Best consoles of all time

>Best consoles of all time
>1. Nintendo Entertainment System

>Best Games of all time
>1. Skyrim

>best metal song of all time
>1. Hanger 18

and? what's wrong with that?

>Top 10 Best Games On The Playstation Vita
>1.Persona 4 Golden

>best comedian of all time
>1. George Carlin

It's not Ace of Spades.

>Best PS exclusives of all-time
>1. The Last of Us

>best [thing] of all time
>1. extremely popular [thing]

Most of Rust is better than Hanger

>Best Movies of All Time
>1. The Dark Knight Rises

>top 100 games of all time
>98. Sonic 2
>1. Super Mario Bros
>no other sonic games are on the list

>Best games of all time
>Nintendo games in the top 20

>top 11 highest sold games on PS4

>its another Sup Forums pretends to like games episode
>/vg/ is off liking video games while Sup Forums endlessly bitches in the corner

Why does this TV show never end?

>>/vg/ is off liking video games

24/7 Waifufaggetory is video games are you serious?

/vg/ was literally made to contain this, not discussions

>Top 10 best games of all time
>Half are from nintendo consoles
>Ocarina of Time/Super Mario 64 as number one

>he actually goes on /vg/ and thinks it's a good board
1/2 is dead generals the other 1/2 is waifuposting

>best [thing] of all time
>1. historically important but improved upon by sequels

what actually is the best game of all time?

For real, why so many of these lists are made by the same kind of kid? I thought sega consoles were popular with kids why so many lists are almost entirely filled with the same nintendo games with no mention of good sega games?

What is the most delicious fruit in the universe?

the grape


sega wasn't as big, simple as that

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of the Wild.

These lists are invariably filled with recent flavours of the month, with a few well-known retro games thrown in.

As Nintendo is still around, they've kept promotion of their older games alive which is why they are the most well known.

>useson /vg/
>the dead generals are the good generals

what went wrong?

>mango that low
>pineapple that fucking low

>As Nintendo is still around
Doomed amirite

sega has been out of the console market for 15 years and they dont really make new games for about 90% of their ips.

i meant use

in the arcades they objectively were

>pears are low tier

clearly the Pear Council needs to produce more ads to play while you're grocery shopping to change that mind set.

Have I told about all the wonderful things there are to know about Bartlett Pears?

Underage? Sega was bigger than Nintendo in the early 90s, and that's just the console business. Sega also were the biggest name in arcades.

you can only discuss the same subject so much before it gets boring and you need to farm (you)s with pointless charts and cancerous behavior to keep your thread from being buried, generals by nature are a mistake and shouldn't exist when they aren't needed

making me take time out of my very busy day to fix this i swear

>apples not on the same tier as oranges
this image is clearly made by an orangefag trying to shill his waifruit

literally a meme fruit used by people who are too contrarian to main apples

Watermelons and Pears are great and tomatoes and oranges are terrible, fuck you nigger.

>no plum at god

I think you misspelled Crawling by linkin park

is there a vegatable/exotic fruit version of this?

I would give Dark knight as the best Super hero movie of all time

>Top 10 mario games
>world above 3
Flying cape is overrated

>look for a general of game to discuss it
>find it
>"first for x"
>"Y is so cute"
>"best waifu"
>rule 34 every 5th post

>Peaches not in God tier
>Bananas not in High
>Pumpkin not in Mid
>Coconut not in High Tier
>Tomato in a fruit chart

>tfw you take a bite of an orange but you just remembered you brushed your teeth literally 1 minute ago

Underaged faggot.

They're not real gamers who were around back then and are looking back on things after the "winners" have rewritten history

>Red bell peppers not god tier

World is mostly better for quality of life reasons like a world map, saving, and the ability to revisit levels. Both have similar quality of level design.

I agree that 3 is slightly better overall in terms of design and variety though.

hmmm that's a tricky one

>Sunshine anything but #1

If you forgot that you did something one minute ago, you might have early onset Alzheimer's.

>Not Holy Diver

>Straight up eating a poisonous apple and an avocado
>Grapes; literally my grandma's snack is the greatest fruit according to this list
>strawberries just mid


Fitting image, that's where Sunshine belongs.

Apple seeds contain a minute amount of Cyanide, but not enough to hurt you.

>Both have similar quality of level design
I disagree, i think 3 is much more challenging than World, it starts slow but quickly picks up with world 2, i also love the inventory system, it makes the whole thing feel like a big journey where managing your items is important, so just skipping to world 8 with the flute can easily bite you in the ass

>Implying I meant actual apples
>Reading comprehension
You dumb nigger.

That has nothing to do with reading comprehension you dumb faggot.

Ananas are pretty good.
Yes, amerifats, it's called ananas. Not "pineapple."

>Straight up eating a poisonous apple and an avocado
This whole line was talking about the their that the tomato avocado and orange were in you fucking idiot, kill yourself.

How was I supposed to know that a tomato was called a poisonous apple. Speak English next time you nigger.

To be fair, picking the number 1 console of all-time is hard as fuck.

NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, all of these are fair choices as far as I'm concerned.

*ahem* and the genesis

>vegetable in 2nd teir
>coconut so low


Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.

I'll reply to whoever I want whenever I want. Sue me.

>top ten fps
>number 1

Best number of all time
>1. One


>not 4

It isn't a reply if it doesn't have your post number, faggot.

you wish

genesis > super nintendo

thats a fact, kid.

yeah, thats why everyone tries to get super nintendo games, consoles, controllers for outrageous prices nowadays, meanwhile you can get an entire load of genesis merchandise with 100 bucks. Dont get me wrong, the Genesis was a great system, but much below the SNES.

speaking of this, what's up with the influx of shitposting lately?

Like it went from 70% to 95% almost overnight.
What the fuck happened?


This shit is so fucking annoying, not only is this game highly overrated, it is completely safe and uncreative to put in the number 1 spot.

Nintendo Switch and horizon zero dawn happened.

by that dumb nigger logic the pc engine is better than both

I've been living under a rock.

I didn't even realize BotW got leaked until half an hour ago

What's your #1 then hotshot?


the difference is the pc-engine is a rare system. Jesus theres over 40 million SNES consoles laying around and people sell them like gold. If i used this example is because i dont want to use the catalog comparison, i dont want to hurt your feelings.

>best Jojo parts in order
>1. Part 3

Some GTA


Original or remake?


>mid tier


>top 10 video game characters
>character originally from anime but who showed up in a video game

God Hand

this is such a bizarre argument i dont know where to start. who gives a fuck if a bunch of dumb hipsters are willing to buy a console they have no idea what its actually worth. that doesnt change the fact that the genesis had better games than the super nintendo

My favorite is MGS3

I don't think Im in any authority to say its the best game of all time though

>top 10 video games
Seriously, why not divide by genre? Why not specify if you are talking about the game itself being good or how much impact it caused?

where the fuck are granny smiths? they should be in high tier at least