Nier runs at 900p on PS4; framerate all over the place

>900p on base PS4, with no anti-aliasing or motion blur
>1080p on Pro, though both have severe frame drops. Neither hit 60fps.

Yeah that really affected my enjoyment of the game. Except it didn't.

Delete this

>adding AA and motion blur when the game can't hit its target

Good to know, I'll wait for the PC release.

>a yoko taro game runs badly

So normal PS4 is basically obsolete?

As a Yoko Taro game, this is a feature.

The base ps4 version has no motion blur. It wins by default desu.

>Neither hit 60fps

>Neither hit 60fps
>PS4 line shows consistent 60 with one tiny drop

>buying a console version of a game when a PC version exists/will exist
Literally asking to get fucked in the ass.

how it wins if it looks worse?

The problem with this game is the code. Not bad but far from perfect. In quiet areas the frame drops to 49~54fps while in intense moments it stays 60fps on PS4pro.

If Platinum don't play the jew card this time they might release a patch to fix this

>fixing their games

no waiting for the pc version
explain this?

Motion blur never looks good. Its just dumb shit console games use to mask poor framerates.

I just really dislike motion blur for some reason. I can see your point tho.

Those both look like complete shit.
What the fuck is that jagged mess?

Watch the video, dipshit.

per object motion blur is actually a good thing because it masks low fps animations

>Bayonetta 2 runs at a silky smooth 40fps through 90% of the game
>Nier Automata maintains a better framerate but still has drops too

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

No, it's a lazy and poorly implemented thing which acts as a cover for something even worse.

>Neither hit 60fps
>Pro is at 60 almost always and PS4 is consistently 60 with minor drops except in some key areas that it struggles with.

well yeah i wish all games had animations rendered at 300fps like in Killing Floor 2
but most just use 30fps so I'd rather cover it with motion blur


Bayonetta 2 didn't make you buy two PlayStation 4s to get the 45 fps experience - now with motion blur.

Well i don't have 1080 sli build to run modern games at >60fps anyway
I can't even remember last 2,5-3A game with good optimisation for pc

Bayo2 averages around 50.


Watch the video. Ps4 averages 45
Pro dips seemingly for no reason in areas where the standard maintains 60. It's weird.

PS4 averages 45 in a few key areas that DF specifically say are areas that it struggles with.

I was actually referring to the fact that nobody seemed to care about framerate with Bayonetta because you play platinum games for the gameplay but now that Nier has the same issues it's suddenly a big deal.

This is the reason why you fanboys are so fucking cancerous: because instead of being the slightest fucking bit honest when facing criticism you immediately stop, drop and spill your spaghetti in the form of either moving the goalposts, strawmanning or throwing out distractions.
Fucking kill yourself and stop spamming Nier threads on Sup Forums. You're as obvious as the retards marketing Nintendo shit for free around here, and just as unwelcome.

so this is the power of the RX 480 underclocked


you sound upset

Still Nier is garbage and runs below 50 fps in PS4 Pro
Cry more

Everyone was too busy throwing a fit/laughing at sonyggers that bayo2 was on a Nintendo platform rather than a Sony one to talk about any bit of the game.
Same happened with monster hunter.

>2.5d garbage with barely anything on the screen cant hit 60fps

jesus christ, japs are fucking terrible at making video games

Nier is not garbage, the hardware it's forced on is.

holy shit. what an ugly game.

No kidding

>post criticism of Switch/BOTW
> post mysteriously vanishes

>nintendies dogpile HZD threads
>no response
>posts telling them to fuck off go trash can in minutes

Someone is definitely doing it for free, for Nintendo's honor.

>Nier is 900P 60FPS with framedrops
>Nioh is 720P 60FPS

I thought the PS4 was a supercharged PC? What happened bros?

Daily reminder that if it wasn't for PS4 no Nier for PC gabagoobers.

>Nier is not garbage, the hardware it's forced on is.

>scene where you're fighting like 12 robots at once
>locked 60fps
>scene where the ship is flying with absolutely no enemies on the screen and barely anything in the environment
>drops to 40fps

No, it's just really shitty optimization from Platinum yet again.

>all them salty peecucks

>before pc release date all pcucks are excited and can't wait for the game
>gets announced that it's being released later than console and pcucks now screeching how the game is terrible and they didn't want it anyway
Pottery, no wonder devs treat you as a second class market

Man, this makes me so jealous of the PC gamers that get to play this with a much higher framerate in 2018

>Shit framerates don't affect game enjoyment

fucking lol m8

I love my first world problems, some kid is dying of starvation in Africa while i masturbate and discuss my favorite vidya on Sup Forums with my memebros
feels fucking good

The Phantom Pain ran at 1080p/60fps right? What kind of black magic do they channel over at Konami?


Sup Forums told me DF were sony shill though

I hate Platinum but Nier looks like their second best game (first is Transformers). All other games were either uninteresting or too much frame drops

Bayonetta 1 was decent. I own both PS3 and 360 copy and the 360 version was decent but the game itself was nothing special I even enjoyed MGR more.
Nier finally looks like a game with interesting gameplay
I hope they release more 3D fight missions[DLC] in the future to keep the game ''alive''

>Sup Forums told me
Here's some life advice. Take everything Sup Forums says with a grain of salt.

there is just nothing to shill for on xbone side
and they still make cpu performance comparisons like every day

The engine used costed millions of dollars and they hired the best coders in Japan to make it run in a decent way in 360/PS3/X1/PS4/PC.

Platinum don't speed much time optimizing their games because they don't have the money to pay 4-6 months of optimization.

So temporal filtering is absolutely necessary in WD2 if you want 60fps?
Fucking Ubisoft

Thats why gaming sux nowdays.

Ah fair enough. Thanks for clearing that up user.


>temporal filtering
Man fuck the guy who invented checkerboard

Because at that point in time that narrative fit their views.

This may come as a shock to you but consoles are actually still capable of having great looking games on them if devs aren't trying to shit out 20 titles a year on 10 year old game engines.

Uncharted 4 and Horizon are two of the nicest looking games at the moment because the developers actually went out of the way to make well optimized engines for the hardware.

It all comes down to money though at the end of the day. Guerilla and Naughty Dog have the benefit of Sony's blank cheques and so did Kojima until Konami wanted to save money.

The ps4 pro was 60 fps 95% of the time.

Infamous Second Son still looks fucking great in 2017.

first light is even better looking

>Konami wanted to save money
I really wish they weren't so short sighted, Phantom Pain started turning a profit day one, can you imagine if the game was actually finished how much more they could have made as well as us getting a decent game


Platinum games tier list:
NieR:A > MGR > Vanquish > Transformers > Ninja Turtles > Anarchy Reigns > Mad World > Wonderful 101 > Bayonetta > Bayonetta 2

Nintendrones BTFO.

I have Nier on ps4pro. There is frame rate drops but they are in weird places for me. I'd assume they'd be battle but they are in empty area's most of the time

>DF said that Nier still runs better than Bayo 2

post it on neocuck

>Buying it on the portstation

poorly coded dogshit from hack developers. nothing to see here.

OST rip fucking when

Bayonetta is fucking worst game ever with hypertrophied ugly main character and autistic gameplay.

Phantom Pain is a finished game. No amount of extra chapters could have made that game better.

>Ninja Turtles
They literally fucked up my favorite cartoon series.

Its still better than bayonetta

It's not.
Also bayonetta short hair fap every day

>development rushed and product forced out
>huge unresolved plot threads
>it's finished though
OK Mr Konami

2B > Bayonetta

MGO2 replacing MGO3 would have.

This is EXACTLY why I am waiting for the PC version. Although in my case it was mostly because I own the shitty "can't play anything decently" Playstation, it's actually really sad to hear that the pro can't even hit a solid 60 at 1080.

>Neither hit 60fps.
>both actually hit 60fps a large majority of the time

Son, you have to learn to shitpost better than this

>implying the pc version isn't a port

i want that feature in Nvidia control panel

Pretty much the deal nowadays.

So much of this, I would legitimately pay for it as DLC if they brought it back in tact, and I would be completely satisfied with MGS5 as a purchase despite any and all other flaws. MGO3 was the biggest slap in the face, salt in the wounds of mgs5.

Your PC will barely handle this game at 20 fps, as usual PC port of jap game.

Is this really what console gamers believe?

There was an attempt by them to make MGO3 better but it failed. I'll forever be sad that we can never relive it.

>Expecting a Platinum game to perform well

Their shit always has frame drops

>>post criticism of Switch/BOTW
>> post mysteriously vanishes

are you fucking kidding me

I remember the cuckmods would do this with valve when I was criticizing microtransactions in tf2 back in 2011, they'd scrub them and ban me for 'starting flamewars' for saying anything bad about valve

Its just fact.

yes sadly

>original PS4 version has motion blur

holy shit is this what PCfags feel like when it's the console that gets the superior version?

>"neither hit 60fps"
>uploads image of it hitting 60fps
what did he mean by this

>making shit up