ITT: the most reddit weapon in its game

ITT: the most reddit weapon in its game

Other urls found in this thread:


the cat silenced shotgun in postal 2
everything in postal 2 actually

What the fuck does that even mean

What a shit thread

super gravity gun in half life 2

Hey, if you disagree that just means you're a redditcucktumblrminarchistcuckcuckcuckcuck


this isnt the throwing knives

found the redditor

why is it always reddit experts that pretend to not be from reddit


>easy mode axe
>easy mode straight razor

If I must be reddit then so be it

the blade

Literally /ourweapon/


do not disrespect the blade

great for punishing the faggots who use shields

I liked the gas can and matches.

Found the threddit cane user.

>le epic shields are for shitters meme

Man I miss when we were the edgy kids back in 2008

Now being egdy is reddit tier

yes, a reddit weapon, thank you for agreeing

>Oh wow, so much skill using that little weapon that's twice as fast as a two-hander

you're a disgrace

>stale tv meme followed by
>stale reddit meme

I know who you are.

psssh. nothin personnel hanzo

every single person on Reddit used Ludwig's Holy Crutch.

source: I spent a significant amount of time on that subreddit

The updated steam achievements have like 5 achievements referencing reddit, no subtle jokes at all

Well it is the best weapon.

Bloodborne subreddit is surprisingly chill, can't say the same for the vg general

>im a disgrace because hammerfags cant judge distance properly

The edge is still here, it just changed

go back

>Not RP as a Gentleman hunter
>Not whipping the sin free from the beasts you encounter

Third thread about this weapon in one day. Simply epic.


exactly. stop shitting up our clubhouse when you already have your own.

>Using the fastest weapon with such a low ping.

I put 1000 hours into MnB, and its netcode is honestly one of the most retarded I've ever experienced.

If someone has 30 ping, they swing twice as fast as someone with 60 ping and 4 times as fast as someone with 120 ping.

I can tell by your character movement and attack speed that you have a fantastic connection the to the server

>using the archive because everyone browses v 24/7 like you

simply ebin

And I can tell you you're full of shit because I always get 70 ping on that server.

Borderlands 2 had a shitton of reddit weapons among a few really cool ones

I'm gonna nomnate the norfleet out of the useful ones because every retard had one and it takes 0 skill to use it.

t. fagget

Why did everything fun in this dumb game have so little drop chance?

because borderlands 2 is a mmo shooter at its core and not a solo rpg

>not playing as an old man who just wants to go home and feed his cat

>reddit: the weapon hasn't been posted

Ashamed tbqhwy


delete this

There is literally nothing wrong with being edgy.

>people are manufacturing and selling this weapon in steel

Its only practicality in terms of weight and balance would be if it were, in fact, made from energy. Anyone who spends money on a battle-ready reproduction of this thing is a blasted fucking retard.


>Buying look alike weapons to actually use them
Oh I forgot you have so many people to kill.

except artorias/abyss watchers cosplayers never even use the right fucking weapon



>Not the Dubstep Gun.

Either buy something as a piece of art or buy it as a tool. Don't attempt to make your supposed piece of art into a useless tool.

This is kino though. Difficult to use, super effective

>excellent range and moveset
>Scales with goddamn everything, so it's one of the best weapons for retarded high level characters that can hit every soft cap
It's a good weapon.

I never understood the distaste for using a weapon if it turns out to be good. It literally never made sense to me outside of just being a self-admitted weapon hipster. But bitching about other weapons people use (that aren't so hilariously broken that it makes the game a joke) sounds a lot like the 'it took 3 of you to kill me lmao' shittery that I used to hear in GunZ or S4 League

You're just bad.

You've put 1000 hours into it and you're still mediocre so you've rationalized your way out of responsibility for your skill level.

Just accept it. Once you do that you can get better with some practice.

>difficult to use

I think it means tryhard. Thinks its cool/classy when its really not.

>Implying shitter casuals get the timing

Most are fucking useless with it

As someone who only played Napoleonic multiplayer, how would I go about getting good at MB multiplayer?

Can I just be a cunt and Rhodok it up with a crossbow?

If those are reddit then I vote for old faithful here to represent Sup Forums

>Can I just be a cunt and Rhodok it up with a crossbow?
sure but that wont make you gud

read this guide

learn to block properly, work on footwork, and learn how to feint/kick/chamber

go back

What a shit thread.

Weapon/Build hipster threads tend to be shit when they're about the stuff they hate rather than the weapons/builds they use.

>meme pistol

Basically as much concentrated reddit as possible.

Are you kidding? The meme saw on the cover of the game is infinitely more normie tier.

I don't know, I fly mostly by instinct.

I haven't played much of Napoleonic Wars, but in the base game I just have to stress that footwork is by far the most important part of the game. Just weave away from them so they can whiff, and weave back in to catch them out. It's really a very basic game in this regard.

A lot of hardcore players like to pretend it has some kind of deep as fuck meta that requires decades of study to master, but all you need to know is where you should be fucking standing. Literally everything else will sprout up naturally once you get the gamesense down from experience.

Reading a guide is pointless for pretty much everything beyond alerting you to the fact that chamber blocking and feinting exist, but honestly you won't need to use those 95% of the time because footwork will handle all the heavy lifting for you.

>I come into threads to tell them they're shit because this particular one is against my tastes!

Stop pandering for upvotes, this isn't your safe space

warband is basic on the surface but there's a lot of mechanics going on under the hood that you should be aware of if you really want to be good


>meme pistol

That's not a meme pistol

This is a meme pistol

What is pic related?

Chins or leddit?

>Muh weapon sweet spots and-
Let's be real, all that stuff occurs in gameplay naturally if you literally just understand the controls and have good footwork.

The average player will still go down easy, and the average "good" player will just have a head full of meme tactics that won't realistically change how they play or their performance in any real capacity.

That's been my experience, anyway.

I only have 250 hours or so in the game, but I'm consistently in the top 3 in any given server I play on. I read the guides, and mostly it's just pointless wankery that I ignored.

>A right hand swing is a few milliseconds faster than a left hand swing =)
Who cares, I literally use whatever swing I want and whiffing punks drop like rocks because I just moved out of the way for a second and then swung while angling my body in such a way as to make the tip of my sword catch them off guard. I could pretend that's a le complex tactic, but it's really something that should dawn a retard if they just focus on where their characters body should be located.

I know I'm being dismissive and shit, but Warband is a really fucking simplistic game, let's be real. Most of the deep mechanics are just meme tactics that don't make a real difference when stacked compared to a simple mastery of the fundamentals.

plasma pistol separated the shitters from the geniuses


Is this the new bot thread?

you misunderstand me

not in the mood to argue about this though because I do it every time the game is mentioned anywhere

have a nice day user

Look at this thread you moron, its all just bait.

Make better threads, shithead.

Projecting a bit there.




I mean, it is pretty baller though

This desu

Ironic shitposting and false flagging isn't edgy. Edgy is something genuine but genuitiy in 2017 means being a shill/autist/redditor.

Just so we can act above it all.

Reddit spotted

isn't kino literally a Sup Forums meme

le ebin reddit hahaha xD
reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin rebbin reddit rebbin reddit rebbin
this thread is simply epic! i hate le reddit too hehehehe xD

(You)s please :)

Sup Forums was a better place because the whole reddit invasion - esp. GG, Tortanic and the Tribes Game.
Fucking tools.

did you mean before

I did indeed.

Everytime I see that fucking pic of r/Sup Forums circlejerkers spouting bullshit I fucking shiver out of cringe and rage.

For my dex/int pvp build it was either the swag sword or the falchion, and occasionally a katana if I wanted to spice it up and fuck up my poise stacking.

I never really got why some people were so buttblasted by the baller sword. It's just a straightsword with better range. The falchion I can kind of understand because "fucking r1 spamming casul" but it's hard to care when that's it's only good move it has.

>Implying Postal isn't 100% Sup Forums
ctrl+f reddit and r/


>hating reddit

Why the self-hatred?

wow delete this and kill yourself