I've seen many gameplay videos and it looks very fun to play but it just can't compare to Horizon in terms of graphics...

I've seen many gameplay videos and it looks very fun to play but it just can't compare to Horizon in terms of graphics. Why does Nintendo have to be behind the times in terms of power?

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they prefered to make a fun game instead of a cutscene simulator with real graphux

The sense of scale in botw looks much better to me. Watching the videos and viewing a large mountain in the background that you can climb just makes the game world feel huge. Botw also has a much greater sense of interactivity with the environment than horizon. It makes the world come to life.

Who cares about graphics. Not like any console can do good visuals anyways. I enjoy nintendo for gameplay, same with sony too.

RIP Xbox

Because it's a handheld game connected to your TV.

it's a wiiu game.

as time goes on graphics become a diminishing return

Nintendo can make any game they want now with any hardware they choose, unlike 20 years ago where it genuinely mattered

They're behind this time around because the Switch, despite having shit battery life, is technically a handheld system on some level.

It's not going to be as powerful as any home console because it isn't technically a home console, shitty as that is.

Not too bothered about the graphics but it's unacceptable to advertise it as a home console and then have the game perform worse while docked.

>it just can't compare to Horizon in terms of graphics

Maybe not in terms of texture resolution and such, but I greatly prefer Zelda's art style, and in terms of gameplay, which is what matters most, BotW is miles ahead. You can have your pretty game. I'll take my fun one.


As he said, it's a handheld game connected to your TV.

I love the way BotW looks, though. I wouldn't want it to look like Horizon.

>Horizon Zero Dawn has good graphi-

you're an idiot. im not really going to try harder to insult you here since youre not putting in any effort either. this game makes horizon zero dawn seem fucking awful and boring in comparison, graphics do not make a game good

Sometimes making a game fun takes importance over polishing a shallow game

Just goes to show how braindead the Western audience is when all they can wrap their head around is graphics and tone out the fact that they're dropped into a mediocre hand holding experience like every other AAA title in recent years

It looks good enough. Horizon can't compete with Crysis, Crysis 2, or Crysis 3, but nobody cares about that since it looks merely good enough. Anything >720p30 these days is perfectly functional.

Spending needless amounts of money to make a game look needlessly good is what caused video games to become so shit in recent years. Companies want to see a return on those $10 million dollar titles, so they become the most bland, generic games possible to attract the most customers. Graphics whoring has lead directly to the decline of video games as a whole, and this is coming from someone with a GTX1070 and an i7.

The game's art direction is fantastic. It looks great already, but the problem is that it could look so much better if the hardware were more competent. E.G, smoother frames, longer draw distances, more particle effects.

>so they become the most bland, generic games possible to attract the most customers

Nothing says Nintendo can't go for graphics and make a fun game too. In fact they could have done just that if they didn't decide to release an underpowered piece of shit again.

Most of their games actually look pretty good and would be stellar if they had a machine capable of a little AA. Fucking Mario Kart 8 jaggies man.

All they have to do is make something on par with the PS4 and they'd be rolling in normalfag bux too.

Who cares about graphics when the gameplay is good

PC games shit all over Horizon when it comes to graphics

Uh, yeah there is.

It's called a budget

I'll take a handheld over another shitty home console any day

Also Sony & Microsoft are giant multifaceted companies that can sell their consoles at a loss. Nintendo isn't able to do this.

>it looks very fun to play but it just can't compare to Horizon in terms of graphics

Go do your homework Seth.

>It's called a budget

Better graphics would get more people to buy the game m8. It's like Battlefield and fucking GTA and shit, half the reason people buy them is for the graphics.

>I'll take a handheld over another shitty home console any day

So you WANT to play games on a tiny screen with uncomfortable controls? At least the Switch has a tv mode.

>Also Sony & Microsoft are giant multifaceted companies that can sell their consoles at a loss. Nintendo isn't able to do this.

Sony and Microsoft haven't been selling at a loss this generation. Nintendo fucked up so hard they were selling the weak Wii U at a loss for a bit.

The margins on console sales aren't great anyway. They're better off making it cheap, getting a higher install base for their games.


It's like comparing Wind Waker to a "realistic" game from 2003. Horizon is going to look like outdated shit in a few years, while BotW will always look as good as you remember thanks to actual art direction

In 10 years horizon will have aged like milk while botw will remain timeless

Can't wait to play Wind Waker! OH WAIT

Why does it need good graphics?

>half the reason people buy them is for the graphics

Artstyle I can understand to a minor extent but raw graphical prowess is the pettiest shit.

I don't get your meaning


Wind Waker is kinda shit but the artstyle holds up fine. It's everything else that's the problem.

Leaking is happening

Yeah, can't wait to climb me some fucking UBISOFT TOWERS!!! Unveil my map, bruh! And you can CUT THE GRASS! SUCH GAMEPLAY

>Cut the grass, chop down the trees, it's such a game!
Wow sign me up nigga gonna cut some grass and chop some trees, that's the definition of compelling RPG gameplay and storytelling right there!!!

>Looks like dogshit cel-shading from 10 years ago, this has been used in dozens if not hundreds of titles

The graphics race was a mistake. It's like when fully-voiced games started getting popular and all the dialogue and narrative got worse as a result.

Huh? WW's art direction is fine. Are you going to say Okami looks bad because it isn't photo realistic?

>tfw 1080p144hz PC masterrace
>tfw don't give a FUCK about jaggies and just want good gameplay and a nice art style

The only reason I'm getting a Switch is because it's portable

I have a PC for graphics

Please stop, you are trying way too hard.

>My favorite overused meme art style is superior, the post.

This 100%
Go back to the Horizon thread

>I have a PC for graphics

Your PC can't play Nintendo games. You're gonna have to play gimped Zelda in 25 fps because Nintendo went the portable route.

Are you able to give me a better response?

Ocarina of Time, with it's incredibly dated graphics, is still fun to play because of how well it was designed. If HZD has awful mechanincs and isn't fun, it won't matter how it looks. It'll still suck ass.

Zelda still looks beautiful, but in a different way. However, I do agree that Nintendo fucked themselves over back in '06. I don't think that means BotW will suffer, though.

It's only gimped graphically, and my PC can play 90% of Nintendo games you tard.

If it wasn't portable, I would just wait a few years and emulate it.

Environment wise it isn't ass impressive but at least the characters in the game don't look like lifeless awkward puppet androids

I just want to play fun games, and sadly breath of the wild looks fun as fuck..
I'm not a nintoddler but this game might make me buy a Nintendo switch

>why is a low power draw mobile CPU less powerful than a console with desktop computer hardware

Really makes you think

I hope the graphics arms race never ends, if it did then developers would have to focus on gameplay.

Who the fuck cares about gameplay in fucking video games?

Because 2 products with similar hardware that both offer the same content is redundant enough, we don't need a 3rd

Because it is literally a last gen game.
Even mobile hardware has shown to be more powerful than it.

I'll sacrifice graphics for interactivity, every single time

Actually, it goes further beyond.
The hardware you cited is more powerful than the hardware the game was designed for.

>Even mobile hardware has shown to be more powerful than it.
Lol. The best that mobile can do is Unity tier tech demos

Obviously I'm talking about new Nintendo games

It's still a fuckton faster than the WiiU, the system Zelda was designed for.

And can run the full profile UE4 engine.

Well you can keep being butthurt about the Switch. I will enjoy mine (especially playing Zelda on my train to work) and then emulate the games in higher fidelity on my PC in a few years

March 3rd is still a few days away and Sonyggers are already this assblasted.


>Anyone who has witnessed streams, and has an opinion I dislike, is a fanboy of Sony

Sad life you must lead, lad.

You won't find a mobile game that looks better than a mid Xbox 360 game

because nintendo wants to scam their fans into buying cheap hardware at triple the price.

that said, horizon is trash and is not a good example to use. the only thing that compares to horizon is dog shit.

Nothing on android or IOS, at least for a few years will do that indeed, because they're locked by the Open GL ES 2.0 API.
It lacks basic shit you can find on D3D9/Open GL 2.1 and thus are pushed to the OG Xbox level of graphics.

But the Switch video chip is basically a full blown Geforce 920MX with improved fp16 performance and lpddr4 interface, and using a video API that allow you to use EVERYTHING.

it made me order a wii u from nintendo today

no joke, graphics matter less and less to me as I grow older. I would much rather have a good story, good music and good gameplay over good graphics (altough they still matter)

They can't handle the power of the nintendo. that's okay

only problem is everyone who has played it says they love it.

Someone hasn't played runescape...

sure thing journofag

>Anything >720p30 these days is perfectly functional
Somebody finally said it! Thank you.

Someone got the cooking Pacha?

I base my opinions on what I see, not what "reviewers" tell me, and I haven't seen anything from that game that looks fun.

Why do people keep comparing Horizon and Zelda? Horizon plays like a 3rd person shooter while Zelda is an action adventure game

ONLY for this type of game tho, fighting games, platformers, beat em up etc should be 60.

60 should be standard these days honestly

i'm slightly disappointed that zelda is 30 but it's not going to detract from the game meaningfully

Graphics are the least important part of a game

I've never seen a game from any of those genres that don't play at 60fps on any system.

Marketers were trying to hype it as a Zelda killer, and now it has become a meme

well im more than likely getting both Horizon and BoTW and imma enjoy them both

The prettiest games will look like shit 20 years from now (if anyone even remembers them). The funnest games will still be fun. I wish the PS4 had more games like Ratchet & Clank and Bloodborne, less games like Horizon, Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty. The games which are fun to play will always trump games which are pretty to look at.

I like how everyone touted Horizon as the Zelda killer, and now that Zelda's about to come out they all decide they're "too different to compare."

I'll try to help you out

Zelda was announced a long while ago, and since then the WiiU has been languishing with very few releases of note. The Xbox floundered with bad sales and title gettign cancelled. During this time, the PS4 started getting a few games that were not completely shit, like FFXV and Last Gardian and continued sellign fine, so the fanboys started getting smug. Sony pushing HZD as a flagship title, and a few journo brandishing it as a good game, they had the horrible idea to compare it to Zelda. After all, Nintendo is finished, for real this time.

Then gameplay of Zelda came pouring in, and now the poor little sonypony are facing a massive backlash.

It's actually easy to spot if you look. Zelda thread are mostly shitposter free nowadays, since they have no actual grips on them, so the shitposter are running with bluetooth ''problems right now. Nevertheless, they will get btfo on the 3rd and it will be amazing

Everyone needs to keep in mind that although they're still behind, they're significantly less behind than any of their other consoles. And that's always been Nintendo's thing. They know they can't win a graphics card war, so they try to make it fun instead.

If this were the year 1998, graphics would be a meaningful thing. These days it just doesn't matter. The addiction to graphics superiority is an industry mentality leftover from the 90s. Fun and creative design are what sets games apart today.

you cant base a game off watching someone else play it. There are some very fun games that are extremely boring to watch.

>muh graphics!
Graphicsfags are, no joke, the worst group on Sup Forums

I don't even like Horizon. I think it looks like every other action shooter made in the last 10 years. Just another RE4 clone

I used to think I couldn't hate anyone on Sup Forums more than PCucks, but at least they only wanted to play Bloodborne. Nintoddlers are legit delusional.

That's fine, we have different tastes. I hope you have a good time with both.

Most of it is due to pure hatred, IMO. After visiting both Zelda and HZD threads over the last month, I've come to the conclusion that Zelda fans are more concerened with hyping and enjoying the final product, while HZD fans froth at the mouth trying to tear down Zelda. HZD threads tear themselves apart due to shitposting; Zelda threads are tranquil as long as HZD fans don't show up.

TL;DR HZD fans are cancer due to misplaced hope, Zelda fans are just looking forward to their game.

Graphic whores are the ones literally killing the industry.

Oh fuck, this is an edit? That's great.

Because people are so obsessed with graphics over gameplay that all the games out there with the best graphics right now, All fucking suck and are easily forgettable.

Horizon has better graphics, but a week after its release and most people have already forgotten about it.
Zelda may have worse graphics, but those are games that are remembered for 20 years. I'll take that over some pretty looking flowers any day.

yet those minds are the ones that probably created the simulation we are in right now

>console game

OP confirmed to be uneducated white trash/nigger/spic

And guess what? It fucking sucks.

>Oh fuck, this is an edit?
No, it's an ingame screenshot.

>white nigger
Like Michael Jackson?

from your perspective im sure

That's okay about the graphics because they are still decent.

However, it shits on Horizon in every way that a video game can.