Waist is smaller than each of her thighs

>waist is smaller than each of her thighs
>shoulders are narrower than her hips

it's an android
maybe she has batteries in her hips


You could also complain about animeface.
But you dont because you are an idiot with strange and very specific double standards.

those are puffy shoulder thingys, her actual shoulders would be smaller than her hips.

This is what peak female performance looks like. You may not like it, but it's true.

also this tbqh

>In a world so fucking empty where u need to run for 30 hours to get to anywhere
>surprised that hips are big to sustain all those running.

>>shoulders are narrower than her hips
Yes? That's not unusual for women.

She's perfect

I'm jealous

where the dick then tho


who is this guy?

God she's fucking perfect.

I don't see what's wrong with that?


So unrealistic


>shoulders are narrower than her hips
Nothing wrong with that though.

Pear-shape is a real thing, although for the most part you have to be on the fatter side to have an ass wider than your shoulders. But that's a good kind of fat if there ever was any.


You have never seen a woman that wasn't a landwhale, have you user? You poor American.


Good god, I want to get fucked by her, as her

i've never seen a woman

actually her shoulders would be smaller than her hips.

Finally a fucking video game character has my body type. I hate this "NOT WHAT REAL WOMEN LOOK LIKE" shit.

Enji 2B cosplay when?

Reality is even more extreme

>I hate this "NOT WHAT REAL WOMEN LOOK LIKE" shit.

Only hamladies perpetuate that

it's perfect

We're talking about people user.

Enjoy the eighth and worst circle of hell you LYING SINNER

so that's why my dick won't give up

Actually we're talking about robots in vidya

I want to fuck 2B in her 2butt

oh god please no
my boner will be exploded

I feel like i seen that before, where is it from user?


>where is it from user?


>This doesn't align with my ideal body type or sense of values when it comes to video game character bodies, hence I must make a post about it.

You can thank me for the (You) later


When will this open world fad finally fucking die!

It's a female. Female as in "no dick, futaor bulge".

Listen user, those words are definitely english that forms a cognitive sentence, but I just can't make out what you're saying here.

If you fuck their asspussy hard enough they'll become women, don't you know that?

Female that has no dick, is not futa, or has any bulge.


I really want this robot to fart on my face

hopefully never

Please refrain posting further hex language. It's nonsense and superstition and as a god fearing man I'm not going to allow this any longer.

>What if Zelda was a girl?

I don't see the problem

What do robot farts smell like? Old cars?

>her fucking knees

never heard of strap-ons?

In my hand ;_;

Did you not see the literal stiletto daggers that are her feet?

are you gonna buy her game, bros?

>no boobs
>still manage to be erotic as fuck
How do they do it? Also:
>no relevant matches

I wanted to, before this disgusting webm

Robots don't drool
muh immersion

>it's another episode of ugly mannish dykes hating on beautiful women

H I G H - C U T

>Hex language
0E 1F BA 0E 00

It's Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue

Maybe, so I can pretend to be 2b


No. You are male if you have a dick. You can fuck it as long as you want, the chromosomes will remain the same.

They become female(male).
Trust me user, I went to college for this.

Is 2B fully functional?

No, she can only take a 2 inch shota dick

Those are called degenerate and should be gassed. 2B is a female(female)

>gassing perfectly usable onaholes

Dumb Sup Forumsack

>that icicle
Where was this webm taken, Yakutsk?

>le pol meme
I bet your parents are proud of you fucking gay people who pretend to be females.

Looks like that slut from the zoey porn vids.

Care to name a few examples? I need to verify your statement.

Just look up left 4 head zoey.


>no dick
So close to perfection, but so far.

Damn, son.

>haha peak female has dick am I right guys lmao
don't you have a steam friends thread to shit up?


Do androids have genitals?


Do scientists have dicks?

I love skindendation as much as any sensible dude, but that's bit too much for me. Looks like it might actually be uncomfortable.

skindentation overload


Worked for your father, so I don't see why not?

Dear lord!

Do androids dream of electronic genitals?

In this game it's never made clear, they're deliberately trying to mimic the human form to the point that they can bleed so maybe.

This is only concept art, retard.


Took you 20 minutes to think of that and to say that you enjoy sucking dicks.

Literally the epitome of thicc
There are real women who looks like that ffs

I'm a different poster , user .


>sexualizing 2b


You can tell they put a lot of thought into her design. What I want to know is the thoughts of the ingame scientists that created her. "She will save us all one day, so make sure her skirt is short and that she has really nice thighs." Either way, I like the way she looks.