What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
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his windows are breaking the laws of physics
Metroid: ZM. I never knew why people loved Metroid games but holy hell this is great
Bait detected
Hollow Knight
pretty comfy, great soundtrack.
I've never played a Metroid game before but I'm having fun, is it the worst in the series or something?
Stop posting with bait pictures
I fapped just an hour ago
Ys Origins. Yunicah is adorable.
Great combat, shit everything else
seems run of the mill to me with above average characters (for a jrpg)
Fallout: New Vegas
Are you retarded?
>is it the worst in the series or something?
That title belongs to Other M. Zero Mission is great.
Gravity Rush 2. I completed it about an hour ago and came on Sup Forums to pass the time of this "I've completed a game and now I feel empty inside" feeling to go away
it's pretty great, would recommend to everyone
>Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
I'm sorry Petrine , but it had to be done
Space Pirates and Zombies 2.
The devs really fucked up early game progression, it used to be just fine, but now it takes way too much time to get through first 20 levels.
i never played the first, can I play this one and is it worth full retail price?
Yakuza 0
Just finished Nier for the first time
Story, characters and soundtrack are all GOAT. Gameplay is borderline trash. Looking forward to seeing all the other endings but not looking forward to actually playing the game again.
>The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Pretty good so far
Doom 2 on UV with no saves
>Darkest Dungeon
Fucking RO2 has to be the worst example of gt gud in the world. There is literally nothing I can do but blunder around these fucking maps for weeks before I know them well enough to get off the bottom of the scoreboard jesus christ
Play Drakengard 1 then
You can easily skim through the story of the first game in about 10 minutes to catch up on what happens. It's a little important to help explain some people that turn up in GR2 and as for the pricing I wouldn't know.
I'm not shaming but I earn enough money to not care how much a game costs when it comes out. It was enjoyable and slightly rage inducing with some side missions, but I had fun and will definitely play it again some day
You should try and get the first one, it's remastered for the PS4 and it's up on the PSN in case you didn't know already
Mario Kart 8 with the senpai
>Pokemon Moon
I don't have a reaction image that represents simmering exasperation. I'd honestly say XY were better if only because I feel like I have my own fucking sense of agency.
Final Fantasy vii
nigga i still got three other endings in nier to go plus automatas coming out in a week.
also I heard that Drakengard's gameplay is even worse than Nier's so I don't even know if i want to bother with it. Is it at least easy enough to where I can just kinda turn my brain off for most of the gameplay sections? Also is Drakengard 2 worth playing or should it be skipped?
Im playing advance wars for the first time and this shit is tight.
It's shit compared to the first one
Super Mario 64. It's so nice to be playing an original N64 again
Gears of War 4. I thought I was going to absolutely hate it, but I'm really liking it so far.
Haven't loved a game so much in a long time
Replaying The Evil Within again
Such a comfy game
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Let it Die
I'm so surprised that I'm enjoying Halo 5 that I don't even have a reaction pic. I only play SP so whatever MP complaints there are mean nothing to me.
>Civ IV
>Make peace with all the other leaders
>they still choose to declare war on me
Ragequit after three soldiers all missed their shots despite having +60% chance before a normal grunt sniped a guy through three solid walls from behind high cover.
>For Honor
The game gets more and more boring the better the playerbase gets.
>Nier Automata
still on my first run
comiket cannot come soon enough
I experience the same with almost every new game
>new game is out
>no forced meta garbage yet
>have tons of fun figuring everything on my own
>a month or two later
>there's forced meta
>people try to imitate 'pro-streamers' yet fail every time
>players tryhard even on casual/fun game modes
> splinter cell chaos theory
i played 8 minutes and i get killed by the first guard
Doom II
I want to hug this boy
Nah, ZM is actually one of the best, only outshined by Super and (depending on how much you like the 3D games) Prime 1 and 2.
zelda botw
Fire Emblem Heroes
i hate this fucking game
I admit it I like /ss/ because I like to self insert as the boy.
But now somehow I'm uncontrollably attracted to the boys.
Send help
Stop playing it, mate.
Don't fall for the mobile nintendo shovelware meme.
I just finished playing Two Worlds 2. I found it enjoyable for the first two chapters then it railroads you hard and then you find out that majority of the map isn't accessible in single player. Feels like a waste.
i have pretty much, just logging in to get daily orbs at this point
Prime 1 and 2 are great games in their own right, but its not what Im looking for with Metroid. It does a good job bringing Metroid to the First person shoot control scheme but I really want the mobility of 2D samus in a 3D game.
I really want them to give the 3rd person action game another try.
stop jerking off
Rainbow 6: Siege
It's the funnest multiplayer shit I've played in ages, I haven't been hooked on a FPS like this since I first played CS in high school.
>persona q
>dragonball fusions
that pic sums it up pretty well.
How can you suck at Paladins? It's so easy to stomp in that game.
What? That reaction is based on the fuck up they did recently to the items and gold.
>Dankest dungeon
You can skip 2, not canon and the series isn't known for fun gameplay. 1 takes a lot of grinding to complete the story, and western releases were censored. It would probably be runner to read about it than playing it.
I never played D3 and I have no idea how the story goes. I just remember that the developers went a little crazy with the "Drakenguard is totally crazy guys!" and overblew some parts with ridiculous events and bad comedy.
What's it like living an insecure life?
It's pretty trash, I've been considering suicide.
>Awakening DLC and Lunatic
It's like you're BEGGING the player to cheese every map all the time. Fuck strategy, just cheese it, it's fine, don't worry.
God forbid not using shit like Mire or Galeforce, because you're gonna get overrun by buttfucking level 20, 80 dmg + 100% Vengeance + Pass weaponbreaking shits that spawn ever fucking turn until you obliterate them before their turn.
Conquest is Lunatic done right, dammit. Hope they stay that way.
What's this?
Another of those shitty chinese ripoffs?
Hi Res attempt at a battle arena fps.
It's not terrible, but it's far from good. Of course I do find it more enjoyable than Overwatch.
Not really, the game's development started before Overwatch.
tasty shota
>*notices bulge*
OwO What's this?
Pokemon Moon. been playing it on and off since release. It's kind of alright, but I've run out of new things to do, so it's really just a grinding thing at this point.
For Honor
Spirit Tracks
Pretty funny and entertaining, but fuck the train and fuck the flute.
Nobody know what you're talking about when you unnecessarily abbreviate everything.
>Poker Night 2
I forgot I was meager at poker.
I mostly alt+F4 scummed the bounties for the items years ago.
Killer is Dead
what the fuck am I playing? gameplay is pretty fun once you have most of the upgrades though.
The DPS was weak.
>Tales of Berseria
Holy shit it was a great ride, but I'm sad as fuck that it's over.
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
I sincerely hope everyone involved in the development of that game castrated themselves for the good of humanity.
>blink the bub
it was very cheap, outdated sonic rip off
I wish i had a cute shota bf to play video games with
got stuck fighting mommy deathclaw in fallout 1 (fucked up my saves)
Nioh vs going back to work
jobs suck
play nioh
Im playing The Last Remnant and Im bored out of my mind, but I want to beat it for some autistic reason
For Honor
>TitanCuck 2
>Inches away from enemy
>doesn't register
>Enemy is across the map and Melees
FUCK THIS GAME, i'm glad it's a fucking bomb
my african american brother
>Jak II
I haven't even gotten to the street race yet.