Audio ripped from the RE7 "Not a Hero DLC"
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No fucking way, this has got to be from Umbrella Corps
His voice was in RE: Umbrella Corps too
That's from Umbrela corps you idiot lol He was shot with a rocket launcher and fell into lava like stfu people hes DEAD making shit post like this makes it even more stupid.
he also fell from atleast a mile high in the re5 dlc
Found the fake RE fan.
Spoilers are a bannable offence you dolt.
Snape kills dumbledore
>fake fan
Are you ten years old?
Do you think the original actor who played Wesker in RE1 is still alive?
Yeah, or at least he was a couple of years ago. He's mainly in soap operas and B-movies.
Sergio Jones, who was actually the only actor to voice his character as well as portray them in the live-action scenes. He was in Japan during the mid-90s doing an exchange course at a drama school and got the gig.
>He still doesn't know that Umbrella Corps is Canon.
While I agree that him coming back is stupid, you can't just turn your eyes to the official content in order to keep your headcanon alive.
Neat. I wonder if he looks back on his performance, RE1 sure was a hell of a drug.
For laughs, I always liked the idea of Alfred Ashford coming back, especially in this day and age.
Umbrella corps is canon, but the wesker voice clips are just small snippets during the multiplayer mode, that's debatable if those are canon or not
I just went to check, this quote is NOT in Umbrella Corps and was leaked out just a few hours ago.
Brace yourself boyos.
the rocket missed his head lol
>He got pierced on the stomach and fell, he's dead
>He fell from a mountain with Jill, they're dead
My god, Dreamcast games are so ugly in hindsight.
He hides his head turtle style seconds before getting hit by missiles, he is alive.
He is so awesome he sounds the same despite lava in his pants.
Looked fucking amazing for a console released in the 90s
If he was and gets another main game I feel like the only way to actually kill him is send him to space.
I say the RE characters take off and nuke the guy from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Yes, goddammit.
Please no, I'm sick of Wesker and Ada, stop it, you slant-eyed yellow bastards! You can't keep getting away with it.
Fuckin' A, man!
Where's the source of the leak?
RIP Bill Paxton
He was heavily hinted/confirmed to be a alive in Umbrella Corps.
Remember the gun you're given at the end by the guy in the chopper? It was called "Albert-01"
Not only that, but it's even a modified version of the Samurai Edge, a Beretta 92fs
>Chris befriends Heihachi Mishima, who then chains Wesker to a rocket ala Tekken 5
It's just another clone. Also, that Redfield reveal was dumb
>Wesker was never on playstation all stars battle royale to send it to space through Heihachi super move
Why even live.
Are you absolutely sure it's him and not just someone imitating his voice well?
DC Douglas really likes doing shit like this for fans, so it's possible it's the man himself just fucking with us.
Could be, I want to know the source of this leak and see where it came from. I hope this is all actually true.
I wouldn't be surprised with his return(maybe not in this DLC/game though, i expect this DLC to be mostly about Chris) but with art style change in 7 i'd expect him to get a redesign.
Wouldn't mind something close to REmake one. It was just a blue shirt with a vest but damn did it look tacticool.
How the fuck did he survive?
He ducked.
So I wonder, if he really is back, is he still mutated? Unless it was never actually the real Wesker.
Watch him just be a head in a jar.
>I wouldn't be surprised with his return(maybe not in this DLC/game though, i expect this DLC to be mostly about Chris) but with art style change in 7 i'd expect him to get a redesign
Wesker will probably not return in Not A Hero or RE8; I think they'll make some kind of Action Spin-off featuring him.
I think Capcom may bring him back in Not a Hero to draw people back to the game, but I would love an action spin off with Wesker.
>Revelations 3 with Wesker as the protagonist
I'd be down.
>chris redfield from the ending is actually wesker
>he loved chris so much he turned himself into chris
nigga, Nemesis had less gen and got shot by rockets, grenades, poured into acid, grinded and then shot multiple times fucking lighting death ray and the fucker was still getting up.
Unless Wesker gets shot by the magnum, I will always believe he is alive
>no game where you work for a bio-tech corporation moving up in ranks doing various tasks
>can sell research for additional funds/favors, get your private strike teams, steal shit from other corporations
>all while avoiding a boulder punching former super cop
I don't even know if i want an action game aka RE4-6, a bit more toned down(keep some regeneration for heals aka Ethan and kung fu moves) thing or Umbrella Manager.
To unlock infinite ammo you need to beat the game without losing your sunglasses.
I would like to see him meet Alex in her new body and they start some kind of war with each other, just make it as ridiculous as possible.
Oh no, not him. He never lost control?
Wasn't Wesker manipulated all along or some shit? What a loser.
Clone. Calling it now.
It;'s also worth noting that, within RE7 itself, a character is reduced to a pair of legs, and STILL came back. Even when he "died" for real, it's possible he might not be dead.
He got a letter from the A. Man.
Is Wesker the most cool RE character?
Duh, there's a reason the fanbase has been bitching for nearly a decade now for his return.
Merchant was pretty neat.
Assuming the RE4 merchant wasn't actually Wesker
no he's a meme character
Leak sauce?
Umbrella Manager would be pretty fun I think. The easiest way to lose the game would be through a lab outbreak.
its from umbrella corps
It's explained why Ethan could lose limbs, reattach them and go on.
No it's not, it was never in Umbrella Corps. I unfortunately played it.
Oh you poor soul
Biotech part itself would be fun too. Mixing viruses with different shit or each other and see what you get. Or can go the safe route and make hunters and sell them for easy profit.
New Game+ is saving Birkin, if you manage to get position high enough to know about that in time, for his scientist prowess and starting your own corporation while Umbrella wants to rape you both.
Would be perfect for what-if routes.
Wow literally nobody bought this damn thing, maybe that'll teach Capcom to never make shit like this again.
If the viruses get too mixed, you just get what amounts to blobs.
wrong meme dude
The big spike of activity you see if you click on all is when the game was free to play for a weekend. You know you have failed when no one wants to play your game for free. And at launch it was a 50 dollar game. It now costs 30.
I know it's explained, my point is RE characters coming back from what would otherwise be certain death isn't anything out of the ordinary, even from the newest game.
Oh, man, I'm like super hard right now
Nah. You'll take it up the ass and love it, bitchboy.
id like his sister to return shed make a good returning villain. I always felt bad for her when i read her diaries
She popped like a melon though.
How complex were Wesker's motives?
About like this.
Those fucking SD Perry books, man.
I remember some user posted this one day for fun and it's been spreading around basically every RE thread since.
On a scale of 1 snail killing 6 billion people to MIND HACC, I would say Wesker is Phi who was Diana's daughter all along.
What a fucking alpha.
Brings a tear to my eye.
God I remember this particular book, too.
>"Chris was a dick..." Albert thought, "...a dead dick."
Literary kino.
well they didn't find all the bits and she is a regenerating monster that retains her intelligence
Why is he so perfect?
So what's the DLC about it? Is "I'm redfield" Chris?
The credits do say "Chris Redfield" so it's probably is the real Chris and not some sort of impostor like people have theorized.
Seems to be focused on him, yes.
That makes no fucking sense that a movie which is coming after has the same character but doesn't even look the same. I still think they're trying to pull Kojima levels of a bait and switch.
Why is Wesker so popular anyway?
Is it because he's so damn ridiculous?
g-guys, C-Clerd is mine!
"wei, wei, don shoo!"
Because he's Albert fucking Wesker.