Hey, let me point out the most obvious thing ever, "you can't be in two places at the same time"

>Hey, let me point out the most obvious thing ever, "you can't be in two places at the same time".
Can't argue with that logic, better surrender my whole army right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>explain that if he dies at the dam the legion dies with him
>decides that retreating and licking their wounds is a good idea

>Obsidian gives the speech skill an actual purpose
>casuals complain about it

It's almost like, stay with me, people have holes in their thinking.

>Hey Hitler, if you invade Russia, how will you hold the Western Front?

>comparing hitler's army to a group of tribals in leather skirts

Fuck off Adolf

There are historical precedents for this, like Pope Leo convincing Atilla the Hun to turn back when he almost had Rome.

it's for roleplayers not realism

We aren't even sure how he did that.

shut up shut up shut UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!



*runs to NMA pony safespace*

Provided Stalingrad didn't happen, it would have worked.


triggered obsidicuck?

no it wouldn't, the Germans had lost the war long before Stalingrad


Stalingrad only happened because it was a fractured army due to gross incompetence. If you ever played Victoria you would quickly realize the problem

>Engage with one force
>Slaughtering your enemy easily
>They keep throwing men to the meat grinder, wearing your forces down and supplies
>Surround you so you can't make an escape
>You dont even pull your army out when theres a change too
>You can't pull troops out, meaning no troops ever regain organization or reinforcement
>They finally fall
>lose all your troops

T. britcuck

Fuck off Todd

for a super intelligent cyborg goo man, the master really should have put more research in to his plan before shoving all those people in vats

>the fan base bethesda sought to cultivate cant handle well writen world building and character design
>proceed to complain about it while alt tabbing out of their settlement builder game

>Sup Forums constantly trashes on FO3's "no eden u need to die"
>Defends FO:NV's "dude 2 places at the same time is a no-no"

>character is excessivley proud of overshadowing the former legate and his shortcomings/failures
>convince him that taking the dam in their current condition would not only be remembered as arrogance/hubris, but would collapse the entire legion due to the struggles of holding it
>somehow this is unreasonable

lanius is proud and afraid of having that pride damaged. convincing him to fuck off is entirely reasonable considering you have to max your speech skill (not that hard since tag skills are a thing and new vegas is stupidly easy in the first place)

assuming for the sake of argument that the war wasn't already unwinnable for the Germans from the beginning, Stalingrad was a gamble on the part of the Germans to seize the oilfields in Southern Russia and re-establish stalled momentum from their failed offensive in Operation Barbarossa.

I think there was no way the Germans could've won in pretty much any scenario (their nuclear program was a joke and they could never invade Britain, so at a certain point worst-come-to-worst the US/UK would just start nuking the fuck out of them eventually), but at the very least they definitely couldn't win when they initially didn't seize Moscow, which happened before Stalingrad.

The problem with vidya is the monopoly, example, if someone other than rockstar did games similar to GTA but with realism, Rockstar could have kept doing fun GTAs like vice city and san andreas instead of le epic action movie bullshit like IV and V. Same goes for fallout, some other company could make a post apocalyptic action game, but instead, bethesda transformed fallout into an action game. Prove me wrong.

Im dissapointed you couldnt point out to Frank Horrigan he was a super mutant so he shoots himself.

Normals were going to be breading stock. The vault dwellers point was that he cannot claim his people are perfect.


there are tons of issues with NV even in the writing but you can't point it out because you get brigaded by sawyers perso- i mean rpgcodex and NMA

This. I'd argue that the courier's argument might actually not be entirely true, because the Legion is much more organized and efficient at everything they do, and that the act of preying on Lanius' insecurity of failure is what wins the day.

>convincing an advanced AI to kill itself because its an AI is the same as challenging the leader of a people to recognize the faulty plan he's got with logic and reason

Nail yourself to the hoover dam profligate

Didn't the Master say that normals were going to be sterilized though?

I think the point was to only have one race, the super mutant race, so yeah, something had to be done about the normie problem.

>hey we should talk things ou-
Shut the fuck up and die.

Maybe he told Atilla that he couldn't be in two places at once.

This is good design.
The whole "Hey man, i know we are sworn enemies but your opinion does not seem right tho" never made much sense to me.

Frank Horrigan is firmly convinced he's still purestrain human and no mutie propaganda would convince him otherwise

This is funny considering Sup Forums criticized the showdown with Kellogg in 4

>Hey Atilla, if you're sacking Rome, who will be sacking those barbarians?

>le Sup Forums is one person meme
The guy you quoted is still wrong, but come on.

>Lanius, the Mojave is a trap to an army that operates the way the Legion does
>Courier, you are right, it reminds me of another situation just like this where we almost lost capturing worthless land in Denver


Actually, if you listened what other legionaries talking about him, you can see that everyone is telling different story about his origin, which means he's full of shit and just myth made up by Caesar. There is nothing special about him. Also, Caesar supposed to be dead by this moment, if you not doing legion ending. Nothing stops him from just bailing.

>try to make a thread
>can't because it says I haven't filled out capcha even though I have
Whatever, this is a test to see if I can still post. Also, post your favorite weapons

It was the only thing that made sense.

To be honest, Fallout 4 had a good overall story idea. It's execution of it, handling of the minor elements, and the fact that it was a Fallout title ruined it.

Uh does any ending require you to kill Caesar? I dont think you get a chance with NCR and House literally says not to do it.

>not amber

>there is nothing special about him
He is a super soldier guy who's fucking crazy at the least


A webm is not a stream, it is a webm

The Boone ending.

>if you take the Dam you'll have the same problem as the NCR in terms of being spread thin
>except worse because the Legion is just a bunch of fucks who want to kill everything without Caesar
>NCR will no doubt win by the point that I am confronting you, you can either retreat and keep the Legion together while building up an army and keeping the NCR boogeyman in place or let the entire thing fall apart at the end
>You're right, I don't want the Legion to get buttfucked, as shitty as this is to have to retreat it makes more sense

are you not streaming the webm or do you download them all before you open them

>creates a faction leader that makes the most sense
>make everyone under him a moustache-twirling dunce
I would have followed this man if the next two people in line weren't bloodthirsty, glorified bandits. Especially since he almost ends up dying in is own damn questline

Frank Horrigan is a perfect adonis, you fucking mutie scum.

Except you're not sworn enemies with Lanius in Vegas. You just met with him.

Seems like you never did legion ending. I don't want to spoil it for you.

Hmmm, okay!

>army is retreating
>"Oh noes, we got ambushed by the NCR with their VTOLs because our logistics sucks, where are the fucking trucks in this world"?
>dies anyway

I'm honestly surprised he didn't groom a proper successor. He's smart enough to know he won't be around forever and knows the people he normally recruits aren't smart enough to carry on his ideology without him.

>by the NCR with their VTOLs
It's funny because you need to make things up

to be fair this can only be found out, and you can only convince him of it, by evidence-gathering on the player's part, so it's really satisfying to pull off

much much better than "you're an abomination kill yourself lol"

>makes the most sense
>a psychopathic manchild with a brain tumor

>After the defeat of the Enclave on the west coast and sacking of Navarro, the NCR captured several Vertibirds and started to operate them in a cargo transport role. One is known to have been converted to a presidential transport, labeled Bear Force One.
It's like, your enemies are the roman empire and you have VTOLs and gunpowder.

>kill prostitute
>lose karma

>slavery makes the most sense

They aren't using any vertibirds in the Mojave dipshit.

>not flubbing the final speech check so you can just murder his bitch ass anyway

I bet you convinced Saren to an hero instead of putting the bullet in him yourself, nerd.

name a single successful civilization that was not built off slavery

You don't see them doing so, but it's easy to assume they're going to deploy them during full-scale battles

Intelligence and education don't prevent one from being delusional or out of touch. Especially if you have exactly zero peers around you to keep you in check.

It's a hard fight

The mojave is literally next to their capital if you check a map of their holdings.

It's like, they never get a single mention in the game outside the one that flies to Hoover Dam, so they don't actually exist and aren't a factor in any discussion of the military forces of the Mojave

It's like, in seven years someone with some sense could have used these VTOLs, which don't exist, to harass the Legion and cripple their supply lines over the border in Arizona

It's like, after 7 years of that not happening, anyone who isn't a blatant NCR cocksucking fanboy would realize this is not an option available to them

Hell, even House tried to groom a possible successor.
It's not his fault Benny tried to turn "possible" into "definite."



Not to mention that the Legion uses firearms all the time.

slavery makes alot of sense economically

If they had them on hand they'd have used them already to harry supply lines or mobilize troops more efficiently. Being "literally next to the capital" means nothing if they're still not using them.

A shame Benny is so stupid. If you set him free, he was supposed to ambush you in the desert at one point, but they dummied that out. I kill him with satisfaction knowing he cannot be trusted.

I'd say persia but they got shitter shattered at the height of their power by barbarians twice, with the first time destroying their culture and the second replacing their religion.

If you actually played the game and payed attention, you would know that NCR government invest as little as possible into Mojave expansion.

Name a single post-antiquity civilization that relied on slaves and wasn't a backwards shithole propped up by other nations for political reasons. Slavery is about the least efficient and effective use of human resources you can resort to.

Literally all of them until the 1700's.

nuka-break and any fanmade fo stuff is annoying existance

>he was supposed to ambush you in the desert at one point
Don't you use uncut mods? I have one that restores that. It's funny, especially since it first occurred while I was trying to fix the Helios plant

Alexander the Great was actually quite fond of Persian Culture and tried to mix a bunch of it with Hellenism.

Haiti, i love how those blacks got rid of the european colonial goverment and now they are one of the best places to live in the world.

My favorite ending to the Benny storyline is telling him that you'll live out his dream for him, then giving him an honorable death in the arena.
It's satisfying, dramatic, and fulfills my need to have every unique item I can get my hands on.

>>A shame Benny is so stupid.
>literally hides among the Legion and forgets to undo his retarded ass pompadour, thus singling him out to be captured

God, killing Benny felt so good. I always do the arena fight to kill him. Hacking his useless ass with a machete is the best way to kill him.

It still crippled their culture and made it get replaced by greek and later parthian one (No, parthians were not persians).

You might be onto something here...
>Combat prowess and brutality does not guarantee logistical and strategical brilliance

Didnt they had a howitzer too?

Not really.

Even had Moscow fallen and the rail lines been cut by it, that's still an absolutely insurmountable amount of land to cover with an army you built in only a few years from a comparatively small country, while also maintaining the Western front that the US was absolutely desperate to throw its hat into. Even if they'd never joined the war, the Lend-Lease program supplied more than enough materials for the British commonwealth to hold their own and begin pushing back. They'd have had to police a country the size of Russia (go look at a map of the world for a second) and fight a people that they'd said multiple times they planned to genocide.

Nazis and Bolsheviks could never exist in the same world. Russian peasants would never have rolled over for Hitler like other European countries did, because they knew they wouldn't be spared death or slavery. Germany never had a chance of conquering Russia and every one of his generals knew it.

Obsidishits everyone, more than happy to defend the Legion's awful writing.

At least doing it with Oliver makes sense since he's a well adjusted General, Lanius is just the person who would immediately gut the courier with his bumper sword soon as he said anything.

Yes Bethesda isn't the best we all know that, but you can't complain while sucking cock ya know.

'Relied on slaves', not 'profited from colonialism on the side'.



The ottomans

'and wasn't a backwards shithole propped up by other nations for political reasons'