchemy trainer with stock and gold that refreshes, and a bed all in 1 building in the 2nd city you visit wasn't very well thought out.
dont take more than one offensive and one defensive skill. if you want long blade and light armour take those skills but dont also take blunt weapon and heavy armour for shits and giggles. you have 3 choices for your birthsign. warrior if you want to miss less, steed if you want to run faster, lady if you want more fatigue and easier speechcraft (useful for quests).
Not OP. I kind of want to download an "always +5 attributes on level" mod. Do you think this is too broken?
You can skip those quests if you have enough fame IIRC