*joins your team*

*joins your team*

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there is literally nothing wrong with genji


i dont play "team" games
they are for simple minded pathetic losers who are afraid of responsibilities and lack attention and focus


just please come back to me when you need healing


> Hate Genjifag mains
> Can't deny that Genji is effective


>hit me one time with shuriken + shift = instant kill
>start ult on group of my teammates then turn away to solo ult me
I hate you

Whats the best counter for weeb robot?

>Genji plops down near my team and activates deflect
>Proceed to smack his ass with my hammer
>mfw Genjifags still haven't learned that Reinhardt is the biggest counter to them
It amazes me how criminally underrated tracking is to Reinhardt players. Everyone says learn how to pin and shield, but never mention tracking the fast fucks that a lot of shitters don't know how to deal with.

Peanut butter

Winston is a much better counter to Genji than Rein. If a Genji is attacking a Rein directly instead of avoiding him, they are doing something extremely wrong. They can't escape the hot monkey dick like they can escape a Rein.

>Proceeds to go all match not getting a single kill and not ulting once

This faggot had 38 hours of ONLY Genji and was somehow in the 2900 range.

mei, easy

Sombra hack his nigger ass and watch him flee in sheer panic

Its highly entertaining

Reinhardt, McRee, or another Genji.

McRee's stun is legitamtely overpowered, it interrupts pretty much everything in the game. As long as you don't throw it directly at Genji and shoot for the AoE, you'll get him. Then just fan him. Don't listen to the retards who say to aim a good headshot, Genji is too fast he'll get away.

This, I hate his E balanced or not

Sym and Wintson are bigger counters. If you're beating Genji are Rein, you're playing against shit Genji's.

Winston due to Genji cannot do shit against him

> High health means swiftstrike doesn't work
> Can't deflect fucking electricity
> Swiftstriking away means Winston will jump with him and rape him with his gorilla cock

No, good Genjis wait for a fight to start then jump in the middle of the enemy team harassing healers. As soon as someone shouts "GENJI" I turn around for two seconds and swing wildly getting a hit marker. Then he scatters off because he doesn't want any of that.

okay but what if you're playing against a genji who isn't retarded?

overwatch is pleb garbage kys



Mercy's sidearm.

rein is a counter to genji the way bastion is a counter to pharah, if they're really shit

I'm diamond in comp, I'm obviously not the most pro player out there but diamond players know how to play. I'd even argue that is where 100% of retardation is rooted out and kicked back to platinum. I don't think you'll ever find a shitter above platinum. Most people who play like dogshit in comp are doing it on purpose either to troll or drop their SR for easier wins.

but it's fun


Why is Zenyatta so fucking FUN?

Ther isn't the problem is he attracts bad players to him when his skill ceiling is really high and he is supposed to be used very specifically. I see so many Genjis trying to tank because they think reflect = god mode.

flashbang has no fucking range whatsover,all he needs to do is harrass him from a medium distance and then mcree has zero options:
>shoot and get deflected
>try and out maneuver him with your shitty roll
mcree is about the worst possible counter to genji


>McRee has zero options
Or he could, y'know, shoot him in the head like any decent McRee could do.

>But Genji can deflect!
Yeah for like two seconds.

He's literally the anti flanker dps.

Winston, can't deflect his electricity and winstons jump has a shorter cooldown than swift strike
McRee, flashbang aoe

>Yeah for like two seconds.
at which point he disengages til cooldown

A surprising amount of damage.

No, as genji you just dash into mccree and M2 + melee him. You use deflect if he starts shooting you away from your reach. Because you want to save it for the flashbang

You need a cock slap.


What pisses me off the most about Genji is he reflects EXPLOSIVE damage. If I explode something in front of him it reflects back that s bullshit. Reflecting rockets and pills is retarded but what ever they are projectiles but how the fuck does he reflect fucking explosive energy?

Junks carbomb should counter Genji hard instead I just fucking kill myself.

he can't triple jump anymore as a result of a knee jerk nerf

>junk main


Its just a pet peve of mine. Its easy enough to kill them as junk even when they reflect. Just aim slightly to the left or right and they explode at his feet. I've been called a hacker so many times in quick play because of it.

mfw plat genji main and not even ashamed

>tfw you end your game with gold elims,healing,damage, and objective time as zen

>mcree r counter to genji cuz he can shoot him

I know I'm late, but you guys are retarded.

Or you bronze or something?



So you are an average player?

Why are hitboxes so shit in this game? It's impossible to hit a Genji jumping around.

should zen be expected to solo heal? I don't play him because i cant hit shit with him so I don't know. I tend to wait and see if the team needs a tank or healer but when the only healer is zen im never certain. I've had games go both ways but its not like I play at a level where that means anything

>having the dead teammate symbol shown
>ult not ready
How does literally every art like this get this wrong?

>people said Genji was not super OP
>tfw he got heavily nerfed
totally nothing wrong with a hero that can one-shot half of the cast and is impossible to hit thanks to shitty hitboxes

Jesus, how much autism do you have?

Just enjoy the porn.

>Pick zen
>If there is a genji on our team and he is at least decent I'm the best healer for him
>Fought against so many genjis as zen that I can predict where they go and slap my balls on their faces
>My ult cancels the enemy genji's ult and makes my ally genji unkillable while he uses his
>Win all the matches when there is one genji on each team

Having custom voices for when I heal a genji and kill a genji is just the cherry on top.

Symmetra when using your ult on point capture, fucking lasers

>literally useless without his ult
>even if he ults he needs a coordinated team to support him and allow him to cut people up
>if you fuck up your ult once then congrats build ult for another 2 minutes before you can do something
genji is fucking cancer, atleast his brother can get lucky 1 shot kills

like why do people think these counter Genji? All he needs to do is dash away and they can't do anything against him.
Just how does he counter Genji? By "shooting" him?

And what is Genji going to do by dashing away? Helping his team by throwing random stars that deal shit damage from far away?

Genji is a close combat character, by making him run away you already countered him.

>12 y/o playing mccree
>"pls switch"
>"pls switch we need another healer":

>I end up rescuing your fucking team

Never get any thanks

How does it feel being below average?

Because all of those characters make it basically impossible to breach their back line for more than a couple of seconds, meaning all you can do as Genji is fling meme stars at people all game.

>hurr durr how does McCree (an anti flanker) counter Genji? (a flanker)
stop being silly

>payload a few meters from victory
>enemy comes running out of spawn blasting all their ultimates, tearing our team to pieces
>Alright, guys, it's just a minor setback, we've got a lot of time, let's hold it toge-
>Genji is with you
>Hanzo at your service

>Genji please switch you haven't killed anyone and you haven't even ulted yet
>Hanzo at your service


>Be Reinhardt main
>Get blamed by everyone

>Be Reinhardt main

Yeah fuck you guys, you don't know what suffering is until you are a Reinhardt main.

They aren't. You're bad

You know that is from the beta, right? Genji can't deflect Symmetra or Reinhardt primary attacks anymore.

>enemy team has a Reinhardt
>team never does anything, enemy Reinhardt keeps his shield up basically the entire match

>be Reinhardt
>enemy throws literally fucking everything at your shield the second you show up to bring it down in 2 seconds
>teammates run in front of your shield for no reason, then get hooked away by Streetpig
>die by being poked by five million ninja stars over three hours from that Genji nobody on your team is even attempting to scare off

Don't get me fucking started on when the enemy team has a Pharah.

*unzips beam*

>literally useless without his ult
Are you fucking stupid? He is pretty much the most annoying and hardest to kill hero. Also does a lot of fucking dmg.

>Team runs in front of your shield and gets hooked
You missed the part where they blame you for that

Genji doesn't get damaged by melee while deflecting.

*blocks your path*

This. I love playing sombra just to hack winstons and genjis.

How to spot a silverfag

>new to game
>main Pharah because Light Assault main in Planetside
>months later
>start maining Rein
>realize the suffering I've caused to the poor bastards who were no doubt already suffering

I mainly use Genji to counter Torbjorn and Bastion. Deflect gets rid of turrets very quickly.

>off season
>dont want to play anything else so remain playing this fucking game
>pick winston because i hardly play him
>everyone on QP are retarded and genju/hanzo/squishy mains
holy fuck this is fun.

Luckily someone makes this same video every month for some reason

>Deflect gets rid of turrets very quickly.
lol no it fucking doesn't

>Torbjorn and Bastion
t.console player.

>trying to get masters on the last day of the season
>bounced between 3400 and 3200 all day
>buckle down and start winning
>get to ~3450 SR, match in King's Row went to double overtime and taking forever
>SR at 3493
>because the match took so fucking long the season has officially ended

I was so mad. Has blizz said how they are gonna handle next season's SR in regards to this ones? I think I read somewhere that it drops you at the lowest possible SR in your 'rank' so if I go back to 3000 I'll be pissed

>headshoting tanks with zenny

Nothing more satisfying

People choose Torbjorn pretty commonly above 3500 on PC, buddy
Torbjorn is more common than Mercy
And Bastion is about to become meta

user its obviously a solo healing mercy with a wiped team about to get dicked by two weebs

>no more comp so trying to have fun somehow on QP
>pick mercy and act like a huge slut
>mfw at least 70% of the people play along/tolerate it

Enemy Pharahs have a secret passive ability and it's called "give everyone on your team the brain of a Genji/Hanzo main"

Can someone explain the 'PRO GENJI??' meme
I see it like half the time someone picks that hero

QP is full widowmaker hanzo on attack nowadays.

>someone plays as mercy and acts like a slut in the chat
>literally everyone ignores him as he talks to himself

Genji is only as good as whoever is playing as him. He's horrible in the hands of a scrub, but God Tier in the hands of an experienced player.

But he doesn't deflect Rein's hits like he does projectiles. He can literally only block one. So swing wildly into him until he either dies or fucks off.

not him but I only see him hollywood/eichenwalde/hanamura first point. 3800-4300

No shit, no need to change the subject though you could just not respond after getting proved wrong.

>Also does a lot of fucking dmg.
not since blizz cucked him. his damage output is actually among the worst in the game. assuming same skill levels, he loses or goes to stalemate against 3/4ths of the viable hero cast. even ana cucks him 1v1.

the only things making him not-awful are his ult and the guaranteed 50 aoe damage from the dash