>Black guy
>in LOTR land
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
What a dumb name.
Wonder what Tolkien would say. Would even even care that much?
Middle Earth is the most inclusive realm ever, what are you on about
Dwarfs are the only racists faggots there
Black people literally don't exist
The only dark-skinned people are Haradrim and Easterlings
Was literally the first thing I thought of when I saw that trailer
Let's get offended!
>Caring about oc fanfic
Middle Earth is a European fantasy there's no blacks at all in it, baka dumb PC culture
Middle Earth has been cucked ever since the Hobbit series was announced
>a casting director has been fired from The Hobbit after placing ads in New Zealand newspapers specifically calling for actors with “light skin tones” and dismissing another actor by telling her she was “too dark” to appear in the film.
I mean, they're never mentioned nor appear in any books, but it doesn't go explicitly against the lore anyway
I mean for fucks sake what's next, black elfs????
So... Do you guys want to talk about the game or get triggered by a fictional black guy who was in the trailer?
>Implying there are ANY black people whatsoever in Tolkienverse
Holy fucking shit. First they came for my WW1 shooters. Now they're coming for my fucking Fantasy games.
this is Sup Forums, you know the answer
Tolkien would rise from his grave and start killing people if they touched his beloved Elves.
Wait so Talion is not bound to Celebrimbor any more? All powers are gonna be through the Ring? Kinda misleading box art in that case
>only cg was shown
Not much to talk desu other than speculation. The first game was mindless fun, I'll probably buy this when it goes for $10-20.
I just hope they can fix the difficulty curve, shit was broken in the first game.
You get a name like that when you have literally zero imagination.
I liked the first one. Nemesis system is cool. Don't care about a black guy. I'll probably play this too
Muslim transgendered elves when?!
Doesn't really seem to be in the spirit of Lord of the Rings.
You joke now but when Christopher dies, Warner will rape this franchise until there's nothing left.
I hope the LotR franchise gets dragged through the mud, raped and kept lingering on the verge of death for decades.
The video games aren't canon. Calm down.
Will it get denuvo'd?
Unless his backstory is specifically that he's a southron exile or something, it's incredibly retarded.
They could have just set this in random fantasy land #2134234 without the need to specifically place it in Tolkien's world and shit all over the source material
Just saying that Tolkien hated racism.
I hope Talion becomes transgender that would be sooo progressive
I don't care that there is a black character, but why out of all the actual humans they show in the trailer, does it have to keep zooming in on the black guy with the fucking afro.
Obvious pandering just annoys me. All of the actually decent characters in games or films that are black are just in it and are decently written / acted.
Look at San Andreas for a game off the top of my head. Look at films like Predator for an actually decent multicultural cast that isn't forced and actually works perfectly.
Available August 22, 2017 on Xbox One, Project Scorpio, Windows 10 PC (Windows Store and Steam), PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®4 Pro.
No Windows 7, guys.
Guys, i want to get into Tolkien
Where should i start? Does /lit/ have guides like we do or something?
I love when this happens. Sup Forums sees a black guy and literally loses its shit.
The original didn't feel like LotR to begin with anyway
i want to thank my blue-eyed wife.
They better make Talion transgender
Easternlings were brown to black, but, yeah they were evil sonsabitches.
They have already started the raping for some time now.
Read LOTR, then Hobbit, then Silmarillion.
Finally watch the LOTR trilogy. Do not watch Hobbit.
why didnt he flood his works with niggers then?
why wasn't aragorn a tri-gendered pansexual dysablekin furry?
kill yourself you loser faggot
Sup Forums is straight up tumblr-tier now with how often they get triggered by such inconsequential things. Shadow of mordor was pure fanfiction and so is this. Stop crying.
Well apparently the first game was lore enough, so why would he care about the second game?
don't read the hobbit, it literally is a kids book unlike the two others
Got it. Just out of curiosity, why shouldn't i watch Hobbit?
Hobbit is the best place, then the silmarillion
what the actual fuck was hackson thinking?
Now that you mention it, do you have see a black elf outside of porn?
Why does everything look so bloomy and shiny and weird?
It's like they're in a fucking videogame or something?
he showed up like twice. it had way more zoom ins on Talion, are you blind?
what the fuck did i just watch?
There is black people in LOTR, they're the allies of Mordor though.
To be honest playing with an Easterling (good or evil) would be interesting.
Don't forget to get the extended cut of the movies.
You need to be at least 18 to post here.
The problem with this is the shoehorning and forcing something into it what doesn't need to be done. It's like when a white kid acts and talks like a nigger he gets called wigger, it just doesn't work.
But's it's not like neo lefties would know how free they're acting with forcing this agenda upon the rest.
>"Thank you for your letter... I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware noone (sic) of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people."
>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White."
>"Anyway, I have in this War a burning private grudge—which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."
Neck yourself you dumb LARPing neopagan
*robs the potion seller*
*rapes hobbit*
How is Cristopher Tolkien fine with this?
The only reason why white people don't have culture is because they don't do anything to defend it.
He's not fine with anything that even references his dad's works. He most certainly isn't fine with this.
So what new shit are you hoping for in this one bros? Read that there's gear sets now or whatever through gamespot when they jumped on the leak wagon
He has no say, his father sold the rights to all of this decades ago
The Children of Húrin is great too
TECHNICALLY, the Easterlings and Haradrim are not inherently evil, they just fell under the power of Sauron
But yeah this is really stupid
For the reading of Silmarillion I founce nice having some Tolkien encyclopedia. There are lots of data, and it's not written in a great fashion (since the final version was actually written by his son), so sometimes it's a bit arid. I found cool having a systematized reference book to read along.
Is this an RTS or not, which one is it?
Easternlings were described as Swarthy, so they would probably look like mediteraneans. Not africans.
What the fuck is going on?
Didn't Sauron bitchslap your ass at the end of Shadow of Mordor?
>that hair
Is this from the Directors Cut/Extended Edition or something? I can't believe they'd let something as horrible as that go into films.
don't listen to this user , the hobbit in enjoyable and really short, i also enjoyed the simmarillion more than the LotR books for some reason
everything is white culture
Well fuck. I'm not looking forward to all the SJW bullshit they're going to put into it.
>more AC shit
Don't we have enough with the first one and Horizon? Even the first AC game got boring halfway, I don't understand all these clones and sequels.
na he's burning in hell with c.s. lewis
pagan scum
>fake jewish letter
nice one
I remember that Horizon Zero Dawn trailer where there was a black girl in it for literally one second and there was multiple threads about it
Probably not, he was South African and very opposed to racism and apartheid
Exactly. The actual black people live far, far in the South.
The sad thing is, the fact that there's a black guy is not even the most objectionable part of this trailer
Literally the best one imo
>more Monolith fanfiction
sure, why not. I heard the last game was alright.
im so fucking SICK of these rpg games having this hunky BIGMCHUGE PROTAGONIST
why can't we play as a twink or a cute girl