What are some games about a corrupt institution propagating misinformation for reasons you have to uncover
What are some games about a corrupt institution propagating misinformation for reasons you have to uncover
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How long will this be up? Gonna spread my own misinformation.
What are some games where I get to play as a badly informed press sectretary that has to wing it at every press conference?
Go back to bed, drumpfkin
yes my fellow Sup Forums warriors. we must redpilled the Sup Forums masses. surely you aren't preaching to the choir
alpha af
Beyond good and evil.
How much longer does he have?
Why won't you halfwits just name some games
Russia go home
that's a good one
Clicked the thread to post this. Thanks for making me proud, user.
Maybe you shouldn't have stuck that image on your post, then.
Now that Trump is a billionaire from his 20 billion stake in Russian oil, will he be paying for the wall?
If didn't come like 10 minutes ago I'd dump furs, too bad so sad.
He was already a billionaire retard
metal gear solid 1-4
>being defensive about an objectively shitty news network
Sup Forumseddit BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
NY will never go red
b-but muh popular vote!!
I mean not even Trump fags like Trump right? There are a ton of people you can elect that will still uphold racist and Christian values without having to be dumb like Trump.
What is the appeal of trump
I'm sure that's what his tax returns say
OP didn't even have anything to do with Trump. CNN was recently sued for misinformation and lost the case.
If a redditor like you doesn't get the appeal of him now chances are you never will. Go protest 4 that old kike
That he makes niggers like you butthurt.
Where is the proof?
He he you sure got Trumpf!! BERNIE WOULDA WON!!
Kinda mirror's edge
the fact that he has no platform makes it so people can project their own on him. For being the anti-politician he is quite masterful at politics.
But seriously; the alternative has been bombarded with shit for the past two decades and middle-america didn't see positive change that could come from her.
>ur a redditor!
>reddit houses the largest Trump fanclub on the internet.
Really makes you think
I know! Why don't people listen to breitbart and info wars instead?
Stop being angry that the media reports factually on your mango Mussolini.
I think people forget that he was running against the most corrupt scumbag of our time
It also houses the largest Bernie fan club. It's almost like a lot more people browse reddit than Sup Forums...whoa...
>people will always knowingly click on bait threads to post how angry they are about the bait threads
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
He's a fat manchild who never did a day of honest work in his life but acts like a victim and blames minorities and an ill defined "establishment" for all of his problems.
You really don't see why the Sup Forums and r/TheDonald crowd can identify with him?
Speaking of which has anyone played that Big Brother game where you basically trawl through people's social media to uncover dissidents?
Can't remember it's name now.
>What is the appeal of Trump
The election is a contest about who can lie the most to appease people. But instead of saying lots of good things that would be obvious lies, he did nothing but state terrible and awful things. Nobody took him seriously though, and the other person started to make herself look worse and worse with exposed lies. It basically came down to which is worse, a backstab that could come from anywhere and do anything? Or honest evil? Ultimately, his appeal is that he is honest with being bad, which is more reliable and upfront. And people would rather have honest evil then unpredictable evil anyday. Also, like 90% of the presidents in history have been typical racist old white men, so why stop now?
Why are you describing Bernie, Hillary, and Jeb