No VC on launch

>No VC on launch

Defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

>no games for 3 years
Defend this

Even if it was out at launch there would be like 3 N64 games and 5 SNES.

>giving a fuck about the VC

> deflecting
the most jewish tactic of all

>wanting to pay for roms on launch

If I don't have Mario Galaxy games and Metroid prime trilogy on the switch I'm going to bomb Nintendo

Terroristic threat.

More like 6 NES titles and MAYBE a couple SNES games

Delete this or enjoy jail

>we want virtual console

Nintendo is encouraging people to pirate so they can sue them for millions later

>announcing reports

All download of VC games on your account are redownloadable on the switch without repurchasing.

Fucking this. I don't understand why no VC at launch is being used as such a huge blow against the console when the VC library for literally every console after the Wii was a piece of shit

I have my old games on my shelf. I don't need Virtual Console.

>its ok when nintendo does it

>still can't play PS1 classics
Literally the only reason I still keep my Ps3 on my entertainment center.

Honestly I'm not sure if Nintendo can make it out of the switch hole they've fallen into. How long before they pull the plug and go pure 3rd party?

neither the PS3, 360, PS4, Xbone, Wii, 3DS, or WiiU had a VC/Classics section available on launch.

Announcing reports on announcing reports

Got yer VC right here

Ps3, Wii, 3ds, and Wii U literally have backwards compatibility and had from the get go

Ps3 actually lost it lmao

Do you really need to play mario 3 for the 17th time on a new platform when you could be playing breath of the wild or snipperclips?

Nintendo consoles don't launch with vc dumbass

If you pick up new consoles solely to play ports then something is wrong with you.

Good to see Nintendo is using the same philosophy with their consoles that AAA devs are with their games, just patch it later

>new nintendo console releasing
>instead of complaining about the shit hardware and no games, you complain that nintendo won't let you pay them for a 20 year old game for the 30th time

you can't make this shit up

Until they release a left Joy-con with a d-pad, VC is gonna be trash. Of course there's the pro controller, but VC would be perfect for portable mode since you could get a fair few hours out of that.

>backwards compatibly from the previous generation only (minus ps1 games)

You can't stick you N64 cartridges into your 3DS user.

Literally moving the goal posts

>release VC day one
>"LOL nintendo wants you to buy their 50 year old games for $20 again, how jew can they get?"
>don't release VC
>"nintendoomed, how dare they not have this day one? What a shit company"

Literally can't win with Sup Forums

Wii and Wii U didn't have VC on launch either, what's your point? people who are buying this are busy playing zelda anyways.

unacceptable it's not even out yet and already people are finding problems
pretty shitty too

how will video games recover

not him but those are a given people already made fun of them now we're moving on

>can only afford to play on one system

> implying there is a system better than the PC

But the PS4 has multiple great games, shill.

____ __ ____ ________ ____ __

>spending 300 dollars just to play old games
why would you do this

>implying one system can play all games

Can posting this really get you arrested?
We are not in Best Korea
>coke zero meter

Defend this.

>inb4 you have to rebuy all your VC titles from WiiU with a friendly Nintendo discount :^)

>buy Shovel Knight on WiiU
>3DS version comes out
>no cloud saves
>have to buy it again

It has Bloodborne, gravity Rush 2, and nioh

>If I don't have Mario Galaxy games and Metroid prime trilogy on the switch I'm going to bomb Nintendo

you won't.
Nintendo went full Sony retard this time.
No backward compatibility.
And trying to sell morons 3 or 4 year old games again for full price.

Which also means that they have to port games. Which means it costs money. Which means they won't do it for niche series like Metroid.

Metroid Prime Trilogy 10 bucks on eShop release was possible because of perfect B/C only.

Dolphin works on a phone and if nintendo is lazy enough to download roms, they're lazy enough to download emulators.

>3 games

At least It has more games than the Switch

>But the PS4 has multiple great games, shill.

ha, very funny user.
I just spit out my morning coffee.

>Dolphin works on a phone

That's like saying Last Guardian works on PS4.

Tell me about it.
>MK8 on Wii U
>Zelda on Wii U
That leaves Spla2n and Mario. No doubt Mario will be delayed until 2018, and I got bored with Splatoon pretty quickly.
If I'm really thirsty for Mario I'll consider picking up a switch this year, but I honestly can wait until black friday 2018.
Even then, no doubt a Switch refresh will come in 2019, so I can wait even longer until it builds a decent nintendo library.

Nintendo had better not fuck up the VC this time either. How they hell did they go from the Wii's excellent selection to the Wii U's?

This. Also give me rarer games like Sin & Punishment 2, New Play Control! Pikmin 1 and 2, and so on. Also get third-parties on board so they can release shit like TvC, maybe even with online play.


>How they hell did they go from the Wii's excellent selection to the Wii U's?

Is there somewhere I can compare the two?

Wait really?
If I can get a source on this I'm gonna be pleased as punch.

>But sony!

Sup Forums >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I loved how the 3DS was turning out when it first launched with 3d enhanced VC titles but then Nintendo dropped that shit and Sega picked up the ball and totally shoved it down their throats with their 3D classic releases
Plus who needs to re-buy or 'upgrade' SMB again for the Switch?

If you're buying a Switch at launch, you're buying it to play BotW, not 30 year old NES roms you can download for free.

If it had VC at launch then people would expect them to deliver on the free rom for the online trial.

Do you think Nintendo is going to let people play their games for free?

>How they hell did they go from the Wii's excellent selection to the Wii U

First of all, the Wii's VC library is available on the Wii-U via the virual Wii.

Second of all, they would have had to get the rights for all the games again to put it on the Wii-U.

This is the same reason why you can't play your PS1 classics on a PS4.

>but sony!

everytime with you fucking toddlers

Not even participating in this thread and your opinion is already discarded.

- $300 (remarkably overpriced, you can buy a
bundled PS4 or Xbone for less RIGHT NOW)
- Less powerful than the PS4 and Xbone
- 32GB internal storage (another $20 - $200 if you want more with micro SD)
- No internet browser, which is insane considering even a $40 Kindle
has one included by default
- No backwards compatibility, Wii U Pro controller isn't compatible either
- Paid online subscription is $20 a year (note that Nintendo has never
shown competence in online play)
- Absolutely laughable 2.5 hour battery life
- $110 for another pair of Joy Cons (if you have friends)
- $30 charger grip (the bundled grip is only a plastic shell that does
nothing else)
- $70 pro controller
- $50 for a single Joy Con
- $90 for another Switch dock
- The Switch dock literally does nothing other than: charge, hold up
your Switch, and connect to your TV (so it has no “extra processing
- Not bundled with a game like the original Wii had so that’s another $60
- 1-2 Switch is a glorified $50 demo (that should’ve been bundled)
- Online chat done through an app on your phone (when there’s already
- 720p resolution (maybe 1080p when docked defeating the point of the system)
- 30 FPS (maybe 60 if docked still defeating the point of the system)
- Battery is NOT user replaceable (batteries lose capacity as they age)
- USB type C cables to worry about (cheap USB-C cables can destroy your system)
- Carrying a battery bank (another thing to lug around)
- Only big launch title is Zelda (which is also coming for the Wii U)
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild is only 900p, 30 FPS
- Other big games are coming the remaining 9 months of the year
- Wi-Fi only (no 4G or LTE support like every expensive tablet)
- No multimedia support (no Netflix/Hulu/etc.)

you phone has an emulator for all that shit and your gonna need that phone for multiplayer voice chat anyways

Huh, I didn't know the wii u vc had less games than the wii, I live in the uk, what are some notable ones that got removed?

>One worthwhile game that anyone gives a shit about at launch (Zelda)

>Don't get the second worthwhile game (Odyssey) until near the end of the fucking year

>$300+ pricetag, even after the fucking embarrassment that was the Wii U

Nintendo needs to just die already.

I don't even care anymore.

It's just a soft launch. There'll be VC by November.

>3d enhanced VC titles
Those exist? I thought only Sega did those. (and they rock. all that sweet parallax scrolling in 3d streets of rage 2)

>original Wii VC had a great VC with support for Sega, Neo Geo and other classic systems, and only needed more N64 support and maybe a few more SNES and Genesis titles to be perfect
>Wii U comes out
>it has absolutely nothing and literally has to rely on Earthbound to sell it
>no good N64 titles
>no support for classic systems beyond Nintendo ones
>not even any plans for Gamecube games
>and now, the Switch ditched it altogether

I will never not be pissed about this. Why did they abandon it, lads?

3D Classics. There's Kirby's Adventure (even though the GBA remake exists), Kid Icarus, Xevious, Twinbee, Excitebike, and maybe something else I forget.

I don't want VC on the Shitch, I want more VC titles on the 3DS.

Enough is enough with these shitposts, Sonyfags are literally grasping for straws right now.


They are jap jews. If they do it, they would kill their portable market.

Think about it. A portable device, which is also can be played at home AND has support for VC.

t. nintoddler fanboi faggot.

yeah but with that BUNDLED console you still need to buy a TV or MONITOR TO PLAY IT.
checkmage sonxnigger

If you're buying a new system to play old games, you have a problem

3d really looks a lot better on 16 bit era and up games though, a lot of those games have flat color backgrounds which really take away from the impressiveness of the depth brought on by 3d.

Who cares, it'd be some NES and SNES games at best which you can easily emulate.

N64/GC games that are bitches to emulate are the only things worth caring about.

maybe they will finally do a perfect emulation instead of the shit that was the wiis and wiius VC...maybe

That isn't even a complete list

Don't care about the console war Shadow. Just calling you out as a witless low-energy edgelord. I own pc, ps3/4, gc/wii/3ds so I guess you're technically right. Go ahead and call me it again, maybe if you do it well enough this time I'll stop laughing at you.

>buy a new console
>first thing you want to do is buy games on it from 3-5 generations ago

>Want to play games from this generation
Hello rebbit

>paying for Roms

why would anyone ever do this?


Literally one of the cheapest console launch prices of all time.

>You can get a PS4 and Xbone for the same price as the Switch

They're a few years old now, why not just wait a few years on the Switch I'm sure it'll drop to like $200 if you're patient

>Less powerful

Its as good as an Xbox One, hell maybe slightly better because the OS isn't hogging a bunch of power for shit like watching TV and other crap.

>32gb of storage

Yeah it's pretty small but with no game installs, you're gonna be just fine. If you want to go 100% digital a 256gb microSD is only $50-$60

>No internet browser

A lot of systems don't have the browser at launch, it'll probably come later down the road. And if it doesn't, who cares you probably own a million other things that can do it. With the single exception of the Wii U's browser, console browsers suck anyway.

>No backwards compatibility

Yo what's poppin PS4. Backwards compatibility can technically count as VC which is inevitably coming.

>Paid online

And its a third of the price of the competition.

>2.5 hour battery

For Zelda. On max brightness with WiFi on without any breaks. It varies per game, for example 1 2 Switch which isn't doing much onscreen lasts the full 6~ hours

>$110 for pair of Joycons

*$80 and its warranted for all of the tech in them

>$70 pro controller

Ok? $120 Xbox Elite Controller. $65 Standard PS4 and Xbox One controllers. $100 for 2 PS Move controllers that are literally the most shite primitive tech in the world (light and camera sensors)

>Not bundled with a game

Besides the NES and Wii, what systems were bundled with a game completely free of charge at launch?

>720p in tablet mode

The screen is small and looks great. It doesn't need to be 1080p

>30fps tablet mode

Thats something that would be on a per game basis. Link Between Worlds runs at 120fps in 3D mode on the potato hardware that the system is.


I want waifufags to realize their game is shit.

Does anyone know if the NeoGeo games will have online play?

Nope we don't know.

>its ok when nintendo does it


They are a hackpoint.
Like browsers.



>console cucks need virtual consoles on their consoles so they can pay again for old games they already own
>meanwhile pc masterrace plays all of their old games for free

Would you shut the fuck up?
Also what's the point of having a super PC If you'll play old games on It anyways?

No, it's ok because everyones doing it

I'm going to play the new zelda pretty soon after launch at stable frame rates and higher resolution while you get to play it with unstable frame rates at 720p

Also it might run at higher fps later